fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo | getRemoteConnectionInfo () |
| Gets the remote connection information, if available. More...
void | addOnInboundAudioBitrateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< Integer, Integer > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the inbound audio bitrate changes. More...
void | addOnInboundVideoBitrateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< Integer, Integer > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the inbound video bitrate changes. More...
int | getInboundAudioBitrate () |
| Gets the current inbound audio bitrate. More...
int | getInboundVideoBitrate () |
| Gets the current inbound video bitrate. More...
String | getMediaServerId () |
| Gets the identifier of the Media Server handling this connection. More...
String | getPreferredMediaServerId () |
| Gets the preferred identifier of the Media Server to handle this connection. More...
void | removeOnInboundAudioBitrateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< Integer, Integer > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the inbound audio bitrate changes. More...
void | removeOnInboundVideoBitrateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< Integer, Integer > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the inbound video bitrate changes. More...
void | setPreferredMediaServerId (String value) |
| Sets the preferred identifier of the Media Server to handle this connection. More...
void | addOnAudioUnmuteDisabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is disabled. More...
void | addOnAudioUnmuteEnabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is enabled. More...
void | addOnAutomaticIceServers (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.IceServerCollection > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received. More...
void | addOnGatheringStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes. More...
void | addOnIceConnectionStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes. More...
void | addOnLocalCandidate (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.Candidate > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready. More...
void | addOnLocalDescription (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the local description is ready. More...
void | addOnMediaQuality (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality. More...
void | addOnNetworkQuality (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality. More...
void | addOnNoMediaServersAvailable (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.NoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available. More...
void | addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.NoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available. More...
void | addOnRecordingDisabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< String > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded. More...
void | addOnRecordingEnabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< String > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded. More...
void | addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo, fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server. More...
void | addOnRemoteCandidate (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.Candidate > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready. More...
void | addOnRemoteDescription (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready. More...
void | addOnRemoteUpdate (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo, fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated. More...
void | addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo, fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server. More...
void | addOnSignallingStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
void | addOnStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
void | addOnStats (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionStats > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats. More...
void | addOnVideoEnabledChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, Boolean > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled. More...
void | addOnVideoUnmuteDisabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is disabled. More...
void | addOnVideoUnmuteEnabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is enabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > | close () |
| Closes the connection. More...
void | defaultRTTMonitoringStrategy (int rtt) |
| The default RTT strategy. More...
String | getApplicationId () |
| Gets the application identifier. More...
String | getAudioDirection () |
| Gets the audio direction. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioStream | getAudioStream () |
| Gets the audio stream. More...
boolean | getAudioUnmuteDisabled () |
| Gets whether the ability to unmute audio is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.BundlePolicy | getBundlePolicy () |
| Gets the Bundle Policy. More...
String | getCanonicalName () |
| Gets the connection's canonical name. More...
String | getChannelId () |
| Gets the channel identifier. More...
String | getClientId () |
| Gets the client identifier. More...
fm.liveswitch.ConnectionConfig | getConfig () |
| Gets the current configuration. More...
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DatagramSocketCreateArgs, fm.liveswitch.DatagramSocket > | getCreateDatagramSocket () |
| Gets a method that creates Datagram sockets. More...
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.StreamSocketCreateArgs, fm.liveswitch.StreamSocket > | getCreateStreamSocket () |
| Gets a method that creates Stream sockets. More...
String | getDataDirection () |
| Gets the data direction. More...
fm.liveswitch.DataStream | getDataStream () |
| Gets the data stream. More...
int | getDeadStreamTimeout () |
| Gets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before declaring the connection dead. More...
String | getDeviceId () |
| Gets the device identifier. More...
boolean | getDisableAutomaticIceServers () |
| Gets whether to disable automatic ICE servers (embedded TURN). More...
fm.liveswitch.DtlsCipherSuite[] | getDtlsCipherSuites () |
| Gets the DTLS cipher suites to use. More...
fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion | getDtlsClientVersion () |
| Gets the protocol version to use when in the DTLS client role. More...
fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion | getDtlsServerMaxVersion () |
| Gets the maximum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More...
fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion | getDtlsServerMinVersion () |
| Gets the minimum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More...
fm.liveswitch.Error | getError () |
| Gets the error, if an error exists. More...
