Package fm.liveswitch


package  android
 A MediaCodec video decoder.
package  audioprocessing
package  bzip2
package  diagnostics
package  dtmf
package  g711
package  g722
package  h264
package  h265
package  ivf
package  l16
package  matroska
package  ogg
package  openh264
package  opus
package  pcm
package  pcma
package  pcmu
package  sdp
package  stun
package  vp8
package  vp9
package  vpx
package  wave
package  yuv
package  yuv4mpeg


enum  AddressType
 Address types. More...
class  AecContext
 An acoustic echo cancellation context. More...
class  AecPipe
 An acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) pipe. More...
class  AesCounter
class  AesCounterContext
 Context for an AES counter. More...
class  AfbControlFrame
 An Application Layer Feedback control (RFC 4585). More...
class  AppControlFrame
 An RTCP APP packet. More...
class  ApplicationInfo
 Application information. More...
enum  Architecture
 A CPU architecture. More...
class  ArrayExtensions
class  ArrayListExtensions
class  Ascii
 ASCII encoding/decoding utility. More...
class  Asn1Any
class  Asn1Array
class  Asn1ArrayElement
class  Asn1ArrayOf
class  Asn1BitString
class  Asn1BmpString
class  Asn1Boolean
class  Asn1Class
class  Asn1Explicit
class  Asn1GeneralizedTime
class  Asn1GeneralString
class  Asn1GraphicString
class  Asn1Ia5String
class  Asn1Implicit
class  Asn1Integer
class  Asn1Null
class  Asn1NumericString
class  Asn1ObjectIdentifier
class  Asn1OctetString
class  Asn1PrintableString
class  Asn1Sequence
class  Asn1SequenceElement
class  Asn1SequenceOf
class  Asn1Set
class  Asn1SetElement
class  Asn1SetOf
class  Asn1UniversalString
class  Asn1UniversalTag
class  Asn1Unknown
class  Asn1UtcTime
class  Asn1Utf8String
class  Asn1VisibleString
class  AsymmetricKey
 An asymmetric key. More...
enum  AsymmetricKeyType
 Asymmetric key types. More...
class  AsyncLogger
class  AsyncLoggerBase
class  AtomicInteger
class  AtomicLong
class  AtomicMutex
 A managed mutex. More...
class  AudioBranch
 An audio branch. More...
class  AudioBuffer
 An audio buffer. More...
class  AudioBufferCollection
 An audio buffer collection. More...
class  AudioClock
 A clock used to raise audio data in appropriate intervals. More...
class  AudioConfig
 An audio configuration. More...
class  AudioDecoder
 An audio decoder. More...
class  AudioDepacketizer
 An audio depacketizer. More...
class  AudioEncoder
 An audio encoder. More...
class  AudioEncodingConfig
 Audio encoding configuration. More...
class  AudioFormat
 An audio format. More...
class  AudioFormatCollection
 A collection of audio formats. More...
class  AudioFrame
 An audio frame. More...
class  AudioLevelContext
class  AudioMixer
 A mixer that mixes multiple audio inputs into a single output. More...
class  AudioPacketizer
 An audio packetizer. More...
class  AudioPipe
 An audio pipe. More...
class  AudioRecorder
 An audio recorder. More...
class  AudioSimulcastConfig
class  AudioSink
 An audio sink. More...
class  AudioSource
 An audio source. More...
class  AudioStream
 An audio stream. More...
class  AudioSynchronizeQueue
class  AudioSynchronizer
 An audio pipe for synchronizing playout with other streams. More...
class  AudioTrack
 An audio chain. More...
enum  BandwidthAdaptationPolicy
 RTP packet header Extension support policies. More...
class  Base64
class  BaseDelegate< T extends BaseDelegate
class  BaseStats
 Base stats. More...
class  BasicAudioDepacketizer
 A basic audio depacketizer. More...
class  BasicAudioPacketizer
 A basic audio packetizer. More...
class  BasicVideoDepacketizer
 A basic video depacketizer. More...
class  BasicVideoPacketizer
 A basic video packetizer. More...
class  BigDecimalExtensions
class  Binary
 Common binary methods. More...
class  BitAssistant
class  BitrateMonitor
 A bitrate monitor. More...
class  BitrateNotification
 A bitrate notification. More...
class  BitrateRequest
 A bitrate request. More...
class  BooleanExtensions
class  BooleanHolder
 Class to hold a boolean value passed by reference. More...
class  BouncyCastleEcdsaCrypto
 ECDSA-based cryptographic functions.
class  Build
 Details about the current build. More...
class  BundleDescriptionManager
class  BundleGroup
enum  BundlePolicy
 The local bundle negotiation policy. More...
class  BundleTransport
class  ByeControlFrame
 An RTCP BYE packet. More...
class  ByteCollection
 A collection of bytes. More...
class  ByteExtensions
class  ByteHolder
 Class to hold a byte value passed by reference. More...
class  ByteInputStream
 An buffer of bytes that can be read sequentially. More...
class  ByteMap
 A map of strings to bytes. More...
class  ByteOutputStream
 An buffer of bytes that can be written sequentially. More...
class  CameraSourceBase
 A base class for camera-based sources. More...
class  Candidate
 A candidate. More...
class  CandidateInfo
 Candidate information. More...
class  CandidatePairInfo
 Candidate pair information. More...
class  CandidatePairReport
 Candidate pair report. More...
enum  CandidatePairState
 The state of a candidate pair. More...
class  CandidatePairStats
 Candidate pair stats. More...
class  CandidateStats
 Candidate stats. More...
enum  CandidateType
 The type of a candidate. More...
class  CandidateUtility
 Utility functions for candidate and candidate pair. More...
enum  CcmFirPolicy
 The CCM FIR policy. More...
enum  CcmLrrPolicy
 The CCM LRR policy. More...
enum  CcmTmmbnPolicy
 The CCM TMMBN policy. More...
enum  CcmTmmbrPolicy
 The CCM TMMBR policy. More...
class  CcmUtility
 A utility for codec control messages (CCM). More...
class  Certificate< TCertificate extends fm.liveswitch.Certificate
 A certificate to be used for secure communication. More...
class  CertificateInfo
 Certificate information. More...
class  CertificateStats
 Certificate stats. More...
class  Channel
 A channel. More...
class  ChannelClaim
 A channel claim. More...
class  ChannelClientConfig
 Channel client configuration. More...
class  ChannelClientLayoutConfig
 Channel client configuration. More...
class  ChannelConfig
 Channel configuration. More...
class  ChannelConnectionConfig
 Channel connection configuration. More...
class  ChannelConnectionLayoutConfig
 Channel connection configuration. More...
class  ChannelDeviceConfig
 Channel device configuration. More...
class  ChannelDeviceLayoutConfig
 Channel device layout configuration. More...
class  ChannelInfo
 Channel information. More...
class  ChannelJoinInfo
class  ChannelLayoutConfig
 Channel layout configuration. More...
class  ChannelReport
 Channel report. More...
class  ChannelUserConfig
 Channel user configuration. More...
class  ChannelUserLayoutConfig
 Channel user layout configuration. More...
class  CharacterExtensions
class  CharacterHolder
 Class to hold a character value passed by reference. More...
class  CircularBuffer
 A circular buffer. More...
class  CircularDataBuffer
 A DataBuffer that uses a circular buffer to manage data. More...
