abstract void | addOnReceive (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when data is received. More...
abstract boolean | getIsClosed () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance is closed. More...
abstract int | getNextTransportSequenceNumber () |
| Gets the next Transport-Wide Sequence Number. More...
int | getRoundTripTime () |
| Gets the current round-trip-time in milliseconds. More...
abstract void | removeOnReceive (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when data is received. More...
abstract void | send (fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer buffer) |
| Sends the specified buffer. More...
java.util.HashMap< String, Object > | getDynamicProperties () |
| Gets all dynamic properties on this instance. More...
Object | getDynamicValue (String key) |
| Gets a property value from the local cache. More...
void | setDynamicValue (String key, Object value) |
| Sets a property value in the local cache. More...
boolean | unsetDynamicValue (String key) |
| Removes a property value from the local cache. More...