enum | AddressType |
| Address types. More...
class | AecContext |
| An acoustic echo cancellation context. More...
class | AecPipe |
| An acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) pipe. More...
class | AesCounter |
class | AesCounterContext |
| Context for an AES counter. More...
class | AfbControlFrame |
| An Application Layer Feedback control (RFC 4585). More...
class | AppControlFrame |
| An RTCP APP packet. More...
class | ApplicationInfo |
| Application information. More...
enum | Architecture |
| A CPU architecture. More...
class | ArrayExtensions |
class | ArrayListExtensions |
class | Ascii |
| ASCII encoding/decoding utility. More...
class | Asn1Any |
class | Asn1Array |
class | Asn1ArrayElement |
class | Asn1ArrayOf |
class | Asn1BitString |
class | Asn1BmpString |
class | Asn1Boolean |
class | Asn1Class |
class | Asn1Explicit |
class | Asn1GeneralizedTime |
class | Asn1GeneralString |
class | Asn1GraphicString |
class | Asn1Ia5String |
class | Asn1Implicit |
class | Asn1Integer |
class | Asn1Null |
class | Asn1NumericString |
class | Asn1ObjectIdentifier |
class | Asn1OctetString |
class | Asn1PrintableString |
class | Asn1Sequence |
class | Asn1SequenceElement |
class | Asn1SequenceOf |
class | Asn1Set |
class | Asn1SetElement |
class | Asn1SetOf |
class | Asn1UniversalString |
class | Asn1UniversalTag |
class | Asn1Unknown |
class | Asn1UtcTime |
class | Asn1Utf8String |
class | Asn1VisibleString |
class | AsymmetricKey |
| An asymmetric key. More...
enum | AsymmetricKeyType |
| Asymmetric key types. More...
class | AsyncLogger |
class | AsyncLoggerBase |
class | AtomicInteger |
class | AtomicLong |
class | AtomicMutex |
| A managed mutex. More...
class | AudioBranch |
| An audio branch. More...
class | AudioBuffer |
| An audio buffer. More...
class | AudioBufferCollection |
| An audio buffer collection. More...
class | AudioClock |
| A clock used to raise audio data in appropriate intervals. More...
class | AudioConfig |
| An audio configuration. More...
class | AudioDecoder |
| An audio decoder. More...
class | AudioDepacketizer |
| An audio depacketizer. More...
class | AudioEncoder |
| An audio encoder. More...
class | AudioEncodingConfig |
| Audio encoding configuration. More...
class | AudioFormat |
| An audio format. More...
class | AudioFormatCollection |
| A collection of audio formats. More...
class | AudioFrame |
| An audio frame. More...
class | AudioLevelContext |
class | AudioMixer |
| A mixer that mixes multiple audio inputs into a single output. More...
class | AudioPacketizer |
| An audio packetizer. More...
class | AudioPipe |
| An audio pipe. More...
class | AudioRecorder |
| An audio recorder. More...
class | AudioSimulcastConfig |
class | AudioSink |
| An audio sink. More...
class | AudioSource |
| An audio source. More...
class | AudioStream |
| An audio stream. More...
class | AudioSynchronizeQueue |
class | AudioSynchronizer |
| An audio pipe for synchronizing playout with other streams. More...
class | AudioTrack |
| An audio chain. More...
enum | BandwidthAdaptationPolicy |
| RTP packet header Extension support policies. More...
class | Base64 |
class | BaseDelegate< T extends BaseDelegate |
class | BaseStats |
| Base stats. More...
class | BasicAudioDepacketizer |
| A basic audio depacketizer. More...
class | BasicAudioPacketizer |
| A basic audio packetizer. More...
class | BasicVideoDepacketizer |
| A basic video depacketizer. More...
class | BasicVideoPacketizer |
| A basic video packetizer. More...
class | BigDecimalExtensions |
class | Binary |
| Common binary methods. More...
class | BitAssistant |
class | BitrateMonitor |
| A bitrate monitor. More...
class | BitrateNotification |
| A bitrate notification. More...
class | BitrateRequest |
| A bitrate request. More...
class | BooleanExtensions |
class | BooleanHolder |
| Class to hold a boolean value passed by reference. More...
class | BouncyCastleEcdsaCrypto |
| ECDSA-based cryptographic functions.
class | Build |
| Details about the current build. More...
class | BundleDescriptionManager |
class | BundleGroup |
enum | BundlePolicy |
| The local bundle negotiation policy. More...
class | BundleTransport |
class | ByeControlFrame |
| An RTCP BYE packet. More...
class | ByteCollection |
| A collection of bytes. More...
class | ByteExtensions |
class | ByteHolder |
| Class to hold a byte value passed by reference. More...
class | ByteInputStream |
| An buffer of bytes that can be read sequentially. More...
class | ByteMap |
| A map of strings to bytes. More...
class | ByteOutputStream |
| An buffer of bytes that can be written sequentially. More...
class | CameraSourceBase |
| A base class for camera-based sources. More...
class | Candidate |
| A candidate. More...
class | CandidateInfo |
| Candidate information. More...
class | CandidatePairInfo |
| Candidate pair information. More...
class | CandidatePairReport |
| Candidate pair report. More...
enum | CandidatePairState |
| The state of a candidate pair. More...
class | CandidatePairStats |
| Candidate pair stats. More...
class | CandidateStats |
| Candidate stats. More...
enum | CandidateType |
| The type of a candidate. More...
class | CandidateUtility |
| Utility functions for candidate and candidate pair. More...
enum | CcmFirPolicy |
| The CCM FIR policy. More...
enum | CcmLrrPolicy |
| The CCM LRR policy. More...
enum | CcmTmmbnPolicy |
| The CCM TMMBN policy. More...
enum | CcmTmmbrPolicy |
| The CCM TMMBR policy. More...
class | CcmUtility |
| A utility for codec control messages (CCM). More...
class | Certificate< TCertificate extends fm.liveswitch.Certificate |
| A certificate to be used for secure communication. More...
class | CertificateInfo |
| Certificate information. More...
class | CertificateStats |
| Certificate stats. More...
class | Channel |
| A channel. More...
class | ChannelClaim |
| A channel claim. More...
class | ChannelClientConfig |
| Channel client configuration. More...
class | ChannelClientLayoutConfig |
| Channel client configuration. More...
class | ChannelConfig |
| Channel configuration. More...
class | ChannelConnectionConfig |
| Channel connection configuration. More...
class | ChannelConnectionLayoutConfig |
| Channel connection configuration. More...
class | ChannelDeviceConfig |
| Channel device configuration. More...
class | ChannelDeviceLayoutConfig |
| Channel device layout configuration. More...
class | ChannelInfo |
| Channel information. More...
class | ChannelJoinInfo |
class | ChannelLayoutConfig |
| Channel layout configuration. More...
class | ChannelReport |
| Channel report. More...
class | ChannelUserConfig |
| Channel user configuration. More...
class | ChannelUserLayoutConfig |
| Channel user layout configuration. More...
class | CharacterExtensions |
class | CharacterHolder |
| Class to hold a character value passed by reference. More...
class | CircularBuffer |
| A circular buffer. More...
class | CircularDataBuffer |
| A DataBuffer that uses a circular buffer to manage data. More...
class | ClaimAction |
| A claim action. More...
class | ClassExtensions |
class | Client |
| A LiveSwitch client. More...
class | ClientConfig |
| Client configuration. More...
class | ClientInfo |
| Client information. More...
class | ClientLifecycleObserver |
class | ClientLifecycleObserverBase |
class | ClientRegistrationInfo |
class | ClientReport |
| Client report. More...
enum | ClientState |
| The state of a client. More...
class | ClientStateJson |
class | ClientStateLedger |
| Maintains a ledger of client state transitions with timestamps. More...