class  ClaimAction
 A claim action. More...
class  ClassExtensions
class  Client
 A LiveSwitch client. More...
class  ClientConfig
 Client configuration. More...
class  ClientInfo
 Client information. More...
class  ClientLifecycleObserver
class  ClientLifecycleObserverBase
class  ClientRegistrationInfo
class  ClientReport
 Client report. More...
enum  ClientState
 The state of a client. More...
class  ClientStateJson
class  ClientStateLedger
 Maintains a ledger of client state transitions with timestamps. More...
class  ClientStateMachine
 A state machine for Client states. More...
class  ClientStateRecord
 Represents a single Client state transition record with timing information. More...
class  ClientStateTransition
class  CodecInfo
 Codec information. More...
class  CodecStats
 Codec stats. More...
enum  CodecType
 A value used to indicate whether this codec is used to encode or decode. More...
class  Collection< T, TCollection extends fm.liveswitch.Collection
 A collection of values. More...
class  CollectionExtensions
class  Color
 A color. More...
class  CommonConstants
 Common constants. More...
enum  CompareResult
 The compare result in a sort operation. More...
class  Comparison
class  Connection
class  ConnectionBase< TConnection extends fm.liveswitch.ConnectionBase< TConnection, TStream, TAudioStream, TVideoStream, TDataStream, TDataChannel >, TStream extends fm.liveswitch.StreamBase, TAudioStream extends fm.liveswitch.IAudioStream, TVideoStream extends fm.liveswitch.IVideoStream, TDataStream extends fm.liveswitch.IDataStream< TDataChannel >, TDataChannel extends fm.liveswitch.IDataChannel
 Connection base properties/methods. More...
class  ConnectionCollection
class  ConnectionConfig
 Connection configuration. More...
class  ConnectionFactory
class  ConnectionInfo
 Connection information. More...
enum  ConnectionState
 The state of a connection. More...
class  ConnectionStateJson
class  ConnectionStateLedger
 Maintains a ledger of connection state transitions with timestamps. More...
class  ConnectionStateMachine
 A state machine for connection states. More...
class  ConnectionStateRecord
 Represents a single connection state transition record with timing information. More...
class  ConnectionStats
 Connection stats. More...
class  ConnectionType
 A connection type. More...
class  ConnectionUtility
class  ConsoleLogProvider
class  Constants
 A collection of platform-independent constant values. More...
class  ConstraintUtility
class  ControlFrameEntry
 RTCP frame entry. More...
class  Convert
class  ConverterControllerPair
class  CoreTransport
class  Crc32
 Calculates CRC32 checksums. More...
enum  CryptoLibrary
 A crypto library. More...
class  CultureInfo
class  DataBuffer
 Binary data buffer implementation. More...
class  DataBufferFramer
 A utility class that allows a continuous stream of data to be written to it with properly framed messages being read out of it. More...
class  DataBufferPool
 A data buffer pool. More...
class  DataBufferPooled
class  DataBufferPoolTracer
 A data buffer pool tracer. More...
class  DataBufferStream
 A data buffer stream. More...
class  DataBufferSubset
 A subset of a DataBuffer. More...
class  DataChannel
 A data channel. More...
class  DataChannelBase
 Data channel base properties/methods. More...
class  DataChannelCollection
 A collection of data channels. More...
class  DataChannelConstants
class  DataChannelInfo
 Data channel information. More...
class  DataChannelReceiveArgs
 Arguments for the data channel receive event. More...
class  DataChannelReport
 Data channel report. More...
enum  DataChannelState
 A data channel state. More...
class  DataChannelStateMachine
 A state machine for data channel states. More...
class  DataChannelStats
 Data channel stats. More...
class  DatagramSocket
 A datagram socket. More...
class  DatagramSocketCreateArgs
 Arguments for a datagram socket create event. More...
class  DataMessage
class  DatamessageheaderConnectionIdElement
class  DatamessageheaderDeliveryAttemptsElement
class  DatamessageheaderElement
class  DatamessageheaderTimeToLiveElement
class  DatamessageheaderType
class  DatamessageheaderUnknownElement
class  DataStream
 A data stream. More...
class  DataStreamBase< TDataChannel extends fm.liveswitch.DataChannelBase
 Data stream base properties/methods. More...
class  DataStreamInfo
 Data stream information. More...
class  DataStreamMediaDescriptionManager
class  DataStreamMediaDescriptionRequirements
class  DataStreamReport
 Data stream report. More...
class  DataStreamStats
 Data stream stats. More...
class  DateExtensions
class  DateTimeFormatInfo
enum  DateTimeStyles
class  DeserializeCallback
 Method signature for taking a property name and JSON value and assigning it to an object. More...
class  DiagnosticSampler
 A record that calculates the min, max, and average from integer samples. More...
class  DispatchQueue
 A dispatch queue. More...
class  Dns
 DNS utility methods. More...
class  DnsRequest
class  DoubleExtensions
class  DoubleHolder
 Class to hold a double value passed by reference. More...
class  DtlsBouncyCastleClient
class  DtlsBouncyCastleClientAuthentication
class  DtlsBouncyCastleClientProtocol
class  DtlsBouncyCastleServer
class  DtlsBouncyCastleServerProtocol
class  DtlsBouncyCastleUdpTransport
class  DtlsBouncyCastleUtility
class  DtlsCertificate
 A certificate to be used for DTLS communication. More...
enum  DtlsCipherSuite
 A cipher suite. More...
class  DtlsContentType
class  DtlsFactory
class  DtlsFingerprint
 A DTLS fingerprint. More...
class  DtlsHandshakeType
interface  DtlsIClient
interface  DtlsIServer
class  DtlsMessage
class  DtlsParameters
 A set of DTLS parameters. More...
enum  DtlsProtocolVersion
 DTLS protocol versions. More...
enum  DtlsRole
 A DTLS role. More...
class  DtlsTransport
enum  DtlsTransportState
class  Dynamic
 Supplies class instances with a key-value mapping to support dynamic property storage. More...
class  EcdsaCrypto
 ECDSA-based cryptographic functions. More...
class  EcdsaKey
 An elliptic-curve key. More...
enum  EcdsaNamedCurve
 A named elliptic curve. More...
class  Encoding
class  EncodingConfig
 Encoding configuration. More...
class  EncodingInfo
 Encoding information. More...
enum  EncryptionMode
 The encryption mode for the stream. More...
enum  EncryptionPolicy
 Indicates encryption policy for a connection. More...
class  Environment
class  Error
 An error. More...
enum  ErrorCode
 Error codes are six digit values, where the first three digits indicate component, while the remaining three digits particular problem with the component. More...
class  ErrorType
class  EventBatch
 An event batch. More...
class  EventInfo
 Event information. More...
class  EventOrigin
 Event origins. More...
class  EventType
 Event types. More...
class  ExternalNetworkInfo
 External network information. More...
class  FakeAudioSource
 A fake audio source. More...
class  FakeVideoSource
 A fake video source. More...
class  FecContext
enum  FecMaskType
 Forward error correction mask types. More...
class  FecPacket
class  FecPacketMaskTable
class  FecProducer
class  FecProtectedPacket
enum  FecProtectionMode
class  FecProtectionParameters
 FEC protection parameters. More...
class  FecRawPacket
class  FecReceivedPacket
class  FecReceiver
class  FecRecoveredPacket
class  FecRedPacket
class  FecSortablePacket
class  Feedback
 Control frame feedback. More...