String | getExternalId () |
| Gets the external connection identifier. More...
fm.liveswitch.IceGatheringState | getGatheringState () |
| Gets the state of the ice gathering. More...
boolean | getHasAudio () |
| Gets whether this connection has an audio stream. More...
boolean | getHasData () |
| Gets whether this connection has a data stream. More...
boolean | getHasVideo () |
| Gets whether this connection has a video stream. More...
fm.liveswitch.AddressType[] | getIceAddressTypes () |
| Gets the ICE address types. More...
fm.liveswitch.IceConnectionState | getIceConnectionState () |
| Gets the state of the ice connection. More...
fm.liveswitch.IceGatherPolicy | getIceGatherPolicy () |
| Gets the ICE gather policy. More...
fm.liveswitch.IcePolicy | getIcePolicy () |
| Gets policy indicating whether ICE is required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for this connection). More...
fm.liveswitch.IcePortRange | getIcePortRange () |
| Gets the ICE port range. More...
fm.liveswitch.IceRole | getIceRole () |
| Gets the ICE role. More...
fm.liveswitch.IceServer | getIceServer () |
| Gets the ICE server. More...
fm.liveswitch.IceServer[] | getIceServers () |
| Gets the ICE servers. More...
String | getId () |
| Gets the connection identifier. More...
fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo | getInfo () |
| Gets the connection info. More...
int | getKeepAliveInterval () |
| Gets a value indicating how many milliseconds must elapse between STUN keep-alive binding requests. More...
fm.liveswitch.NullableInteger | getLayoutPriority () |
| Gets the LayoutPriority. More...
String | getLayoutZone () |
| Gets the LayoutZone. More...
String | getLocalAudioDirection () |
| Gets the local audio direction. More...
boolean | getLocalAudioDisabled () |
| Gets if local audio is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo[] | getLocalAudioFormats () |
| Gets the local audio formats. More...
boolean | getLocalAudioMuted () |
| Gets whether the local audio is muted. More...
String | getLocalDataDirection () |
| Gets the local data direction. More...
boolean | getLocalDataDisabled () |
| Gets if local data is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription | getLocalDescription () |
| Gets the local description. More...
fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate | getLocalDtlsCertificate () |
| Gets the local DTLS certificate. More...
fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate[] | getLocalDtlsCertificates () |
| Gets the local DTLS certificates. More...
String | getLocalVideoDirection () |
| Gets the local video direction. More...
boolean | getLocalVideoDisabled () |
| Gets if local video is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo[] | getLocalVideoFormats () |
| Gets the local video formats. More...
boolean | getLocalVideoMuted () |
| Gets whether the local video is muted. More...
int | getMaxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff () |
| Gets the maximum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
String | getMediaId () |
| Gets the media identifier. More...
fm.liveswitch.MediaProtocol | getMediaProtocol () |
| Gets the media protocol in use on this connection. More...
double | getMediaQuality () |
| Gets the current estimated media quality. More...
int | getMinNoMediaServerRetryBackoff () |
| Gets the mininum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
fm.liveswitch.MultiplexPolicy | getMultiplexPolicy () |
| Gets the multiplex policy. More...
double | getNetworkQuality () |
| Gets the current estimated network quality. More...
int | getNoMediaServerTimeout () |
| Gets the timeout, in milliseconds, before failing a request where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
String | getPrivateIPAddress () |
| Gets the private IP address of this device. More...
String[] | getPrivateIPAddresses () |
| Gets the private IP address of this device. More...
boolean | getRecordingEnabled () |
| Gets whether this connection is being recorded. More...
boolean | getRemoteAudioDisabled () |
| Gets if remote audio is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo | getRemoteAudioEncoding () |
| Gets the remote audio encoding. More...
fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo[] | getRemoteAudioFormats () |
| Gets the remote audio formats. More...
boolean | getRemoteAudioMuted () |
| Gets whether the remote audio is muted. More...
boolean | getRemoteClosed () |
| Gets a value indicating whether the connection was closed by the remote host. More...
String | getRemoteConnectionId () |
| Gets the remote connection identifier, if available. More...
boolean | getRemoteDataDisabled () |
| Gets if remote data is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription | getRemoteDescription () |
| Gets the remote description. More...
String | getRemoteMediaId () |
| Gets the remote media identifier, if available. More...
boolean | getRemoteRejected () |
| Gets a value indicating whether the connection was rejected by the remote host. More...