class | ClientStateMachine |
| A state machine for Client states. More...
class | ClientStateRecord |
| Represents a single Client state transition record with timing information. More...
class | ClientStateTransition |
class | CodecInfo |
| Codec information. More...
class | CodecStats |
| Codec stats. More...
enum | CodecType |
| A value used to indicate whether this codec is used to encode or decode. More...
class | Collection< T, TCollection extends fm.liveswitch.Collection |
| A collection of values. More...
class | CollectionExtensions |
class | Color |
| A color. More...
class | CommonConstants |
| Common constants. More...
enum | CompareResult |
| The compare result in a sort operation. More...
class | Comparison |
class | Connection |
class | ConnectionBase< TConnection extends fm.liveswitch.ConnectionBase< TConnection, TStream, TAudioStream, TVideoStream, TDataStream, TDataChannel >, TStream extends fm.liveswitch.StreamBase, TAudioStream extends fm.liveswitch.IAudioStream, TVideoStream extends fm.liveswitch.IVideoStream, TDataStream extends fm.liveswitch.IDataStream< TDataChannel >, TDataChannel extends fm.liveswitch.IDataChannel |
| Connection base properties/methods. More...
class | ConnectionCollection |
class | ConnectionConfig |
| Connection configuration. More...
class | ConnectionFactory |
class | ConnectionInfo |
| Connection information. More...
enum | ConnectionState |
| The state of a connection. More...
class | ConnectionStateJson |
class | ConnectionStateLedger |
| Maintains a ledger of connection state transitions with timestamps. More...
class | ConnectionStateMachine |
| A state machine for connection states. More...
class | ConnectionStateRecord |
| Represents a single connection state transition record with timing information. More...
class | ConnectionStats |
| Connection stats. More...
class | ConnectionType |
| A connection type. More...
class | ConnectionUtility |
class | ConsoleLogProvider |
class | Constants |
| A collection of platform-independent constant values. More...
class | ConstraintUtility |
class | ControlFrameEntry |
| RTCP frame entry. More...
class | Convert |
class | ConverterControllerPair |
class | CoreTransport |
class | Crc32 |
| Calculates CRC32 checksums. More...
enum | CryptoLibrary |
| A crypto library. More...
class | CultureInfo |
class | DataBuffer |
| Binary data buffer implementation. More...
class | DataBufferFramer |
| A utility class that allows a continuous stream of data to be written to it with properly framed messages being read out of it. More...
class | DataBufferPool |
| A data buffer pool. More...
class | DataBufferPooled |
class | DataBufferPoolTracer |
| A data buffer pool tracer. More...
class | DataBufferStream |
| A data buffer stream. More...
class | DataBufferSubset |
| A subset of a DataBuffer. More...
class | DataChannel |
| A data channel. More...
class | DataChannelBase |
| Data channel base properties/methods. More...
class | DataChannelCollection |
| A collection of data channels. More...
class | DataChannelConstants |
class | DataChannelInfo |
| Data channel information. More...
class | DataChannelReceiveArgs |
| Arguments for the data channel receive event. More...
class | DataChannelReport |
| Data channel report. More...
enum | DataChannelState |
| A data channel state. More...
class | DataChannelStateMachine |
| A state machine for data channel states. More...
class | DataChannelStats |
| Data channel stats. More...
class | DatagramSocket |
| A datagram socket. More...
class | DatagramSocketCreateArgs |
| Arguments for a datagram socket create event. More...
class | DataMessage |
class | DatamessageheaderConnectionIdElement |
class | DatamessageheaderDeliveryAttemptsElement |
class | DatamessageheaderElement |
class | DatamessageheaderTimeToLiveElement |
class | DatamessageheaderType |
class | DatamessageheaderUnknownElement |
class | DataStream |
| A data stream. More...
class | DataStreamBase< TDataChannel extends fm.liveswitch.DataChannelBase |
| Data stream base properties/methods. More...
class | DataStreamInfo |
| Data stream information. More...
class | DataStreamMediaDescriptionManager |
class | DataStreamMediaDescriptionRequirements |
class | DataStreamReport |
| Data stream report. More...
class | DataStreamStats |
| Data stream stats. More...
class | DateExtensions |
class | DateTimeFormatInfo |
enum | DateTimeStyles |
class | DeserializeCallback |
| Method signature for taking a property name and JSON value and assigning it to an object. More...
class | DiagnosticSampler |
| A record that calculates the min, max, and average from integer samples. More...
class | DispatchQueue |
| A dispatch queue. More...
class | Dns |
| DNS utility methods. More...
class | DnsRequest |
class | DoubleExtensions |
class | DoubleHolder |
| Class to hold a double value passed by reference. More...
class | DtlsBouncyCastleClient |
class | DtlsBouncyCastleClientAuthentication |
class | DtlsBouncyCastleClientProtocol |
class | DtlsBouncyCastleServer |
class | DtlsBouncyCastleServerProtocol |
class | DtlsBouncyCastleUdpTransport |
class | DtlsBouncyCastleUtility |
class | DtlsCertificate |
| A certificate to be used for DTLS communication. More...
enum | DtlsCipherSuite |
| A cipher suite. More...
class | DtlsContentType |
class | DtlsFactory |
class | DtlsFingerprint |
| A DTLS fingerprint. More...
class | DtlsHandshakeType |
interface | DtlsIClient |
interface | DtlsIServer |
class | DtlsMessage |
class | DtlsParameters |
| A set of DTLS parameters. More...
enum | DtlsProtocolVersion |
| DTLS protocol versions. More...
enum | DtlsRole |
| A DTLS role. More...
class | DtlsTransport |
enum | DtlsTransportState |
class | Dynamic |
| Supplies class instances with a key-value mapping to support dynamic property storage. More...
class | EcdsaCrypto |
| ECDSA-based cryptographic functions. More...
class | EcdsaKey |
| An elliptic-curve key. More...
enum | EcdsaNamedCurve |
| A named elliptic curve. More...
class | Encoding |
class | EncodingConfig |
| Encoding configuration. More...
class | EncodingInfo |
| Encoding information. More...
enum | EncryptionMode |
| The encryption mode for the stream. More...
enum | EncryptionPolicy |
| Indicates encryption policy for a connection. More...
class | Environment |
class | Error |
| An error. More...
enum | ErrorCode |
| Error codes are six digit values, where the first three digits indicate component, while the remaining three digits particular problem with the component. More...
class | ErrorType |
class | EventBatch |
| An event batch. More...
class | EventInfo |
| Event information. More...
class | EventOrigin |
| Event origins. More...
class | EventType |
| Event types. More...
class | ExternalNetworkInfo |
| External network information. More...
class | FakeAudioSource |
| A fake audio source. More...
class | FakeVideoSource |
| A fake video source. More...
class | FecContext |
enum | FecMaskType |
| Forward error correction mask types. More...
class | FecPacket |
class | FecPacketMaskTable |
class | FecProducer |
class | FecProtectedPacket |
enum | FecProtectionMode |
class | FecProtectionParameters |
| FEC protection parameters. More...
class | FecRawPacket |
class | FecReceivedPacket |
class | FecReceiver |
class | FecRecoveredPacket |
class | FecRedPacket |
class | FecSortablePacket |
class | Feedback |
| Control frame feedback. More...
class | FeedbackControlFrame |
| An RTCP Feedback packet. More...
class | FileAssistant |
| A utility class for reading/writing from/to a fm.liveswitch.FileAssistant#getFile. More...
class | FileStream |
enum | FileStreamAccess |
| A file stream access type. More...
class | Fingerprint |
| A fingerprint. More...
class | FirControlFrame |
| An RTCP full intra request (FIR) packet. More...