class  FeedbackControlFrame
 An RTCP Feedback packet. More...
class  FileAssistant
 A utility class for reading/writing from/to a fm.liveswitch.FileAssistant#getFile. More...
class  FileStream
enum  FileStreamAccess
 A file stream access type. More...
class  Fingerprint
 A fingerprint. More...
class  FirControlFrame
 An RTCP full intra request (FIR) packet. More...
class  FirEntry
 An RTCP full intra request (FIR) packet entry. More...
class  FloatExtensions
class  FloatHolder
 Class to hold a float value passed by reference. More...
class  FormatInfo
 Format information. More...
class  FrameRateController
 A frame-rate controller. More...
class  FrameRatePipe
 A frame-rate pipe. More...
class  FrequentReadSynchronizedHash
 Synchronized Hash for inserts/removes. More...
class  FrequentReadSynchronizedList
 Synchronized List for inserts/removes. More...
class  Future
 A future. More...
class  FutureBase
 Future base properties/methods. More...
enum  FutureState
 The state of a future. More...
class  GenericNack
 A Generic NACK feedback message. More...
class  GenericNackControlFrame
 An RTCP Feedback RTP-Generic NACK packet. More...
class  Global
class  Guid
class  HashContext
class  HashContextBase
 A hash context. More...
class  HashMapExtensions
enum  HashType
 A hash algorithm. More...
class  HexDump
class  Holder
class  HttpFileTransfer
 Helper methods for downloading binary files. More...
enum  HttpMethod
 The method used by an HTTP request. More...
class  HttpRequest
class  HttpRequestArgs
 Arguments for sending an HTTP request. More...
class  HttpRequestCreatedArgs
 Arguments passed into callbacks when an HTTP request is created. More...
class  HttpResponseArgs
 Arguments for receiving an HTTP response. More...
class  HttpResponseReceivedArgs
 Arguments passed into callbacks when an HTTP response is received. More...
class  HttpSendFinishArgs
 Arguments for fm.liveswitch.HttpTransfer#addOnSendStart. More...
class  HttpSendStartArgs
 Arguments for fm.liveswitch.HttpTransfer#addOnSendStart. More...
class  HttpTransfer
 Base class that defines methods for transferring content over HTTP. More...
class  HttpTransferFactory
 Creates implementations of fm.liveswitch.HttpTransfer. More...
class  HttpWebRequestSender
 An HTTP web request sender. More...
class  HttpWebRequestTransfer
interface  IAction0
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with no parameters. More...
interface  IAction1
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with one parameter. More...
interface  IAction2
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with two parameters. More...
interface  IAction3
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with three parameters. More...
interface  IAction4
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with four parameters. More...
interface  IAction5
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with five parameters. More...
interface  IAction6
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with six parameters. More...
interface  IActionDelegate0
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with no parameters. More...
interface  IActionDelegate1
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with one parameter. More...
interface  IActionDelegate2
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with two parameters. More...
interface  IActionDelegate3
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with three parameters. More...
interface  IActionDelegate4
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with four parameters. More...
interface  IActionDelegate5
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with five parameters. More...
interface  IActionDelegate6
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with six parameters. More...
interface  IAsyncResult
interface  IAudioElement
 An audio element. More...
interface  IAudioInput
 An audio input. More...
class  IAudioInputCollection
 A collection of audio inputs. More...
interface  IAudioOutput
 An audio output. More...
class  IAudioOutputCollection
 A collection of audio outputs. More...
interface  IAudioStream
 Audio stream interface. More...
interface  IAudioTrack
 Audio track interface. More...
class  IceCandidate
class  IceCandidatePair
class  IceCandidatePairSynchronizedHash
class  IceCandidatePairSynchronizedList
class  IceCandidateSynchronizedList
class  IceCheckList
enum  IceComponent
enum  IceConnectionState
 The state of an ICE gatherer. More...
class  IceDatagramSocketManager
class  IceGatherer
enum  IceGatheringState
 The state of an ICE gatherer. More...
class  IceGatherOptions
enum  IceGatherPolicy
 The local policy for gathering candidates. More...
enum  IceKeepAlivePolicy
enum  IceLocalCandidateState
class  IceLocalReflexiveCandidate
class  IceLocalRelayedCandidate
enum  IceLocalRelayedCandidateState
class  IceParameters
 A set of ICE parameters. More...
enum  IcePolicy
 Policy indicating whether ICE connectivity checks are required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for a Connection) More...
class  IcePortRange
 An ICE port range. More...
class  IcePreferenceSpeedBlock
enum  IceRole
 An ICE role. More...
class  IceSendMessageArgs
class  IceSendRequestBeforeSendArgs
class  IceSendRequestCompleteArgs
class  IceSendRequestFailureArgs
class  IceSendRequestSuccessArgs
class  IceSendResponseArgs
class  IceSendResponseCompleteArgs
class  IceSendResponseFailureArgs
class  IceSendResponseSuccessArgs
class  IceServer
 An ICE server. More...
class  IceServerCollection
 An ICE server collection. More...
class  IceServerTest
 An ICE server test. More...
class  IceServerTestResult
 An ICE server test result. More...
class  IceSocketManager
class  IceSocketsServerPair
class  IceStreamSocketManager
class  IceTransactionManager
class  IceTransport
class  IceTransportOptions
enum  IceTransportState
class  IceValidList
interface  IConnection
 Connection interface. More...
interface  IDataBufferPool
 A data buffer pool interface. More...
interface  IDataChannel
 Data channel interface. More...
interface  IDataStream
 Data stream interface. More...
class  IdentityAudioPipe
 An audio pipe whose output matches its input. More...
class  IdentityVideoPipe
 A video pipe whose output matches its input. More...
interface  IDispatchQueue
 A dispatch queue interface. More...
interface  IElement
 An element. More...
interface  IEquivalent
 An interface for detecting equivalency. More...
interface  IFileStream
 A file stream. More...
interface  IFormatProvider
interface  IFunction0
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with no parameters and a return value. More...
interface  IFunction1
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with one parameter and a return value. More...
interface  IFunction2
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with two parameters and a return value. More...
interface  IFunction3
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with three parameters and a return value. More...
interface  IFunction4
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with four parameters and a return value. More...
interface  IFunction5
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with five parameters and a return value. More...
interface  IFunction6
 Generic functional interface for callbacks with six parameters and a return value. More...
interface  IFunctionDelegate0
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with no parameters and a return value. More...
interface  IFunctionDelegate1
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with one parameter and a return value. More...
interface  IFunctionDelegate2
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with two parameters and a return value. More...
interface  IFunctionDelegate3
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with three parameters and a return value. More...
interface  IFunctionDelegate4
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with four parameters and a return value. More...
interface  IFunctionDelegate5
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with five parameters and a return value. More...
interface  IFunctionDelegate6
 Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with six parameters and a return value. More...
interface  IInput< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
 An input. More...
interface  ILocalMedia
 Local media interface. More...
interface  ILog
 ILog interface for loggers. More...
class  ImageScalePipe
 An image scale pipe. More...
class  ImageSizePipe
 An image size pipe. More...
interface  IMedia
 Media interface. More...
interface  IMediaElement
 A media element. More...
interface  IMediaInput< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
 A media input. More...
class  IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TMediaInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection
 A media input collection. More...