String | getRemoteTag () |
| Gets the remote tag, if applicable. More...
boolean | getRemoteVideoDisabled () |
| Gets if remote video is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo | getRemoteVideoEncoding () |
| Gets the remote video encoding. More...
fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo[] | getRemoteVideoFormats () |
| Gets the remote video formats. More...
boolean | getRemoteVideoMuted () |
| Gets whether the remote video is muted. More...
fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Integer > | getRttMonitoringStrategy () |
| Gets the RTT strategy. More...
fm.liveswitch.SignallingState | getSignallingState () |
| Gets the state of the signalling. More...
fm.liveswitch.ConnectionState | getState () |
| Gets the state of the connection. More...
fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionStats > | getStats () |
| Gets the current connection stats. More...
int | getStatsEventInterval () |
| Gets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#addOnStats. More...
int | getStatsInterval () |
| Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
int | getStatsReportInterval () |
| Gets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
int | getStunBindingRequestLimit () |
| Gets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More...
int | getStunRequestTimeout () |
| Gets the timeout for individual Stun (and Turn) request messages in ms. More...
String | getTag () |
| Gets the tag. More...
int | getTcpConnectTimeout () |
| Gets connection timeout for stream sockets in ms. More...
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer > | getTestReceivedRtpBuffer () |
| Gets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers. More...
int | getTestRoundTripTime () |
| Gets a fixed round-trip time (in milliseconds) to use in the network transport. More...
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer > | getTestSendingRtpBuffer () |
| Gets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers. More...
fm.liveswitch.TrickleIcePolicy | getTrickleIcePolicy () |
| Gets the trickle-ICE policy. More...
int | getTurnAllocateRequestLimit () |
| Gets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More...
String | getType () |
| Gets the connection type. More...
String | getUserId () |
| Gets the user identifier. More...
boolean | getUseWebSocketsForMedia () |
| Gets if we should use WebSockets for sending media. More...
String | getVideoDirection () |
| Gets the video direction. More...
int | getVideoEnabledConnectionUpdateAttempts () |
| Gets the amount of attempts this connection has made to enabled video on a connection. More...
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< Integer, Integer > | getVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy () |
| Gets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoRetentionPolicy | getVideoRetentionPolicy () |
| Gets the Video Retention Policy. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoStream | getVideoStream () |
| Gets the video stream. More...
boolean | getVideoUnmuteDisabled () |
| Gets whether the ability to unmute video is disabled. More...
String | getWmsAddress () |
| Gets the WMS endpoint address. More...
String | getWmsConnectionToken () |
| Gets WMS connection token. More...
void | noRttMonitoringStrategy (int rtt) |
| The no rtt strategy. More...
fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > | open () |
| Opens the connection. More...
void | removeOnAudioUnmuteDisabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is disabled. More...
void | removeOnAudioUnmuteEnabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is enabled. More...
void | removeOnAutomaticIceServers (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.IceServerCollection > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received. More...
void | removeOnGatheringStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes. More...
void | removeOnIceConnectionStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes. More...
void | removeOnLocalCandidate (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.Candidate > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready. More...
void | removeOnLocalDescription (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the local description is ready. More...
void | removeOnMediaQuality (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality. More...
void | removeOnNetworkQuality (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality. More...
void | removeOnNoMediaServersAvailable (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.NoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available. More...
void | removeOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.NoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available. More...
void | removeOnRecordingDisabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< String > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded. More...
void | removeOnRecordingEnabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< String > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded. More...
void | removeOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo, fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server. More...
void | removeOnRemoteCandidate (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.Candidate > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready. More...
void | removeOnRemoteDescription (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready. More...
void | removeOnRemoteUpdate (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo, fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated. More...
void | removeOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo, fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server. More...
void | removeOnSignallingStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
void | removeOnStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
void | removeOnStats (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionStats > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats. More...
void | removeOnVideoEnabledChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, Boolean > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled. More...
void | removeOnVideoUnmuteDisabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is disabled. More...
void | removeOnVideoUnmuteEnabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is enabled. More...
void | setBundlePolicy (fm.liveswitch.BundlePolicy value) |
| Sets the Bundle Policy. More...
void | setCreateDatagramSocket (fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DatagramSocketCreateArgs, fm.liveswitch.DatagramSocket > value) |
| Sets a method that creates Datagram sockets. More...
void | setCreateStreamSocket (fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.StreamSocketCreateArgs, fm.liveswitch.StreamSocket > value) |
| Sets a method that creates Stream sockets. More...
void | setDeadStreamTimeout (int value) |
| Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before declaring the connection dead. More...