class | FirEntry |
| An RTCP full intra request (FIR) packet entry. More...
class | FloatExtensions |
class | FloatHolder |
| Class to hold a float value passed by reference. More...
class | FormatInfo |
| Format information. More...
class | FrameRateController |
| A frame-rate controller. More...
class | FrameRatePipe |
| A frame-rate pipe. More...
class | FrequentReadSynchronizedHash |
| Synchronized Hash for inserts/removes. More...
class | FrequentReadSynchronizedList |
| Synchronized List for inserts/removes. More...
class | Future |
| A future. More...
class | FutureBase |
| Future base properties/methods. More...
enum | FutureState |
| The state of a future. More...
class | GenericNack |
| A Generic NACK feedback message. More...
class | GenericNackControlFrame |
| An RTCP Feedback RTP-Generic NACK packet. More...
class | Global |
class | Guid |
class | HashContext |
class | HashContextBase |
| A hash context. More...
class | HashMapExtensions |
enum | HashType |
| A hash algorithm. More...
class | HexDump |
class | Holder |
class | HttpFileTransfer |
| Helper methods for downloading binary files. More...
enum | HttpMethod |
| The method used by an HTTP request. More...
class | HttpRequest |
class | HttpRequestArgs |
| Arguments for sending an HTTP request. More...
class | HttpRequestCreatedArgs |
| Arguments passed into callbacks when an HTTP request is created. More...
class | HttpResponseArgs |
| Arguments for receiving an HTTP response. More...
class | HttpResponseReceivedArgs |
| Arguments passed into callbacks when an HTTP response is received. More...
class | HttpSendFinishArgs |
| Arguments for fm.liveswitch.HttpTransfer#addOnSendStart. More...
class | HttpSendStartArgs |
| Arguments for fm.liveswitch.HttpTransfer#addOnSendStart. More...
class | HttpTransfer |
| Base class that defines methods for transferring content over HTTP. More...
class | HttpTransferFactory |
| Creates implementations of fm.liveswitch.HttpTransfer. More...
class | HttpWebRequestSender |
| An HTTP web request sender. More...
class | HttpWebRequestTransfer |
interface | IAction0 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with no parameters. More...
interface | IAction1 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with one parameter. More...
interface | IAction2 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with two parameters. More...
interface | IAction3 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with three parameters. More...
interface | IAction4 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with four parameters. More...
interface | IAction5 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with five parameters. More...
interface | IAction6 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with six parameters. More...
interface | IActionDelegate0 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with no parameters. More...
interface | IActionDelegate1 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with one parameter. More...
interface | IActionDelegate2 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with two parameters. More...
interface | IActionDelegate3 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with three parameters. More...
interface | IActionDelegate4 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with four parameters. More...
interface | IActionDelegate5 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with five parameters. More...
interface | IActionDelegate6 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with six parameters. More...
interface | IAsyncResult |
interface | IAudioElement |
| An audio element. More...
interface | IAudioInput |
| An audio input. More...
class | IAudioInputCollection |
| A collection of audio inputs. More...
interface | IAudioOutput |
| An audio output. More...
class | IAudioOutputCollection |
| A collection of audio outputs. More...
interface | IAudioStream |
| Audio stream interface. More...
interface | IAudioTrack |
| Audio track interface. More...
class | IceCandidate |
class | IceCandidatePair |
class | IceCandidatePairSynchronizedHash |
class | IceCandidatePairSynchronizedList |
class | IceCandidateSynchronizedList |
class | IceCheckList |
enum | IceComponent |
enum | IceConnectionState |
| The state of an ICE gatherer. More...
class | IceDatagramSocketManager |
class | IceGatherer |
enum | IceGatheringState |
| The state of an ICE gatherer. More...
class | IceGatherOptions |
enum | IceGatherPolicy |
| The local policy for gathering candidates. More...
enum | IceKeepAlivePolicy |
enum | IceLocalCandidateState |
class | IceLocalReflexiveCandidate |
class | IceLocalRelayedCandidate |
enum | IceLocalRelayedCandidateState |
class | IceParameters |
| A set of ICE parameters. More...
enum | IcePolicy |
| Policy indicating whether ICE connectivity checks are required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for a Connection) More...
class | IcePortRange |
| An ICE port range. More...
class | IcePreferenceSpeedBlock |
enum | IceRole |
| An ICE role. More...
class | IceSendMessageArgs |
class | IceSendRequestBeforeSendArgs |
class | IceSendRequestCompleteArgs |
class | IceSendRequestFailureArgs |
class | IceSendRequestSuccessArgs |
class | IceSendResponseArgs |
class | IceSendResponseCompleteArgs |
class | IceSendResponseFailureArgs |
class | IceSendResponseSuccessArgs |
class | IceServer |
| An ICE server. More...
class | IceServerCollection |
| An ICE server collection. More...
class | IceServerTest |
| An ICE server test. More...
class | IceServerTestResult |
| An ICE server test result. More...
class | IceSocketManager |
class | IceSocketsServerPair |
class | IceStreamSocketManager |
class | IceTransactionManager |
class | IceTransport |
class | IceTransportOptions |
enum | IceTransportState |
class | IceValidList |
interface | IConnection |
| Connection interface. More...
interface | IDataBufferPool |
| A data buffer pool interface. More...
interface | IDataChannel |
| Data channel interface. More...
interface | IDataStream |
| Data stream interface. More...
class | IdentityAudioPipe |
| An audio pipe whose output matches its input. More...
class | IdentityVideoPipe |
| A video pipe whose output matches its input. More...
interface | IDispatchQueue |
| A dispatch queue interface. More...
interface | IElement |
| An element. More...
interface | IEquivalent |
| An interface for detecting equivalency. More...
interface | IFileStream |
| A file stream. More...
interface | IFormatProvider |
interface | IFunction0 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with no parameters and a return value. More...
interface | IFunction1 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with one parameter and a return value. More...
interface | IFunction2 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with two parameters and a return value. More...
interface | IFunction3 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with three parameters and a return value. More...
interface | IFunction4 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with four parameters and a return value. More...
interface | IFunction5 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with five parameters and a return value. More...
interface | IFunction6 |
| Generic functional interface for callbacks with six parameters and a return value. More...
interface | IFunctionDelegate0 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with no parameters and a return value. More...
interface | IFunctionDelegate1 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with one parameter and a return value. More...
interface | IFunctionDelegate2 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with two parameters and a return value. More...
interface | IFunctionDelegate3 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with three parameters and a return value. More...
interface | IFunctionDelegate4 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with four parameters and a return value. More...
interface | IFunctionDelegate5 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with five parameters and a return value. More...
interface | IFunctionDelegate6 |
| Generic functional interface for delegate callbacks with six parameters and a return value. More...
interface | IInput< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
| An input. More...
interface | ILocalMedia |
| Local media interface. More...
interface | ILog |
| ILog interface for loggers. More...
class | ImageScalePipe |
| An image scale pipe. More...
class | ImageSizePipe |
| An image size pipe. More...
interface | IMedia |
| Media interface. More...
interface | IMediaElement |
| A media element. More...
interface | IMediaInput< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
| A media input. More...
class | IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TMediaInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection |
| A media input collection. More...
interface | IMediaOutput< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
| A media output. More...
class | IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TMediaOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection |
| A media output collection. More...
interface | IMediaStream |
| Media stream interface. More...
interface | IMediaStreamMediaDescriptionRequirementsBase |
interface | IMediaTrack |
| Media track interface. More...
interface | IMediaTransport |
class | Info |
| Information. More...
class | IntegerExtensions |
class | IntegerHolder |
| Class to hold an integer value passed by reference. More...
class | InternalConcurrentDictionary |
class | InternalConcurrentQueue |
class | InternalConcurrentStack |
class | InternalNetworkInfo |
| Internal network information. More...