interface  IMediaOutput< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
 A media output. More...
class  IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TMediaOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection
 A media output collection. More...
interface  IMediaStream
 Media stream interface. More...
interface  IMediaStreamMediaDescriptionRequirementsBase
interface  IMediaTrack
 Media track interface. More...
interface  IMediaTransport
class  Info
 Information. More...
class  IntegerExtensions
class  IntegerHolder
 Class to hold an integer value passed by reference. More...
class  InternalConcurrentDictionary
class  InternalConcurrentQueue
class  InternalConcurrentStack
class  InternalNetworkInfo
 Internal network information. More...
class  Invitation
 An invitation to join a channel. More...
enum  InvitationState
 The invite feedback states. More...
class  InviteFeedback
 A class containing the feedback from invite requests. More...
interface  IOutput< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
 An output. More...
interface  IPlatform
 Platform-specific methods. More...
class  IPNetwork
 An IP network. More...
interface  IPromise
 Interface for a promise that can be rejected. More...
interface  IRemoteMedia
 Remote media interface. More...
interface  IRtpHeaderExtension
 The interface that all rtp header extensions must implement. More...
interface  IScheduler
interface  ISendQueueTransport
class  Iso8601Timestamp
 Utility class to assist with ISO-8601 timestamp conversions. More...
interface  IStream
 Stream interface. More...
interface  ISynchronizableStream
 A synchronizable stream. More...
interface  ISynchronizer
 A media rendering synchronizer. More...
interface  ISystemClock
 A system clock interface. More...
interface  ITimeoutTimer
 A thread-safe class for running timeouts on asynchronous methods. More...
interface  IVideoElement
 A video element. More...
interface  IVideoInput
 A video input. More...
class  IVideoInputCollection
 A collection of video inputs. More...
interface  IVideoOutput
 A video output. More...
class  IVideoOutputCollection
 A collection of video outputs. More...
interface  IVideoStream
 Video stream interface. More...
interface  IVideoTrack
 Video track interface. More...
interface  IViewableMedia
 Viewable media interface. More...
interface  IViewSink
 View sink interface. More...
interface  IViewSinkableMedia< TView, TViewSink extends fm.liveswitch.IViewSink
 Viewable media interface with a view sink. More...
interface  IWebSocket
 Contract for an implementation of the WebSocket protocol v8. More...
class  JitterAudioPipe
 An audio pipe that wraps a jitter buffer. More...
class  JitterBuffer< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
class  JitterConfig
 A Jitter config. More...
class  JitterVideoPipe
 A video pipe that wraps a jitter buffer. More...
class  Json
 JSON utility class. More...
class  JsonChecker
enum  JsonCheckerMode
class  JsonProvider
 Base class for all JSON provider implementations. More...
class  JsonSerializer
 Provides methods for serializing/deserializing .NET value types to/from JSON as well as facilities for converting objects and arrays if appropriate callbacks are supplied to assist with the conversion. More...
class  LateDiscardContext
class  Layout
 A layout definition, including local and remote frame definitions. More...
enum  LayoutAlignment
 A layout alignment definition. More...
class  LayoutConfig
 Layout configuration. More...
enum  LayoutDirection
 Specifies the direction of the layout flow. More...
class  LayoutFrame
 A layout frame definition, including X/Y coordinates and width/height values. More...
class  LayoutManager
 A class that supplies simple video frame layout management. More...
enum  LayoutMode
 Specifies the layout mode that should be used. More...
enum  LayoutOrigin
 A layout origin definition. More...
class  LayoutPreset
 A layout preset. More...
enum  LayoutScale
 Specifies how an element should be scaled within a layout. More...
class  LayoutTable
 Defines the results of a layout calculation. More...
class  LayoutUtility
 Utility to assist with managing the layout of a combined video feed. More...
class  License
 A license. More...
class  LinkedList
 A linked list. More...
class  LinkedListEnumerator
 A linked list enumerator. More...
class  LinkedListNode
 A linked list node. More...
class  LocalAddress
class  LocalMedia
 A collection of local audio/video tracks. More...
class  LocalMediaBase< TLocalMedia extends fm.liveswitch.LocalMediaBase
 A collection of local audio/video track base methods. More...
enum  LocalMediaState
 The state of local media. More...
class  LocalNetwork
 Local network utility methods. More...
class  LockedRandomizer
 Thread-safe class providing access to a single fm.liveswitch.LockedRandomizer#Randomizer. More...
class  Log
 Log utility class. More...
class  LogConfiguration
class  LogContext
 LogContext structure to hold ambient properties that can be attached to log events. More...
class  LogEvent
 Details about a specific log event. More...
class  LogEventInfo
 Log event information. More...
class  LogEventLogProvider
 Simple log provider that writes log events to a local array. More...
enum  LogLevel
 The level at which to log. More...
class  LogProvider
 Base class for all logging provider implementations. More...
class  LogStashLogProvider
 A log provider that sends logs to LogStash. More...
class  LongExtensions
class  LongHolder
 Class to hold a long value passed by reference. More...
class  LrrControlFrame
 An RTCP layer refresh request (LRR) packet. More...
class  LrrEntry
 An RTCP layer refresh request (FIR) packet entry. More...
class  MacContext
class  MacContextBase
 A message authentication code (MAC) context. More...
enum  MacType
 A message authentication code (MAC) algorithm. More...
class  ManagedAutoReleasePool
 A managed thread. More...
class  ManagedAutoResetEvent
 Managed AutoResetEvent. More...
class  ManagedConcurrentDictionary
 A ConcurrentDictonary that maps to the appropriate platform version. More...
class  ManagedConcurrentQueue
 A thread-safe queue. More...
class  ManagedConcurrentStack
 A ConcurrentStack that maps to the appropriate platform version. More...
class  ManagedCondition
 A managed condition. More...
class  ManagedConnection
 A managed connection. More...
class  ManagedConnectionCollection
 A collection of connections. More...
class  ManagedCountdownLatch
 A countdown latch that will signal when the counter reaches zero. More...
class  ManagedLock
 A managed lock. More...
class  ManagedSocket
 A socket. More...
class  ManagedStopwatch
 A managed stopwatch. More...
class  ManagedThread
 A managed thread. More...
class  ManagedTimer
 A managed timer that will tick on intervals. More...
class  MathAssistant
class  McuConnection
 An MCU connection. More...
class  Md5Sha1HashContext
 An MD5-SHA1 hash context. More...
class  Media
 A collection of audio/video tracks. More...
class  MediaBase
 A collection of audio/video track base methods/properties. More...
class  MediaBranch< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TIElement extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaElement, TSource extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSource< TIOutput, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TSource, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TSink extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSink< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TSink, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TPipe extends fm.liveswitch.MediaPipe< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TTrack extends fm.liveswitch.MediaTrack< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TBranch extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBranch< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
 A media branch. More...
class  MediaBuffer< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer
 A media buffer. More...
class  MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
 A media buffer collection. More...
class  MediaCollection
 A collection of remote medias. More...
class  MediaComponentInfo
 Media component information. More...
class  MediaComponentReport
 Media component report. More...
class  MediaComponentStats
 Media component stats. More...
class  MediaConfig< TConfig extends fm.liveswitch.MediaConfig
 A media configuration. More...
class  MediaControlFrame
 A media control frame. More...