void | setDisableAutomaticIceServers (boolean value) |
| Sets whether to disable automatic ICE servers (embedded TURN). More...
void | setDtlsCipherSuites (fm.liveswitch.DtlsCipherSuite[] value) |
| Sets the DTLS cipher suites to use. More...
void | setDtlsClientVersion (fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion value) |
| Sets the protocol version to use when in the DTLS client role. More...
void | setDtlsServerMaxVersion (fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion value) |
| Sets the maximum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More...
void | setDtlsServerMinVersion (fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion value) |
| Sets the minimum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More...
void | setIceAddressTypes (fm.liveswitch.AddressType[] value) |
| Sets the ICE address types. More...
void | setIceGatherPolicy (fm.liveswitch.IceGatherPolicy value) |
| Sets the ICE gather policy. More...
void | setIcePolicy (fm.liveswitch.IcePolicy value) |
| Sets policy indicating whether ICE is required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for this connection). More...
void | setIcePortRange (fm.liveswitch.IcePortRange value) |
| Sets the ICE port range. More...
void | setIceServer (fm.liveswitch.IceServer value) |
| Sets the ICE server. More...
void | setIceServers (fm.liveswitch.IceServer[] value) |
| Sets the ICE servers. More...
void | setKeepAliveInterval (int value) |
| Sets a value indicating how many milliseconds must elapse between STUN keep-alive binding requests. More...
void | setLayoutPriority (fm.liveswitch.NullableInteger value) |
| Sets the LayoutPriority. More...
void | setLayoutZone (String value) |
| Sets the LayoutZone. More...
void | setLocalDtlsCertificate (fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate value) |
| Sets the local DTLS certificate. More...
void | setLocalDtlsCertificates (fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate[] value) |
| Sets the local DTLS certificates. More...
void | setMaxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff (int value) |
| Sets the maximum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
void | setMinNoMediaServerRetryBackoff (int value) |
| Sets the mininum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
void | setMultiplexPolicy (fm.liveswitch.MultiplexPolicy value) |
| Sets the multiplex policy. More...
void | setNoMediaServerTimeout (int value) |
| Sets the timeout, in milliseconds, before failing a request where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
void | setPrivateIPAddress (String value) |
| Sets the private IP address of this device. More...
void | setPrivateIPAddresses (String[] value) |
| Sets the private IP address of this device. More...
void | setRemoteAudioMuted (boolean value) |
| Sets whether the remote audio is muted. More...
void | setRemoteVideoMuted (boolean value) |
| Sets whether the remote video is muted. More...
void | setRttMonitoringStrategy (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Integer > value) |
| Sets the RTT strategy. More...
void | setStatsEventInterval (int value) |
| Sets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#addOnStats. More...
void | setStatsInterval (int value) |
| Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
void | setStatsReportInterval (int value) |
| Sets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
void | setStunBindingRequestLimit (int value) |
| Sets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More...
void | setStunRequestTimeout (int value) |
| Sets the timeout for individual Stun (and Turn) request messages in ms. More...
void | setTag (String value) |
| Sets the tag. More...
void | setTcpConnectTimeout (int value) |
| Sets connection timeout for stream sockets in ms. More...
void | setTestReceivedRtpBuffer (fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer > value) |
| Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers. More...
void | setTestRoundTripTime (int value) |
| Sets a fixed round-trip time (in milliseconds) to use in the network transport. More...
void | setTestSendingRtpBuffer (fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer > value) |
| Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers. More...
void | setTrickleIcePolicy (fm.liveswitch.TrickleIcePolicy value) |
| Sets the trickle-ICE policy. More...
void | setTurnAllocateRequestLimit (int value) |
| Sets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More...
void | setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy (fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< Integer, Integer > value) |
| Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
void | setVideoRetentionPolicy (fm.liveswitch.VideoRetentionPolicy value) |
| Sets the Video Retention Policy. More...
void | setWmsAddress (String value) |
| Sets the WMS endpoint address. More...
void | setWmsConnectionToken (String value) |
| Sets WMS connection token. More...
fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > | update (fm.liveswitch.ConnectionConfig config) |
| Updates this connection. More...
java.util.HashMap< String, Object > | getDynamicProperties () |
| Gets all dynamic properties on this instance. More...
Object | getDynamicValue (String key) |
| Gets a property value from the local cache. More...
void | setDynamicValue (String key, Object value) |
| Sets a property value in the local cache. More...
boolean | unsetDynamicValue (String key) |
| Removes a property value from the local cache. More...