class | Invitation |
| An invitation to join a channel. More...
enum | InvitationState |
| The invite feedback states. More...
class | InviteFeedback |
| A class containing the feedback from invite requests. More...
interface | IOutput< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
| An output. More...
interface | IPlatform |
| Platform-specific methods. More...
class | IPNetwork |
| An IP network. More...
interface | IPromise |
| Interface for a promise that can be rejected. More...
interface | IRemoteMedia |
| Remote media interface. More...
interface | IRtpHeaderExtension |
| The interface that all rtp header extensions must implement. More...
interface | IScheduler |
interface | ISendQueueTransport |
class | Iso8601Timestamp |
| Utility class to assist with ISO-8601 timestamp conversions. More...
interface | IStream |
| Stream interface. More...
interface | ISynchronizableStream |
| A synchronizable stream. More...
interface | ISynchronizer |
| A media rendering synchronizer. More...
interface | ISystemClock |
| A system clock interface. More...
interface | ITimeoutTimer |
| A thread-safe class for running timeouts on asynchronous methods. More...
interface | IVideoElement |
| A video element. More...
interface | IVideoInput |
| A video input. More...
class | IVideoInputCollection |
| A collection of video inputs. More...
interface | IVideoOutput |
| A video output. More...
class | IVideoOutputCollection |
| A collection of video outputs. More...
interface | IVideoStream |
| Video stream interface. More...
interface | IVideoTrack |
| Video track interface. More...
interface | IViewableMedia |
| Viewable media interface. More...
interface | IViewSink |
| View sink interface. More...
interface | IViewSinkableMedia< TView, TViewSink extends fm.liveswitch.IViewSink |
| Viewable media interface with a view sink. More...
interface | IWebSocket |
| Contract for an implementation of the WebSocket protocol v8. More...
class | JitterAudioPipe |
| An audio pipe that wraps a jitter buffer. More...
class | JitterBuffer< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
class | JitterConfig |
| A Jitter config. More...
class | JitterVideoPipe |
| A video pipe that wraps a jitter buffer. More...
class | Json |
| JSON utility class. More...
class | JsonChecker |
enum | JsonCheckerMode |
class | JsonProvider |
| Base class for all JSON provider implementations. More...
class | JsonSerializer |
| Provides methods for serializing/deserializing .NET value types to/from JSON as well as facilities for converting objects and arrays if appropriate callbacks are supplied to assist with the conversion. More...
class | LateDiscardContext |
class | Layout |
| A layout definition, including local and remote frame definitions. More...
enum | LayoutAlignment |
| A layout alignment definition. More...
class | LayoutConfig |
| Layout configuration. More...
enum | LayoutDirection |
| Specifies the direction of the layout flow. More...
class | LayoutFrame |
| A layout frame definition, including X/Y coordinates and width/height values. More...
class | LayoutManager |
| A class that supplies simple video frame layout management. More...
enum | LayoutMode |
| Specifies the layout mode that should be used. More...
enum | LayoutOrigin |
| A layout origin definition. More...
class | LayoutPreset |
| A layout preset. More...
enum | LayoutScale |
| Specifies how an element should be scaled within a layout. More...
class | LayoutTable |
| Defines the results of a layout calculation. More...
class | LayoutUtility |
| Utility to assist with managing the layout of a combined video feed. More...
class | License |
| A license. More...
class | LinkedList |
| A linked list. More...
class | LinkedListEnumerator |
| A linked list enumerator. More...
class | LinkedListNode |
| A linked list node. More...
class | LocalAddress |
class | LocalMedia |
| A collection of local audio/video tracks. More...
class | LocalMediaBase< TLocalMedia extends fm.liveswitch.LocalMediaBase |
| A collection of local audio/video track base methods. More...
enum | LocalMediaState |
| The state of local media. More...
class | LocalNetwork |
| Local network utility methods. More...
class | LockedRandomizer |
| Thread-safe class providing access to a single fm.liveswitch.LockedRandomizer#Randomizer. More...
class | Log |
| Log utility class. More...
class | LogConfiguration |
class | LogContext |
| LogContext structure to hold ambient properties that can be attached to log events. More...
class | LogEvent |
| Details about a specific log event. More...
class | LogEventInfo |
| Log event information. More...
class | LogEventLogProvider |
| Simple log provider that writes log events to a local array. More...
enum | LogLevel |
| The level at which to log. More...
class | LogProvider |
| Base class for all logging provider implementations. More...
class | LogStashLogProvider |
| A log provider that sends logs to LogStash. More...
class | LongExtensions |
class | LongHolder |
| Class to hold a long value passed by reference. More...
class | LrrControlFrame |
| An RTCP layer refresh request (LRR) packet. More...
class | LrrEntry |
| An RTCP layer refresh request (FIR) packet entry. More...
class | MacContext |
class | MacContextBase |
| A message authentication code (MAC) context. More...
enum | MacType |
| A message authentication code (MAC) algorithm. More...
class | ManagedAutoReleasePool |
| A managed thread. More...
class | ManagedAutoResetEvent |
| Managed AutoResetEvent. More...
class | ManagedConcurrentDictionary |
| A ConcurrentDictonary that maps to the appropriate platform version. More...
class | ManagedConcurrentQueue |
| A thread-safe queue. More...
class | ManagedConcurrentStack |
| A ConcurrentStack that maps to the appropriate platform version. More...
class | ManagedCondition |
| A managed condition. More...
class | ManagedConnection |
| A managed connection. More...
class | ManagedConnectionCollection |
| A collection of connections. More...
class | ManagedCountdownLatch |
| A countdown latch that will signal when the counter reaches zero. More...
class | ManagedLock |
| A managed lock. More...
class | ManagedSocket |
| A socket. More...
class | ManagedStopwatch |
| A managed stopwatch. More...
class | ManagedThread |
| A managed thread. More...
class | ManagedTimer |
| A managed timer that will tick on intervals. More...
class | MathAssistant |
class | McuConnection |
| An MCU connection. More...
class | Md5Sha1HashContext |
| An MD5-SHA1 hash context. More...
class | Media |
| A collection of audio/video tracks. More...
class | MediaBase |
| A collection of audio/video track base methods/properties. More...
class | MediaBranch< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TIElement extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaElement, TSource extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSource< TIOutput, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TSource, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TSink extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSink< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TSink, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TPipe extends fm.liveswitch.MediaPipe< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TTrack extends fm.liveswitch.MediaTrack< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TBranch extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBranch< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
| A media branch. More...
class | MediaBuffer< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer |
| A media buffer. More...
class | MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
| A media buffer collection. More...
class | MediaCollection |
| A collection of remote medias. More...
class | MediaComponentInfo |
| Media component information. More...
class | MediaComponentReport |
| Media component report. More...
class | MediaComponentStats |
| Media component stats. More...
class | MediaConfig< TConfig extends fm.liveswitch.MediaConfig |
| A media configuration. More...
class | MediaControlFrame |
| A media control frame. More...
class | MediaDescriptionManager |
class | MediaDescriptionManagerBase |
class | MediaDescriptionRequirements |
class | MediaDescriptionRequirementsBase |
class | MediaFormat< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
| A media format. More...
class | MediaFormatCollection< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection |
| A media format collection. More...
class | MediaFrame< TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame |
| A media frame. More...
enum | MediaHeaderExtensionPolicy |
class | MediaInfo |
| Media information. More...
class | MediaIntent |
class | MediaPipe< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TPipe extends fm.liveswitch.MediaPipe< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
| A media pipe. More...
enum | MediaPipeState |
| The state of a media pipe. More...
enum | MediaProtocol |
| The protocol used to carry media on a connection. More...
class | MediaReceiverInfo |
| Media receiver information. More...