class  MediaDescriptionManager
class  MediaDescriptionManagerBase
class  MediaDescriptionRequirements
class  MediaDescriptionRequirementsBase
class  MediaFormat< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
 A media format. More...
class  MediaFormatCollection< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection
 A media format collection. More...
class  MediaFrame< TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame
 A media frame. More...
enum  MediaHeaderExtensionPolicy
class  MediaInfo
 Media information. More...
class  MediaIntent
class  MediaPipe< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TPipe extends fm.liveswitch.MediaPipe< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
 A media pipe. More...
enum  MediaPipeState
 The state of a media pipe. More...
enum  MediaProtocol
 The protocol used to carry media on a connection. More...
class  MediaReceiverInfo
 Media receiver information. More...
class  MediaReceiverReport
 Media receiver report. More...
class  MediaReceiverStats
 Media receiver stats. More...
class  MediaRecorder< TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
 A recorder. More...
class  MediaSenderInfo
 Media sender information. More...
class  MediaSenderReport
 Media sender report. More...
class  MediaSenderStats
 Media sender stats. More...
class  MediaSink< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TSink extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSink< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TSink, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
 A media sink. More...
class  MediaSinkBase
 Media sink base properties/methods. More...
class  MediaSinkInfo
 Media sink information. More...
enum  MediaSinkState
 The state of a media sink. More...
class  MediaSinkStats
 Media sink stats. More...
class  MediaSource< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TSource extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSource< TIOutput, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TSource, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
 A media source. More...
class  MediaSourceBase
 Media source base properties/methods. More...
class  MediaSourceInfo
 Media source information. More...
enum  MediaSourceState
 The state of a media source. More...
class  MediaSourceStats
 Media source stats. More...
class  MediaStats
 Media stats. More...
class  MediaStream< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TIElement extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaElement, TSource extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSource< TIOutput, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TSource, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TSink extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSink< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TSink, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TPipe extends fm.liveswitch.MediaPipe< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TTrack extends fm.liveswitch.MediaTrack< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TBranch extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBranch< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection
 A media stream. More...
class  MediaStreamBase
 Media stream base properties/methods. More...
class  MediaStreamInfo
 Media stream information. More...
class  MediaStreamMediaDescriptionManager< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
class  MediaStreamMediaDescriptionManagerUtility
class  MediaStreamMediaDescriptionRequirements< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
class  MediaStreamStats
 Media stream stats. More...
class  MediaTrack< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TIElement extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaElement, TSource extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSource< TIOutput, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TSource, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TSink extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSink< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TSink, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TPipe extends fm.liveswitch.MediaPipe< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TTrack extends fm.liveswitch.MediaTrack< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TBranch extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBranch< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
 A media track. More...
class  MediaTrackBase
 Media track base properties/methods. More...
class  MediaTrackInfo
 Media track information. More...
class  MediaTrackReport
 Media track report. More...
class  MediaTrackStats
 Media track stats. More...
class  MediaTransport< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection
enum  MediaTransportState
class  Message
 A message. More...
class  MessageInfo
 Message information. More...
class  MessageType
 A message type. More...
class  MetricMonitor
enum  MetricMonitorState
 Metric monitor states. More...
class  MetricMonitorStateChangeEventArgs
 Metric monitor state change event args. More...
class  MixerReport
 Mixer report. More...
class  MovingAverage
 A moving average. More...
enum  MultiplexPolicy
 The local policy for RTP/RTCP multiplex negotation. More...
class  MutablePair
 A mutable 2-tuple. More...
class  MutableUnit
 A mutable 1-tuple. More...
class  MutedConfig
 Muted configuration. More...
class  NackBuffer< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
class  NackConfig
 A NACK Config. More...
enum  NackPliPolicy
 The NACK PLI policy. More...
enum  NackPolicy
 The local policy for the use of generic RTP Negative Acknowledgements (NACK). More...
class  Native
enum  NetworkConnectionState
 The internet connection state of a client. More...
class  NetworkInfo
 Network information. More...
class  NetworkInterfaceInfo
 Network interface information. More...
class  NetworkTimeProtocol
 Utility class to assist with Network Time Protocol (NTP) conversions. More...
enum  NetworkType
 A network type. More...
class  NoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs
 Event arguments for OnNoMediaServersAvailable. More...
class  NoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs
 Event arguments for OnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable. More...
class  Nullable
class  NullableBigDecimal
 A nullable decimal. More...
class  NullableBoolean
 A nullable boolean. More...
class  NullableCharacter
 A nullable character. More...
class  NullableDate
 A nullable date. More...
class  NullableDouble
 A nullable double. More...
class  NullableFloat
 A nullable float. More...
class  NullableGuid
 A nullable GUID. More...
class  NullableInteger
 A nullable integer. More...
class  NullableLong
 A nullable long. More...
class  NullableShort
 A nullable short. More...
class  NullAudioSink
 An audio sink that discards frames. More...
class  NullAudioSource
 An audio source that raises nothing. More...
class  NullJsonProvider
 An implementation of a JSON provider that does nothing. More...
class  NullLogProvider
 An implementation of a logging provider that does nothing. More...
class  NullVideoSink
 A video sink that discards frames. More...
class  NullVideoSource
 A video source that raises nothing. More...
class  NullViewSink
 A video view sink that does nothing. More...
class  NumberFormatInfo
enum  OperatingSystem
 An operating system. More...
class  PacketizedAudioBuffer
 A AudioBuffer containing an RtpHeader. More...
class  PacketizedVideoBuffer
 A VideoBuffer containing an RtpHeader. More...
class  Pair
 A 2-tuple. More...
class  ParseAssistant
class  PathUtility
class  PayloadSpecificControlFrame
 An RTCP Feedback PS packet. More...
class  PeerConnection
 A peer connection. More...
class  PeerConnectionOffer
 A peer connection offer. More...
enum  PeerRole
 A peer role. More...
class  PendingPromise
class  Platform
 Platform-specific methods. More...
enum  PlatformType
 A platform specifc type. More...
class  PliControlFrame
 An RTCP Feedback PS-PLI packet. More...
class  Point
 A point (x and y coordinates). More...
class  Pool
 A pool of objects. More...
class  PoolStatistics
 Pool statistics. More...
class  PriorityQueue
 A priority queue. More...
enum  ProcessFramePolicy
 The policy on how a media input should process the frame. More...
class  Promise
 A promise. More...
class  PromiseBase
 Promise base properties/methods. More...
enum  ProtocolType
 A protocol type. More...
class  Proxy
 Proxy utility methods. More...
class  ProxyAuthCheckResult
 Proxy authentication check result. More...
class  ProxyCredentials
 Proxy credentials. More...
class  ProxyCredentialsCache
 Proxy credentials cache. More...
class  RandomExtensions
class  Randomizer
 Utility class for random values. More...
class  RateLimiter
class  RateLimiterRule
class  RecordingMode
 The recording mode helper. More...
class  Rectangle
 A rectangle (size and origin). More...
class  RedFecConfig
 RED Forward error correction (FEC) config. More...
enum  RedFecPolicy
 The local policy for the RED Forward Error Correction support. More...
class  Regex
 Utility class for parsing regular expressions. More...
class  RelayPort
 A MessagePort. More...
