static fm.liveswitch.NullableBoolean | deserializeBoolean (String valueJson) |
| Deserializes a boolean value. More...
static boolean[] | deserializeBooleanArray (String arrayJson) |
| Deserializes a boolean array from JSON. More...
static fm.liveswitch.NullableBigDecimal | deserializeDecimal (String valueJson) |
| Deserializes a decimal value. More...
static java.math.BigDecimal[] | deserializeDecimalArray (String arrayJson) |
| Deserializes a decimal array from JSON. More...
static< T > java.util.HashMap< String, T > | deserializeDictionary (String dictionaryJson, fm.liveswitch.IFunction0< java.util.HashMap< String, T >> createDictionaryCallback, final fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< String, T > deserializeValueCallback) |
| Deserializes a JSON string into a dictionary. More...
static fm.liveswitch.NullableDouble | deserializeDouble (String valueJson) |
| Deserializes a double value. More...
static double[] | deserializeDoubleArray (String arrayJson) |
| Deserializes a double array from JSON. More...
static fm.liveswitch.NullableFloat | deserializeFloat (String valueJson) |
| Deserializes a float value. More...
static float[] | deserializeFloatArray (String arrayJson) |
| Deserializes a float array from JSON. More...
static fm.liveswitch.NullableGuid | deserializeGuid (String valueJson) |
| Deserializes a globally unique identifier. More...
static fm.liveswitch.Guid[] | deserializeGuidArray (String arrayJson) |
| Deserializes a GUID array from JSON. More...
static fm.liveswitch.NullableInteger | deserializeInteger (String valueJson) |
| Deserializes an integer value. More...
static int[] | deserializeIntegerArray (String arrayJson) |
| Deserializes a integer array from JSON. More...
static fm.liveswitch.NullableLong | deserializeLong (String valueJson) |
| Deserializes a long value. More...
static long[] | deserializeLongArray (String arrayJson) |
| Deserializes a long array from JSON. More...
static< T > T | deserializeObject (String json, fm.liveswitch.IFunction0< T > creator, fm.liveswitch.IAction3< T, String, String > callback) |
| Deserializes a JSON string into a target object type. More...
static< T > java.util.ArrayList< T > | deserializeObjectArray (String json, fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< String, T > deserializer) |
| Deserializes a JSON string into an array of target object types. More...
static< T extends fm.liveswitch.Serializable > T | deserializeObjectFast (String json, fm.liveswitch.IFunction0< T > creator, fm.liveswitch.IAction3< T, String, String > callback) |
| Deserializes a JSON string into a fm.liveswitch.Serializable target object type. More...
static String | deserializeRaw (String dataJson) |
| Deserializes a piece of raw JSON. More...
static java.util.ArrayList< String > | deserializeRawArray (String json) |
| Deserializes a raw array from JSON. More...
static String | deserializeString (String valueJson) |
| Deserializes a string. More...
static String[] | deserializeStringArray (String arrayJson) |
| Deserializes a simple string array from JSON. More...
static String | escapeString (String text) |
| Escapes any special characters in a string. More...
static boolean | isValidJson (String json) |
| Determines whether the specified JSON string is valid. More...
static String | serializeBoolean (fm.liveswitch.NullableBoolean value) |
| Serializes a boolean value. More...
static String | serializeBooleanArray (boolean[] array) |
| Serializes a boolean array to JSON. More...
static String | serializeDecimal (fm.liveswitch.NullableBigDecimal value) |
| Serializes a decimal value. More...
static String | serializeDecimalArray (java.math.BigDecimal[] array) |
| Serializes a decimal array to JSON. More...
static< T > String | serializeDictionary (java.util.HashMap< String, T > dictionary, final fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< T, String > serializeValueCallback) |
| Serializes a dictionary into a JSON string. More...
static String | serializeDouble (fm.liveswitch.NullableDouble value) |
| Serializes a double value. More...
static String | serializeDoubleArray (double[] array) |
| Serializes a double array to JSON. More...
static String | serializeFloat (fm.liveswitch.NullableFloat value) |
| Serializes a float value. More...
static String | serializeFloatArray (float[] array) |
| Serializes a float array to JSON. More...
static String | serializeGuid (fm.liveswitch.NullableGuid value) |
| Serializes a globally unique identifier. More...
static String | serializeGuidArray (fm.liveswitch.Guid[] array) |
| Serializes a GUID array to JSON. More...
static String | serializeInteger (fm.liveswitch.NullableInteger value) |
| Serializes an integer value. More...
static String | serializeIntegerArray (int[] array) |
| Serializes a integer array to JSON. More...
static String | serializeLong (fm.liveswitch.NullableLong value) |
| Serializes a long value. More...
static String | serializeLongArray (long[] array) |
| Serializes a long array to JSON. More...
static< T > String | serializeObject (T source, fm.liveswitch.IAction2< T, java.util.HashMap< String, String >> callback) |
| Serializes an object into a JSON string. More...
static< T > String | serializeObjectArray (T[] objects, fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< T, String > serializer) |
| Serializes an object array into a JSON string. More...
static< T extends fm.liveswitch.Serializable > String | serializeObjectFast (T source, fm.liveswitch.IAction2< T, java.util.HashMap< String, String >> callback) |
| Serializes a fm.liveswitch.Serializable object into a JSON string. More...
static String | serializeRaw (String dataJson) |
| Serializes a piece of raw JSON. More...
static String | serializeRawArray (String[] jsons) |
| Serializes a raw array to JSON. More...
static String | serializeString (String value) |
| Serializes a string. More...
static String | serializeStringArray (String[] array) |
| Serializes a string array to JSON. More...
static String | trimQuotes (String value) |
| Trims the quotes from a JavaScript string value. More...
static String | unescapeString (String text) |
| Unescapes any special characters from a string. More...