class | MediaReceiverReport |
| Media receiver report. More...
class | MediaReceiverStats |
| Media receiver stats. More...
class | MediaRecorder< TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
| A recorder. More...
class | MediaSenderInfo |
| Media sender information. More...
class | MediaSenderReport |
| Media sender report. More...
class | MediaSenderStats |
| Media sender stats. More...
class | MediaSink< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TSink extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSink< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TSink, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
| A media sink. More...
class | MediaSinkBase |
| Media sink base properties/methods. More...
class | MediaSinkInfo |
| Media sink information. More...
enum | MediaSinkState |
| The state of a media sink. More...
class | MediaSinkStats |
| Media sink stats. More...
class | MediaSource< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TSource extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSource< TIOutput, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TSource, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
| A media source. More...
class | MediaSourceBase |
| Media source base properties/methods. More...
class | MediaSourceInfo |
| Media source information. More...
enum | MediaSourceState |
| The state of a media source. More...
class | MediaSourceStats |
| Media source stats. More...
class | MediaStats |
| Media stats. More...
class | MediaStream< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TIElement extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaElement, TSource extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSource< TIOutput, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TSource, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TSink extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSink< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TSink, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TPipe extends fm.liveswitch.MediaPipe< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TTrack extends fm.liveswitch.MediaTrack< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TBranch extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBranch< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection |
| A media stream. More...
class | MediaStreamBase |
| Media stream base properties/methods. More...
class | MediaStreamInfo |
| Media stream information. More...
class | MediaStreamMediaDescriptionManager< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
class | MediaStreamMediaDescriptionManagerUtility |
class | MediaStreamMediaDescriptionRequirements< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
class | MediaStreamStats |
| Media stream stats. More...
class | MediaTrack< TIOutput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIOutputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaOutputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIOutputCollection >, TIInput extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInput< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TIInputCollection extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaInputCollection< TIOutput, TIInput, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TIInputCollection >, TIElement extends fm.liveswitch.IMediaElement, TSource extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSource< TIOutput, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TSource, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TSink extends fm.liveswitch.MediaSink< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TSink, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TPipe extends fm.liveswitch.MediaPipe< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TPipe, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TTrack extends fm.liveswitch.MediaTrack< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TBranch extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBranch< TIOutput, TIOutputCollection, TIInput, TIInputCollection, TIElement, TSource, TSink, TPipe, TTrack, TBranch, TFrame, TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
| A media track. More...
class | MediaTrackBase |
| Media track base properties/methods. More...
class | MediaTrackInfo |
| Media track information. More...
class | MediaTrackReport |
| Media track report. More...
class | MediaTrackStats |
| Media track stats. More...
class | MediaTransport< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection |
enum | MediaTransportState |
class | Message |
| A message. More...
class | MessageInfo |
| Message information. More...
class | MessageType |
| A message type. More...
class | MetricMonitor |
enum | MetricMonitorState |
| Metric monitor states. More...
class | MetricMonitorStateChangeEventArgs |
| Metric monitor state change event args. More...
class | MixerReport |
| Mixer report. More...
class | MovingAverage |
| A moving average. More...
enum | MultiplexPolicy |
| The local policy for RTP/RTCP multiplex negotation. More...
class | MutablePair |
| A mutable 2-tuple. More...
class | MutableUnit |
| A mutable 1-tuple. More...
class | MutedConfig |
| Muted configuration. More...
class | NackBuffer< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
class | NackConfig |
| A NACK Config. More...
enum | NackPliPolicy |
| The NACK PLI policy. More...
enum | NackPolicy |
| The local policy for the use of generic RTP Negative Acknowledgements (NACK). More...
class | Native |
enum | NetworkConnectionState |
| The internet connection state of a client. More...
class | NetworkInfo |
| Network information. More...
class | NetworkInterfaceInfo |
| Network interface information. More...
class | NetworkTimeProtocol |
| Utility class to assist with Network Time Protocol (NTP) conversions. More...
enum | NetworkType |
| A network type. More...
class | NoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs |
| Event arguments for OnNoMediaServersAvailable. More...
class | NoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs |
| Event arguments for OnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable. More...
class | Nullable |
class | NullableBigDecimal |
| A nullable decimal. More...
class | NullableBoolean |
| A nullable boolean. More...
class | NullableCharacter |
| A nullable character. More...
class | NullableDate |
| A nullable date. More...
class | NullableDouble |
| A nullable double. More...
class | NullableFloat |
| A nullable float. More...
class | NullableGuid |
| A nullable GUID. More...
class | NullableInteger |
| A nullable integer. More...
class | NullableLong |
| A nullable long. More...
class | NullableShort |
| A nullable short. More...
class | NullAudioSink |
| An audio sink that discards frames. More...
class | NullAudioSource |
| An audio source that raises nothing. More...
class | NullJsonProvider |
| An implementation of a JSON provider that does nothing. More...
class | NullLogProvider |
| An implementation of a logging provider that does nothing. More...
class | NullVideoSink |
| A video sink that discards frames. More...
class | NullVideoSource |
| A video source that raises nothing. More...
class | NullViewSink |
| A video view sink that does nothing. More...
class | NumberFormatInfo |
enum | OperatingSystem |
| An operating system. More...
class | PacketizedAudioBuffer |
| A AudioBuffer containing an RtpHeader. More...
class | PacketizedVideoBuffer |
| A VideoBuffer containing an RtpHeader. More...
class | Pair |
| A 2-tuple. More...
class | ParseAssistant |
class | PathUtility |
class | PayloadSpecificControlFrame |
| An RTCP Feedback PS packet. More...
class | PeerConnection |
| A peer connection. More...
class | PeerConnectionOffer |
| A peer connection offer. More...
enum | PeerRole |
| A peer role. More...
class | PendingPromise |
class | Platform |
| Platform-specific methods. More...
enum | PlatformType |
| A platform specifc type. More...
class | PliControlFrame |
| An RTCP Feedback PS-PLI packet. More...
class | Point |
| A point (x and y coordinates). More...
class | Pool |
| A pool of objects. More...
class | PoolStatistics |
| Pool statistics. More...
class | PriorityQueue |
| A priority queue. More...
enum | ProcessFramePolicy |
| The policy on how a media input should process the frame. More...
class | Promise |
| A promise. More...
class | PromiseBase |
| Promise base properties/methods. More...
enum | ProtocolType |
| A protocol type. More...
class | Proxy |
| Proxy utility methods. More...
class | ProxyAuthCheckResult |
| Proxy authentication check result. More...
class | ProxyCredentials |
| Proxy credentials. More...
class | ProxyCredentialsCache |
| Proxy credentials cache. More...
class | RandomExtensions |
class | Randomizer |
| Utility class for random values. More...
class | RateLimiter |
class | RateLimiterRule |
class | RecordingMode |
| The recording mode helper. More...
class | Rectangle |
| A rectangle (size and origin). More...
class | RedFecConfig |
| RED Forward error correction (FEC) config. More...
enum | RedFecPolicy |
| The local policy for the RED Forward Error Correction support. More...
class | Regex |
| Utility class for parsing regular expressions. More...
class | RelayPort |
| A MessagePort. More...
class | ReliableChannel |
class | ReliableChannelPriority |
enum | ReliableChannelState |
enum | ReliableChannelType |
class | ReliableRtcDcepDataChannelAck |
class | ReliableRtcDcepDataChannelOpen |
class | ReliableRtcDcepMessage |
class | ReliableRtcDcepMessageType |
enum | ReliableSctpPayloadProtocolIdentifier |
enum | ReliableSctpProtocol |
class | ReliableSendMessageArgs |
class | ReliableTransport |
enum | ReliableTransportState |
class | RembControlFrame |
| An RTCP receiver estimated maximum bitrate (REMB) packet. More...