class  ReliableChannel
class  ReliableChannelPriority
enum  ReliableChannelState
enum  ReliableChannelType
class  ReliableRtcDcepDataChannelAck
class  ReliableRtcDcepDataChannelOpen
class  ReliableRtcDcepMessage
class  ReliableRtcDcepMessageType
enum  ReliableSctpPayloadProtocolIdentifier
enum  ReliableSctpProtocol
class  ReliableSendMessageArgs
class  ReliableTransport
enum  ReliableTransportState
class  RembControlFrame
 An RTCP receiver estimated maximum bitrate (REMB) packet. More...
enum  RembPolicy
 The local policy for the use of Receiver Estimated Maximum Bitrates (goog-remb). More...
class  RemoteCandidatePromise
class  RemoteMedia
 A collection of remote audio/video tracks. More...
class  RemoteMediaCollection
 A collection of remote medias. More...
enum  RemoteMultiplexing
class  RemoteReceiverStats
 Remote receiver stats. More...
class  RenegotiateRequest
class  RenegotiationManager
class  Report
 Report. More...
class  ReportBlock
 An RTCP report block. More...
class  ReportControlFrame
 An RTCP Sender or Receiver Report control frame. More...
class  RequestPromisePair
class  Resampler
 Utility class for resampling audio data. More...
class  ResetAudioPipe
 An audio pipe that clones each input frame and includes only the last buffer in its output. More...
class  ResetVideoPipe
 A video pipe that clones each input frame and includes only the last buffer in its output. More...
class  RingBuffer
class  RollingWindow
class  RolloverContext
class  Rpsi
 An RTCP reference picture selection indication. More...
class  RpsiControlFrame
 An RTCP Feedback PS-RPSI Control Frame. More...
class  RRControlFrame
 A receiver report control frame. More...
class  RsaCrypto
 RSA-based cryptographic functions. More...
class  RsaKey
 An RSA key. More...
class  RtcAudioTrackConfig
 A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible audio track configuration. More...
class  RtcLocalMedia
 A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible collection of local audio/video tracks. More...
class  RtcpDataChannelSignallingActivation
 An RTCP Data Channel Signalling Activation. More...
class  RtcpPacket
class  RtcpReportPacketHeader
class  RtcRemoteMedia
 A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible collection of remote audio/video tracks. More...
class  RtcVideoTrackConfig
 A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible video track configuration. More...
class  RtmpLayoutZones
 The LayoutZones defined in the RTMP custom MCU layout. More...
class  RtpArrivalTimeFilter
class  RtpAudioTransport
class  RtpControlFrame
 An RTCP Feedback RTP control frame. More...
class  RtpExtensionParameters
class  RtpFrameContext
class  RtpHeaderAbsSendTime
class  RtpHeaderDataDescription
class  RtpHeaderExtension
class  RtpHeaderExtensionElement
enum  RtpHeaderExtensionForm
class  RtpHeaderExtensionRegistry
class  RtpHeaderExtensionRegistryArgs
class  RtpHeaderExtensionRegistryElement
enum  RtpHeaderExtensionType
class  RtpHeaderSdesMid
class  RtpHeaderSdesRepairedRtpStreamId
class  RtpHeaderSdesRtpStreamId
class  RtpHeaderTextDescription
class  RtpHeaderTransportWideCC
interface  RtpIExtensionParameters
interface  RtpIFormatParameters< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
class  RtpInboundRtcp
class  RtpInboundRtp
class  RtpInterFrameDelay
interface  RtpIParameters
class  RtpJitterBuffer< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat
class  RtpJitterEstimator
class  RtpLastSenderReportInfo
class  RtpListener
class  RtpLossController
class  RtpMissingFrame
class  RtpOutboundRtcp
class  RtpPacket
 An RTP packet. More...
class  RtpPacketHeader
 An RTP packet header. More...
class  RtpPacketPair
class  RtpParameters< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection
class  RtpRawHeaderExtension
class  RtpReceiver< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection
class  RtpRoundTripTimeFilter
class  RtpSendBuffer
class  RtpSender< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection
class  RtpTransport< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection
class  RtpUnknownHeaderExtensionElement
class  RtpVideoTransport
class  Sample
class  ScheduledItem
class  Scheduler
class  SchedulerMulti
enum  SchedulerType
 Scheduler types for connections. More...
class  ScreenConfig
 A screen configuration. More...
class  ScreenSourceBase
 A base class for screen-based sources. More...
class  SctpAbortChunk
class  SctpAuthenticatedChunksParameters
class  SctpCapabilities
class  SctpChunk
class  SctpChunkListChunkParameter
class  SctpChunkType
class  SctpCommonHeader
class  SctpCongestionControlManager
enum  SctpCongestionControlPhase
class  SctpControlChunk
class  SctpCookieAckChunk
class  SctpCookieEchoChunk
class  SctpCookiePreservativeChunkParameter
class  SctpCookieReceivedWhileShuttingDown
class  SctpDataChunk
class  SctpDataQueue
class  SctpDynamicAddressReconfigurationSupportParameters
class  SctpErrorCause
class  SctpErrorCauseCode
class  SctpErrorChunk
class  SctpForwardTsnChunk
class  SctpForwardTsnSupportedChunkParameter
class  SctpGapAckBlock
class  SctpGenericChunk
class  SctpGenericChunkParameter
class  SctpHeartbeatAckChunk
class  SctpHeartbeatChunk
class  SctpHeartbeatInfoChunkParameter
class  SctpHostNameAddressChunkParameter
class  SctpInitAckChunk
class  SctpInitChunk
class  SctpInnerSctpTransport
enum  SctpInnerSctpTransportMode
class  SctpInvalidMandatoryParameter
class  SctpInvalidStreamIdentifier
class  SctpIPv4ChunkParameter
class  SctpMessage
class  SctpMissingMandatoryParameter
class  SctpNoUserData
class  SctpOutOfResource
class  SctpPacket
class  SctpPadChunk
class  SctpPadChunkParameter
class  SctpParameterType
class  SctpPartialReliabilitySupportParameters
class  SctpProtocolViolation
class  SctpRandomChunkParameter
class  SctpReceiveDataQueue
class  SctpReceiveMessageTracker
class  SctpRequestedHmacAlgorithmChunkParameter
class  SctpResendArgs
class  SctpRestartOfAnAssociationWithNewAddresses
class  SctpRetransmissionTimer
class  SctpSackChunk
class  SctpSendControlChunkQueue
class  SctpSendDataQueue
class  SctpShutdownAckChunk
class  SctpShutdownChunk
class  SctpShutdownCompleteChunk
class  SctpStaleCookieError
class  SctpStateCookie
class  SctpStateCookieChunkParameter
class  SctpStream
class  SctpStreamCollection
class  SctpSupportedAddressTypesChunkParameter
class  SctpSupportedExtensionsChunkParameter
enum  SctpTcbState
class  SctpTlvParameter
class  SctpTransmissionControlBlock
class  SctpTransport
enum  SctpTransportState
class  SctpUnrecognizedChunkType
class  SctpUnrecognizedParameterChunkParameter
class  SctpUnrecognizedParameters
class  SctpUnresolvableAddress
class  SctpUserInitiatedAbort
class  SdesChunk
 An RTCP source description chunk. More...
class  SdesControlFrame
 An RTCP SDES packet. More...
class  SdesItem
 An RTCP source description item. More...
class  SdesItemType
 An SDES Item Type. More...