enum | RembPolicy |
| The local policy for the use of Receiver Estimated Maximum Bitrates (goog-remb). More...
class | RemoteCandidatePromise |
class | RemoteMedia |
| A collection of remote audio/video tracks. More...
class | RemoteMediaCollection |
| A collection of remote medias. More...
enum | RemoteMultiplexing |
class | RemoteReceiverStats |
| Remote receiver stats. More...
class | RenegotiateRequest |
class | RenegotiationManager |
class | Report |
| Report. More...
class | ReportBlock |
| An RTCP report block. More...
class | ReportControlFrame |
| An RTCP Sender or Receiver Report control frame. More...
class | RequestPromisePair |
class | Resampler |
| Utility class for resampling audio data. More...
class | ResetAudioPipe |
| An audio pipe that clones each input frame and includes only the last buffer in its output. More...
class | ResetVideoPipe |
| A video pipe that clones each input frame and includes only the last buffer in its output. More...
class | RingBuffer |
class | RollingWindow |
class | RolloverContext |
class | Rpsi |
| An RTCP reference picture selection indication. More...
class | RpsiControlFrame |
| An RTCP Feedback PS-RPSI Control Frame. More...
class | RRControlFrame |
| A receiver report control frame. More...
class | RsaCrypto |
| RSA-based cryptographic functions. More...
class | RsaKey |
| An RSA key. More...
class | RtcAudioTrackConfig |
| A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible audio track configuration. More...
class | RtcLocalMedia |
| A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible collection of local audio/video tracks. More...
class | RtcpDataChannelSignallingActivation |
| An RTCP Data Channel Signalling Activation. More...
class | RtcpPacket |
class | RtcpReportPacketHeader |
class | RtcRemoteMedia |
| A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible collection of remote audio/video tracks. More...
class | RtcVideoTrackConfig |
| A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible video track configuration. More...
class | RtmpLayoutZones |
| The LayoutZones defined in the RTMP custom MCU layout. More...
class | RtpArrivalTimeFilter |
class | RtpAudioTransport |
class | RtpControlFrame |
| An RTCP Feedback RTP control frame. More...
class | RtpExtensionParameters |
class | RtpFrameContext |
class | RtpHeaderAbsSendTime |
class | RtpHeaderDataDescription |
class | RtpHeaderExtension |
class | RtpHeaderExtensionElement |
enum | RtpHeaderExtensionForm |
class | RtpHeaderExtensionRegistry |
class | RtpHeaderExtensionRegistryArgs |
class | RtpHeaderExtensionRegistryElement |
enum | RtpHeaderExtensionType |
class | RtpHeaderSdesMid |
class | RtpHeaderSdesRepairedRtpStreamId |
class | RtpHeaderSdesRtpStreamId |
class | RtpHeaderTextDescription |
class | RtpHeaderTransportWideCC |
interface | RtpIExtensionParameters |
interface | RtpIFormatParameters< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
class | RtpInboundRtcp |
class | RtpInboundRtp |
class | RtpInterFrameDelay |
interface | RtpIParameters |
class | RtpJitterBuffer< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat |
class | RtpJitterEstimator |
class | RtpLastSenderReportInfo |
class | RtpListener |
class | RtpLossController |
class | RtpMissingFrame |
class | RtpOutboundRtcp |
class | RtpPacket |
| An RTP packet. More...
class | RtpPacketHeader |
| An RTP packet header. More...
class | RtpPacketPair |
class | RtpParameters< TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection |
class | RtpRawHeaderExtension |
class | RtpReceiver< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection |
class | RtpRoundTripTimeFilter |
class | RtpSendBuffer |
class | RtpSender< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection |
class | RtpTransport< TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat, TFrame >, TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFormatCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormatCollection |
class | RtpUnknownHeaderExtensionElement |
class | RtpVideoTransport |
class | Sample |
class | ScheduledItem |
class | Scheduler |
class | SchedulerMulti |
enum | SchedulerType |
| Scheduler types for connections. More...
class | ScreenConfig |
| A screen configuration. More...
class | ScreenSourceBase |
| A base class for screen-based sources. More...
class | SctpAbortChunk |
class | SctpAuthenticatedChunksParameters |
class | SctpCapabilities |
class | SctpChunk |
class | SctpChunkListChunkParameter |
class | SctpChunkType |
class | SctpCommonHeader |
class | SctpCongestionControlManager |
enum | SctpCongestionControlPhase |
class | SctpControlChunk |
class | SctpCookieAckChunk |
class | SctpCookieEchoChunk |
class | SctpCookiePreservativeChunkParameter |
class | SctpCookieReceivedWhileShuttingDown |
class | SctpDataChunk |
class | SctpDataQueue |
class | SctpDynamicAddressReconfigurationSupportParameters |
class | SctpErrorCause |
class | SctpErrorCauseCode |
class | SctpErrorChunk |
class | SctpForwardTsnChunk |
class | SctpForwardTsnSupportedChunkParameter |
class | SctpGapAckBlock |
class | SctpGenericChunk |
class | SctpGenericChunkParameter |
class | SctpHeartbeatAckChunk |
class | SctpHeartbeatChunk |
class | SctpHeartbeatInfoChunkParameter |
class | SctpHostNameAddressChunkParameter |
class | SctpInitAckChunk |
class | SctpInitChunk |
class | SctpInnerSctpTransport |
enum | SctpInnerSctpTransportMode |
class | SctpInvalidMandatoryParameter |
class | SctpInvalidStreamIdentifier |
class | SctpIPv4ChunkParameter |
class | SctpMessage |
class | SctpMissingMandatoryParameter |
class | SctpNoUserData |
class | SctpOutOfResource |
class | SctpPacket |
class | SctpPadChunk |
class | SctpPadChunkParameter |
class | SctpParameterType |
class | SctpPartialReliabilitySupportParameters |
class | SctpProtocolViolation |
class | SctpRandomChunkParameter |
class | SctpReceiveDataQueue |
class | SctpReceiveMessageTracker |
class | SctpRequestedHmacAlgorithmChunkParameter |
class | SctpResendArgs |
class | SctpRestartOfAnAssociationWithNewAddresses |
class | SctpRetransmissionTimer |
class | SctpSackChunk |
class | SctpSendControlChunkQueue |
class | SctpSendDataQueue |
class | SctpShutdownAckChunk |
class | SctpShutdownChunk |
class | SctpShutdownCompleteChunk |
class | SctpStaleCookieError |
class | SctpStateCookie |
class | SctpStateCookieChunkParameter |
class | SctpStream |
class | SctpStreamCollection |
class | SctpSupportedAddressTypesChunkParameter |
class | SctpSupportedExtensionsChunkParameter |
enum | SctpTcbState |
class | SctpTlvParameter |
class | SctpTransmissionControlBlock |
class | SctpTransport |
enum | SctpTransportState |
class | SctpUnrecognizedChunkType |
class | SctpUnrecognizedParameterChunkParameter |
class | SctpUnrecognizedParameters |
class | SctpUnresolvableAddress |
class | SctpUserInitiatedAbort |
class | SdesChunk |
| An RTCP source description chunk. More...
class | SdesControlFrame |
| An RTCP SDES packet. More...
class | SdesItem |
| An RTCP source description item. More...
class | SdesItemType |
| An SDES Item Type. More...
enum | SdesPolicy |
| Indicates Sdes policy for stream. More...
class | SendItem |
class | SendQueue |
class | Serializable |
| Base definition for classes that allow serialization to/from JSON. More...
class | SerializeCallback |
| Method signature for storing property values in JSON format in a hashtable. More...
class | Serializer |
| Provides methods for serializing/deserializing .NET value types to/from JSON as well as facilities for converting objects and arrays if appropriate callbacks are supplied to assist with the conversion. More...
class | ServerAddress |
| An IP address and port, along with optional public IP addresses for listening behind a 1:1 NAT. More...
class | ServerConnection |
| A server connection. More...
class | SessionDescription |
| A session description. More...
class | SessionDescriptionManager |
class | SessionDescriptionManagerBase< TStream extends fm.liveswitch.StreamBase, TAudioStream extends fm.liveswitch.IAudioStream, TVideoStream extends fm.liveswitch.IVideoStream, TDataStream extends fm.liveswitch.IDataStream< TDataChannel >, TDataChannel extends fm.liveswitch.IDataChannel |
class | SessionDescriptionRequirements |
class | SessionDescriptionStreamMatcher |
enum | SessionDescriptionType |
| A session description type. More...
class | SfuConnection |
| An SFU connection. More...
class | SfuDownstreamConnection |
| An SFU receiving connection. More...
class | SfuUpstreamConnection |
| An SFU sending connection. More...
class | ShortExtensions |
class | ShortHolder |
| Class to hold a short value passed by reference. More...
class | SignallingAdvice |
class | SignallingBaseAdvice |
class | SignallingClient |
class | SignallingClientArgs |
class | SignallingClientBase |
class | SignallingClientRequest |
class | SignallingClientResponse |
class | SignallingClientSendState |
enum | SignallingClientState |
class | SignallingCompleteArgs |
enum | SignallingConcurrencyMode |
class | SignallingConnectArgs |
class | SignallingConnectFailureArgs |
enum | SignallingConnectionType |
class | SignallingConnectSuccessArgs |
class | SignallingDefaults |
class | SignallingDeferredStreamState |
class | SignallingDisconnectArgs |
class | SignallingDisconnectCompleteArgs |
class | SignallingExtensible |
class | SignallingExtensions |
class | SignallingFailureArgs |
enum | SignallingFailureSource |
class | SignallingHttpMessageTransfer |
class | SignallingInputArgs |
class | SignallingMessage |
class | SignallingMessageBase |
class | SignallingMessageRequestArgs |
class | SignallingMessageRequestCreatedArgs |
class | SignallingMessageResponseArgs |
class | SignallingMessageResponseReceivedArgs |
class | SignallingMessageTransfer |
class | SignallingMessageTransferFactory |
enum | SignallingMessageType |
class | SignallingMetaChannels |
class | SignallingOutputArgs |
enum | SignallingReconnect |
class | SignallingRemoteClient |
class | SignallingReserved |
class | SignallingSendQueueTransport |
class | SignallingServerArgs |
class | SignallingServerSubscribeArgs |
class | SignallingServerUnsubscribeArgs |
class | SignallingServiceArgs |
class | SignallingServiceFailureArgs |
class | SignallingServiceSuccessArgs |
enum | SignallingState |
| The signalling state of a connection. More...
class | SignallingSubscribeReceiveArgs |
class | SignallingSubscription |
class | SignallingSuccessArgs |
class | SignallingWebSocketMessageTransfer |
class | SimulcastConfig |
enum | SimulcastMode |
| The simulcast mode. More...
class | SimulcastNotification |
| A simulcast notification. More...
enum | SimulcastStreamState |
| A simulcast stream state. More...
class | SinkOutput |
| A sink output (e.g. More...
class | Size |
| A size (width and height). More...
class | Sli |
| An RTCP slice loss indication. More...
class | SliControlFrame |
| An RTCP Feedback PS-SLI packet. More...
class | SmoothingContext |
class | Sort |
| Encapsulates useful sorting utilities. More...
class | SoundConverter |
| A pipe that converts sound. More...
class | SoundReframer |
| A pipe that reframes sound chunks into different durations. More...
class | SoundReframerContext |
| A sound reframer context that can reframe sound chunks into consistent durations. More...
class | SoundUtility |
| Sound utility methods. More...
class | SourceInput |
| A source input (e.g. More...
enum | SourceLanguage |
| A source language. More...
class | Splitter |
| Utility class for splitting strings. More...
class | SRControlFrame |
| A sender report control frame. More...
class | SrtpContext |
class | SrtpProtectionParameters |
class | SrtpProtectionProfile |
class | StackExtensions |
class | StatControlFrame |
enum | StatControlFrameType |
class | StateMachine |
| A simple state machine. More...
class | StateTransition |
class | StateTransitionEvent |
class | Stream |
| A peer-to-peer stream. More...
class | StreamBase |
| Stream base properties/methods. More...
class | StreamCollection |
| A stream collection. More...
class | StreamDescription |
| A stream description. More...
enum | StreamDirection |
| A stream direction. More...
class | StreamDirectionHelper |
| Class containing utility methods to manipulate fm.liveswitch.StreamDirection. More...
class | StreamInfo |
| Stream information. More...
class | StreamSocket |
| A stream socket. More...
class | StreamSocketCreateArgs |
| Arguments for a stream socket create event. More...
enum | StreamState |
| The state of a stream. More...
class | StreamStateMachine |
| A state machine for stream states. More...
class | StreamStats |
| Stream stats. More...
class | StreamStringUtility |
enum | StreamType |
| A stream type. More...
class | StringAssistant |
| Contains methods for string manipulation. More...
class | StringBuilderExtensions |
enum | StringComparison |
class | StringExtensions |
enum | StringType |
class | StunServer |
| A STUN server. More...
class | SynchronizeContext |
| A stream synchronization context. More...
class | SynchronizeQueue< TBuffer extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBuffer< TFormat, TBuffer >, TBufferCollection extends fm.liveswitch.MediaBufferCollection< TBuffer, TBufferCollection, TFormat >, TFormat extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFormat< TFormat >, TFrame extends fm.liveswitch.MediaFrame |
class | SystemClock |
| A system clock. More...
class | TcpSocket |
enum | TcpSocketCipherSuites |
| TCP socket cipher suites. More...
class | TextLogProvider |
| Simple log provider that writes to a local string builder. More...
class | TextReader |
class | ThreadDispatchQueue |
| A single-thread dispatch queue. More...
class | TimeoutTimer |
class | TimeSpan |
class | TlsCertificate |
| A certificate to be used for TLS communication. More...
class | TlsFingerprint |
| A TLS fingerprint. More...
class | TmmbnControlFrame |
| An RTCP temporary maximum media-stream bitrate notification (TMMBN) packet. More...
class | TmmbnEntry |
| An RTCP temporary maximum media-stream bitrate notification (TMMBN) packet entry. More...
class | TmmbrControlFrame |
| An RTCP temporary maximum media-stream bitrate request (TMMBR) packet. More...
class | TmmbrEntry |
| An RTCP temporary maximum media-stream bitrate request (TMMBR) packet entry. More...
class | Token |
| A token. More...
class | TokenType |
| A token type. More...
class | ToneGenerator |
class | Transport |
| A transport. More...
class | TransportAddress |
| An IP address and port. More...
class | TransportCCControlFrame |
| An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) packet. More...
class | TransportCCPacketStatusChunk |
| An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) packet status chunk. More...
enum | TransportCCPacketStatusSymbol |
| An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) packet status symbol. More...
class | TransportCCRunLengthChunk |
| An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) run length chunk. More...
class | TransportCCStatusVectorChunk |
| An RTCP transport-wide congestion control (transport-cc) status vector chunk. More...
class | TransportCCUtility |
class | TransportInfo |
| Transport Information. More...
class | TransportReport |
| Transport report. More...
class | TransportStats |
| Transport stats. More...
enum | TransportType |
enum | TrickleIcePolicy |
| The local policy for TrickleIce support. More...
class | Triple |
| A 3-tuple. More...