enum  SdesPolicy
 Indicates Sdes policy for stream. More...
class  SendItem
class  SendQueue
class  Serializable
 Base definition for classes that allow serialization to/from JSON. More...
class  SerializeCallback
 Method signature for storing property values in JSON format in a hashtable. More...
class  Serializer
 Provides methods for serializing/deserializing .NET value types to/from JSON as well as facilities for converting objects and arrays if appropriate callbacks are supplied to assist with the conversion. More...
class  ServerAddress
 An IP address and port, along with optional public IP addresses for listening behind a 1:1 NAT. More...
class  ServerConnection
 A server connection. More...
class  SessionDescription
 A session description. More...
class  SessionDescriptionManager
class  SessionDescriptionManagerBase< TStream extends fm.liveswitch.StreamBase, TAudioStream extends fm.liveswitch.IAudioStream, TVideoStream extends fm.liveswitch.IVideoStream, TDataStream extends fm.liveswitch.IDataStream< TDataChannel >, TDataChannel extends fm.liveswitch.IDataChannel
class  SessionDescriptionRequirements
class  SessionDescriptionStreamMatcher
enum  SessionDescriptionType
 A session description type. More...
class  SfuConnection
 An SFU connection. More...
class  SfuDownstreamConnection
 An SFU receiving connection. More...
class  SfuUpstreamConnection
 An SFU sending connection. More...
class  ShortExtensions
class  ShortHolder
 Class to hold a short value passed by reference. More...
class  SignallingAdvice
class  SignallingBaseAdvice
class  SignallingClient
class  SignallingClientArgs
class  SignallingClientBase
class  SignallingClientRequest
class  SignallingClientResponse
class  SignallingClientSendState
enum  SignallingClientState
class  SignallingCompleteArgs
enum  SignallingConcurrencyMode
class  SignallingConnectArgs
class  SignallingConnectFailureArgs
enum  SignallingConnectionType
class  SignallingConnectSuccessArgs
class  SignallingDefaults
class  SignallingDeferredStreamState
class  SignallingDisconnectArgs
class  SignallingDisconnectCompleteArgs
class  SignallingExtensible
class  SignallingExtensions
class  SignallingFailureArgs
enum  SignallingFailureSource
class  SignallingHttpMessageTransfer
class  SignallingInputArgs
class  SignallingMessage
class  SignallingMessageBase
class  SignallingMessageRequestArgs
class  SignallingMessageRequestCreatedArgs
class  SignallingMessageResponseArgs
class  SignallingMessageResponseReceivedArgs
class  SignallingMessageTransfer
class  SignallingMessageTransferFactory
enum  SignallingMessageType
class  SignallingMetaChannels
class  SignallingOutputArgs
enum  SignallingReconnect
class  SignallingRemoteClient
class  SignallingReserved
class  SignallingSendQueueTransport
class  SignallingServerArgs
class  SignallingServerSubscribeArgs
class  SignallingServerUnsubscribeArgs
class  SignallingServiceArgs
class  SignallingServiceFailureArgs
class  SignallingServiceSuccessArgs
enum  SignallingState
 The signalling state of a connection. More...
class  SignallingSubscribeReceiveArgs
class  SignallingSubscription
class  SignallingSuccessArgs
class  SignallingWebSocketMessageTransfer
class  SimulcastConfig
enum  SimulcastMode
 The simulcast mode. More...
class  SimulcastNotification
 A simulcast notification. More...
enum  SimulcastStreamState
 A simulcast stream state. More...
class  SinkOutput
 A sink output (e.g. More...
class  Size
 A size (width and height). More...
class  Sli
 An RTCP slice loss indication. More...
class  SliControlFrame
 An RTCP Feedback PS-SLI packet. More...
class  SmoothingContext
class  Sort
 Encapsulates useful sorting utilities. More...
class  SoundConverter
 A pipe that converts sound. More...
class  SoundReframer
 A pipe that reframes sound chunks into different durations. More...
class  SoundReframerContext
 A sound reframer context that can reframe sound chunks into consistent durations. More...
class  SoundUtility
 Sound utility methods. More...
class  SourceInput
 A source input (e.g. More...
enum  SourceLanguage
 A source language. More...
class  Splitter
 Utility class for splitting strings. More...
class  SRControlFrame
 A sender report control frame. More...
class  SrtpContext
class  SrtpProtectionParameters
class  SrtpProtectionProfile
class  StackExtensions
class  StatControlFrame
enum  StatControlFrameType
class  StateMachine
 A simple state machine. More...
class  StateTransition
class  StateTransitionEvent
class  Stream
 A peer-to-peer stream. More...
class  StreamBase
 Stream base properties/methods. More...
class  StreamCollection
 A stream collection. More...
class  StreamDescription
 A stream description. More...
enum  StreamDirection
 A stream direction. More...
class  StreamDirectionHelper
 Class containing utility methods to manipulate fm.liveswitch.StreamDirection. More...
class  StreamInfo
 Stream information. More...
class  StreamSocket
 A stream socket. More...
class  StreamSocketCreateArgs
 Arguments for a stream socket create event. More...
enum  StreamState
 The state of a stream. More...
class  StreamStateMachine
 A state machine for stream states. More...
class  StreamStats
 Stream stats. More...
class  StreamStringUtility
enum  StreamType
 A stream type. More...
class  StringAssistant
 Contains methods for string manipulation. More...
class  StringBuilderExtensions
enum  StringComparison
class  StringExtensions
enum  StringType
class  StunServer
 A STUN server. More...
class  SynchronizeContext
 A stream synchronization context. More...
class  SynchronizeQueue< TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame
class  SystemClock
 A system clock. More...
class  TcpSocket
enum  TcpSocketCipherSuites
 TCP socket cipher suites. More...
class  TextLogProvider
 Simple log provider that writes to a local string builder. More...
class  TextReader
class  ThreadDispatchQueue
 A single-thread dispatch queue. More...
class  TimeoutTimer
class  TimeSpan
class  TlsCertificate
 A certificate to be used for TLS communication. More...
class  TlsFingerprint
 A TLS fingerprint. More...
class  TmmbnControlFrame
 An RTCP temporary maximum media-stream bitrate notification (TMMBN) packet. More...
class  TmmbnEntry
 An RTCP temporary maximum media-stream bitrate notification (TMMBN) packet entry. More...
class  TmmbrControlFrame
 An RTCP temporary maximum media-stream bitrate request (TMMBR) packet. More...
class  TmmbrEntry
 An RTCP temporary maximum media-stream bitrate request (TMMBR) packet entry. More...
class  Token
 A token. More...
class  TokenType
 A token type. More...
class  ToneGenerator
class  Transport
 A transport. More...
class  TransportAddress
 An IP address and port. More...
class  TransportCCControlFrame
 An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) packet. More...
class  TransportCCPacketStatusChunk
 An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) packet status chunk. More...
enum  TransportCCPacketStatusSymbol
 An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) packet status symbol. More...
class  TransportCCRunLengthChunk
 An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) run length chunk. More...
class  TransportCCStatusVectorChunk
 An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) status vector chunk. More...
class  TransportCCUtility
class  TransportInfo
 Transport Information. More...
class  TransportReport
 Transport report. More...
class  TransportStats
 Transport stats. More...
enum  TransportType
enum  TrickleIcePolicy
 The local policy for TrickleIce support. More...
class  Triple
 A 3-tuple. More...