class | TurnAllocation |
class | TurnAuthArgs |
| Arguments for the fm.liveswitch.TurnServer's authentication callback. More...
enum | TurnAuthOperation |
| An authenticated TURN operation. More...
class | TurnAuthResult |
| The result of attempting to authenticate a TURN request. More...
class | TurnChannelBinding |
class | TurnPermission |
class | TurnServer |
| An TURN/STUN server. More...
class | TurnTcpConnection |
class | TurnUdpAllocation |
class | UdpSocket |
class | Unhandled |
| Throws exceptions on a separate thread. More...
class | UnhandledExceptionArgs |
| Arguments for an unhandled exception. More...
class | Unit |
| A 1-tuple. More...
class | UnixTimestamp |
| Utility class to assist with Unix timestamp conversions. More...
class | UriExtensions |
enum | UriKind |
class | Utf8 |
| UTF-8 encoding/decoding utility. More...
class | Utility |
| Utility methods. More...
class | VideoBranch |
| A video branch. More...
class | VideoBuffer |
| A video buffer. More...
class | VideoBufferCollection |
| A video buffer collection. More...
class | VideoConfig |
| A video configuration. More...
class | VideoContent |
| Video content values. More...
class | VideoDecoder |
| A video decoder. More...
enum | VideoDegradationPreference |
| A video degradation preference. More...
class | VideoDepacketizer |
| A video depacketizer. More...
class | VideoEncoder |
| A video encoder. More...
class | VideoEncodingConfig |
| Video encoding configuration. More...
class | VideoFormat |
| A video format. More...
class | VideoFormatCollection |
| A collection of video formats. More...
class | VideoFragment |
| A fragment of a video frame. More...
class | VideoFrame |
| A video frame. More...
class | VideoIntent |
class | VideoLayout |
| A description of the layout within a mixed video view. More...
class | VideoLayoutRegion |
| A video layout region. More...
class | VideoPacketizer |
| A video packetizer. More...
class | VideoPipe |
| A video pipe. More...
class | VideoRecorder |
| An video recorder. More...
enum | VideoRetentionPolicy |
| The local policy for how we will handle video retention on poor connections. More...
class | VideoSimulcastConfig |
class | VideoSink |
| A video sink. More...
class | VideoSource |
| A video source. More...
class | VideoStream |
| A video stream. More...
class | VideoSynchronizeQueue |
class | VideoSynchronizer |
| An video pipe for synchronizing playout with other streams. More...
class | VideoTrack |
| A video track. More...
enum | VideoType |
| A video type. More...
class | VideoUtility |
class | ViewSink |
| A video view sink. More...
class | VirtualAdapter |
class | VirtualClient |
class | VirtualDevice |
class | VirtualNat |
class | VirtualNatMapping |
enum | VirtualNatMode |
class | VirtualNetwork |
class | VirtualPacket |
class | VirtualPacketDeliveredArgs |
enum | VirtualPacketType |
class | VirtualReceiveList |
class | VirtualReceivePort |
class | VirtualSessionServer |
enum | VirtualSessionServerEventType |
class | VirtualTcpSocket |
class | VirtualUdpSocket |
class | WebhookInfo |
| Webhook information. More...
class | WebSocket |
| Implementation of the WebSocket protocol v8. More...
class | WebSocketBase |
| WebSocket base properties/methods. More...
class | WebSocketCloseArgs |
| Close arguments for the fm.liveswitch.WebSocket class. More...
class | WebSocketCloseCompleteArgs |
| Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketCloseArgs#getOnComplete. More...
enum | WebSocketFrameType |
class | WebSocketMockRequest |
class | WebSocketMockResponse |
class | WebSocketOpenArgs |
| Open arguments for the fm.liveswitch.WebSocket class. More...
class | WebSocketOpenFailureArgs |
| Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketOpenArgs#getOnFailure. More...
class | WebSocketOpenSuccessArgs |
| Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketOpenArgs#getOnSuccess. More...
class | WebSocketReceiveArgs |
| Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketOpenArgs#getOnReceive. More...
class | WebSocketReceiverRelay |
| A Message Channel. More...
class | WebSocketRequest |
class | WebSocketSendArgs |
| Send arguments for the fm.liveswitch.WebSocket class. More...
class | WebSocketSendState |
enum | WebSocketStatusCode |
| An enumeration of potential WebSocket status codes. More...
class | WebSocketStreamFailureArgs |
| Arguments for fm.liveswitch.WebSocketOpenArgs#getOnStreamFailure. More...
class | WebSocketTransfer |
| Base class that defines methods for transferring content over the WebSocket protocol. More...
class | WebSocketTransferFactory |
| Creates implementations of fm.liveswitch.WebSocketWebRequestTransfer. More...
class | WebSocketWebRequestTransfer |
| Defines methods for transferring messages using the WebSocket protocol. More...
class | WssChangeMediaParametersRequest |
class | WssChangeMediaParametersResponse |
class | WssConnectionOpenAwaitArgs |
class | WssConnectionStateUpdate |
class | WssDemuxer |
class | WssDemuxerBase |
class | WssDepacketizer |
class | WssFrameStats |
class | WssKeyFrameRequest |
class | WssLocalMediaStreamer |
class | WssManager |
class | WssManagerBase< TConnection extends fm.liveswitch.WssWebSocketConnectionBase< TConnection, TStream, TAudioStream, TVideoStream, TDataStream, TDataChannel >, TStream extends fm.liveswitch.StreamBase, TAudioStream extends fm.liveswitch.IAudioStream, TVideoStream extends fm.liveswitch.IVideoStream, TDataStream extends fm.liveswitch.IDataStream< TDataChannel >, TDataChannel extends fm.liveswitch.IDataChannel |
class | WssMediaPacket |
class | WssPacket |
class | WssPacketizer |
enum | WssPacketType |
class | WssPingMessage |
| Represents a WebSocket Ping message with a transaction identifier. More...
class | WssPongMessage |
| Represents a WebSocket Pong message with a transaction identifier. More...
class | WssRemoteMediaStreamer |
class | WssResetStreamRequest |
class | WssServiceConnection |
class | WssServiceOpenArgs |
class | WssSignallingMessage |
class | WssStreamAssignment |
class | WssStreamStateUpdate |
class | WssStunRequest |
class | WssStunResponse |
class | WssWebSocketConnection |
class | WssWebSocketConnectionBase< TConnection extends fm.liveswitch.WssWebSocketConnectionBase< TConnection, TStream, TAudioStream, TVideoStream, TDataStream, TDataChannel >, TStream extends fm.liveswitch.StreamBase, TAudioStream extends fm.liveswitch.IAudioStream, TVideoStream extends fm.liveswitch.IVideoStream, TDataStream extends fm.liveswitch.IDataStream< TDataChannel >, TDataChannel extends fm.liveswitch.IDataChannel |
class | X501Attribute |
class | X501AttributeType |
class | X501DirectoryString |
class | X501Name |
class | X501RelativeDistinguishedName |
class | X509AlgorithmIdentifier |
class | X509Certificate |
class | X509DsaSignature |
class | X509ECCurve |
class | X509ECFieldId |
class | X509ECNamedCurve |
class | X509ECParameters |
class | X509ECPoint |
class | X509ECPrivateKey |
class | X509Extension |
class | X509Extensions |
class | X509PrivateKeyInfo |
class | X509PublicKeyAlgorithm |
class | X509PublicKeyInfo |
class | X509RsaPrivateKey |
class | X509RsaPublicKey |
class | X509SignatureAlgorithm |
class | X509SubjectPublicKeyInfo |
class | X509TbsCertificate |
class | X509Time |
enum | X509TimeType |
class | X509Validity |
class | DtlsCertificateDateTest |
class | StringExtensionsTest |