class  TurnAllocation
class  TurnAuthArgs
 Arguments for the fm.liveswitch.TurnServer's authentication callback. More...
enum  TurnAuthOperation
 An authenticated TURN operation. More...
class  TurnAuthResult
 The result of attempting to authenticate a TURN request. More...
class  TurnChannelBinding
class  TurnPermission
class  TurnServer
 An TURN/STUN server. More...
class  TurnTcpConnection
class  TurnUdpAllocation
class  UdpSocket
class  Unhandled
 Throws exceptions on a separate thread. More...
class  UnhandledExceptionArgs
 Arguments for an unhandled exception. More...
class  Unit
 A 1-tuple. More...
class  UnixTimestamp
 Utility class to assist with Unix timestamp conversions. More...
class  UriExtensions
enum  UriKind
class  Utf8
 UTF-8 encoding/decoding utility. More...
class  Utility
 Utility methods. More...
class  VideoBranch
 A video branch. More...
class  VideoBuffer
 A video buffer. More...
class  VideoBufferCollection
 A video buffer collection. More...
class  VideoConfig
 A video configuration. More...
class  VideoContent
 Video content values. More...
class  VideoDecoder
 A video decoder. More...
enum  VideoDegradationPreference
 A video degradation preference. More...
class  VideoDepacketizer
 A video depacketizer. More...
class  VideoEncoder
 A video encoder. More...
class  VideoEncodingConfig
 Video encoding configuration. More...
class  VideoFormat
 A video format. More...
class  VideoFormatCollection
 A collection of video formats. More...
class  VideoFragment
 A fragment of a video frame. More...
class  VideoFrame
 A video frame. More...
class  VideoIntent
class  VideoLayout
 A description of the layout within a mixed video view. More...
class  VideoLayoutRegion
 A video layout region. More...
class  VideoPacketizer
 A video packetizer. More...
class  VideoPipe
 A video pipe. More...
class  VideoRecorder
 An video recorder. More...
enum  VideoRetentionPolicy
 The local policy for how we will handle video retention on poor connections. More...
class  VideoSimulcastConfig
class  VideoSink
 A video sink. More...
class  VideoSource
 A video source. More...
class  VideoStream
 A video stream. More...
class  VideoSynchronizeQueue
class  VideoSynchronizer
 An video pipe for synchronizing playout with other streams. More...
class  VideoTrack
 A video track. More...
enum  VideoType
 A video type. More...
class  VideoUtility
class  ViewSink
 A video view sink. More...
class  VirtualAdapter
class  VirtualClient
class  VirtualDevice
class  VirtualNat
class  VirtualNatMapping
enum  VirtualNatMode
class  VirtualNetwork
class  VirtualPacket
class  VirtualPacketDeliveredArgs
enum  VirtualPacketType
class  VirtualReceiveList
class  VirtualReceivePort
class  VirtualSessionServer
enum  VirtualSessionServerEventType
class  VirtualTcpSocket
class  VirtualUdpSocket
class  WebhookInfo
 Webhook information. More...
class  WebSocket
 Implementation of the WebSocket protocol v8. More...
class  WebSocketBase
 WebSocket base properties/methods. More...
class  WebSocketCloseArgs
 Close arguments for the fm.liveswitch.WebSocket class. More...
class  WebSocketCloseCompleteArgs
 Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketCloseArgs#getOnComplete. More...
enum  WebSocketFrameType
class  WebSocketMockRequest
class  WebSocketMockResponse
class  WebSocketOpenArgs
 Open arguments for the fm.liveswitch.WebSocket class. More...
class  WebSocketOpenFailureArgs
 Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketOpenArgs#getOnFailure. More...
class  WebSocketOpenSuccessArgs
 Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketOpenArgs#getOnSuccess. More...
class  WebSocketReceiveArgs
 Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketOpenArgs#getOnReceive. More...
class  WebSocketReceiverRelay
 A Message Channel. More...
class  WebSocketRequest
class  WebSocketSendArgs
 Send arguments for the fm.liveswitch.WebSocket class. More...
class  WebSocketSendState
enum  WebSocketStatusCode
 An enumeration of potential WebSocket status codes. More...
class  WebSocketStreamFailureArgs
 Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketOpenArgs#getOnStreamFailure. More...
class  WebSocketTransfer
 Base class that defines methods for transferring content over the WebSocket protocol. More...
class  WebSocketTransferFactory
 Creates implementations of fm.liveswitch.WebSocketWebRequestTransfer. More...
class  WebSocketWebRequestTransfer
 Defines methods for transferring messages using the WebSocket protocol. More...
class  WssChangeMediaParametersRequest
class  WssChangeMediaParametersResponse
class  WssConnectionOpenAwaitArgs
class  WssConnectionStateUpdate
class  WssDemuxer
class  WssDemuxerBase
class  WssDepacketizer
class  WssFrameStats
class  WssKeyFrameRequest
class  WssLocalMediaStreamer
class  WssManager
class  WssManagerBase< TConnection extends fm.liveswitch.WssWebSocketConnectionBase< TConnection, TStream, TAudioStream, TVideoStream, TDataStream, TDataChannel >, TStream extends fm.liveswitch.StreamBase, TAudioStream extends fm.liveswitch.IAudioStream, TVideoStream extends fm.liveswitch.IVideoStream, TDataStream extends fm.liveswitch.IDataStream< TDataChannel >, TDataChannel extends fm.liveswitch.IDataChannel
class  WssMediaPacket
class  WssPacket
class  WssPacketizer
enum  WssPacketType
class  WssPingMessage
 Represents a WebSocket Ping message with a transaction identifier. More...
class  WssPongMessage
 Represents a WebSocket Pong message with a transaction identifier. More...
class  WssRemoteMediaStreamer
class  WssResetStreamRequest
class  WssServiceConnection
class  WssServiceOpenArgs
class  WssSignallingMessage
class  WssStreamAssignment
class  WssStreamStateUpdate
class  WssStunRequest
class  WssStunResponse
class  WssWebSocketConnection
class  WssWebSocketConnectionBase< TConnection extends fm.liveswitch.WssWebSocketConnectionBase< TConnection, TStream, TAudioStream, TVideoStream, TDataStream, TDataChannel >, TStream extends fm.liveswitch.StreamBase, TAudioStream extends fm.liveswitch.IAudioStream, TVideoStream extends fm.liveswitch.IVideoStream, TDataStream extends fm.liveswitch.IDataStream< TDataChannel >, TDataChannel extends fm.liveswitch.IDataChannel
class  X501Attribute
class  X501AttributeType
class  X501DirectoryString
class  X501Name
class  X501RelativeDistinguishedName
class  X509AlgorithmIdentifier
class  X509Certificate
class  X509DsaSignature
class  X509ECCurve
class  X509ECFieldId
class  X509ECNamedCurve
class  X509ECParameters
class  X509ECPoint
class  X509ECPrivateKey
class  X509Extension
class  X509Extensions
class  X509PrivateKeyInfo
class  X509PublicKeyAlgorithm
class  X509PublicKeyInfo
class  X509RsaPrivateKey
class  X509RsaPublicKey
class  X509SignatureAlgorithm
class  X509SubjectPublicKeyInfo
class  X509TbsCertificate
class  X509Time
enum  X509TimeType
class  X509Validity
class  DtlsCertificateDateTest
class  StringExtensionsTest