void | addOnLayout (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Layout > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when a layout is calculated. More...
boolean | addRemoteMedia (fm.liveswitch.IViewableMedia< T > remoteMedia) |
| Adds remote media to the layout. More...
boolean | addRemoteView (String idValue, T view) |
| Adds a remote view to the layout. More...
boolean | addRemoteViews (String[] ids, T[] views) |
| Adds remote views to the layout. More...
fm.liveswitch.LayoutOrigin | getLayoutOrigin () |
| Gets the layout origin. More...
T | getLocalView () |
| Gets the local view from the layout. More...
T | getRemoteView (String idValue) |
| Gets a remote view from the layout. More...
String[] | getRemoteViewIds () |
| Gets the IDs of the remote views in the layout. More...
java.util.ArrayList< T > | getRemoteViews () |
| Gets all remote views from the layout. More...
java.util.ArrayList< T > | getRemoteViews (String[] ids) |
| Gets remote views from the layout. More...
abstract void | layout () |
| Positions the local and remote views within the layout. More...
| LayoutManager () |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.LayoutManager class. More...
| LayoutManager (fm.liveswitch.LayoutPreset preset) |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.LayoutManager class. More...
void | layoutOnMainThread () |
| Positions the local and remote views within the layout after dispatching to the main thread. More...
void | removeOnLayout (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Layout > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when a layout is calculated. More...
boolean | removeRemoteMedia (fm.liveswitch.IViewableMedia< T > remoteMedia) |
| Removes remote media from the layout. More...
boolean | removeRemoteView (String idValue) |
| Removes a remote view from the layout. More...
void | removeRemoteViews () |
| Removes all remote views from the layout. More...
boolean | removeRemoteViews (String[] ids) |
| Removes remote views from the layout. More...
void | reset () |
| Removes all remote views from the layout, then removes the local view from the layout. More...
boolean | setLocalMedia (fm.liveswitch.IViewableMedia< T > localMedia) |
| Adds the local media to the layout. More...
boolean | setLocalView (T view) |
| Adds the local view to the layout. More...
boolean | swapRemoteMedia (fm.liveswitch.IViewableMedia< T > remoteMediaToRemove, fm.liveswitch.IViewableMedia< T > remoteMediaToAdd) |
| Swaps remote media in the layout. More...
boolean | swapRemoteView (String idToRemove, String idToAdd, T viewToAdd) |
| Swaps a remote view in the layout. More...
boolean | swapRemoteViews (String[] idsToRemove, String[] idsToAdd, T[] viewsToAdd) |
| Swaps remote views in the layout. More...
boolean | unsetLocalView () |
| Removes the local view from the layout. More...
void | applyPreset (fm.liveswitch.LayoutPreset preset) |
| Applies a preset. More...
fm.liveswitch.Layout | calculateLayout (int layoutWidth, int layoutHeight, boolean local, int remoteCount, fm.liveswitch.LayoutOrigin origin, fm.liveswitch.Size localVideoSize, fm.liveswitch.Size[] remoteVideoSizes) |
| Gets a video frame layout. More...
fm.liveswitch.Layout | calculateLayout (int layoutWidth, int layoutHeight, int remoteCount, fm.liveswitch.LayoutOrigin origin) |
| Gets a video frame layout. More...
void | copyToPreset (fm.liveswitch.LayoutPreset preset) |
| Copies this preset's properties to another preset. More...
fm.liveswitch.LayoutAlignment | getAlignment () |
| Gets the alignment of the layout. More...
int | getBlockHeight () |
| Gets the height of block elements in pixels. More...
double | getBlockHeightPercent () |
| Gets the height of block elements as a percent of the container height between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
int | getBlockMarginX () |
| Gets the X-margin between block elements and the layout edge in pixels. More...
double | getBlockMarginXPercent () |
| Gets the X-margin between block elements and the layout edge as a percent of the container width between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
int | getBlockMarginY () |
| Gets the Y-margin between block elements and the layout edge in pixels. More...
double | getBlockMarginYPercent () |
| Gets the Y-margin between block elements and the layout edge as a percent of the container height between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
int | getBlockWidth () |
| Gets the width of block elements in pixels. More...
double | getBlockWidthPercent () |
| Gets the width of block elements as a percent of the container width between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
fm.liveswitch.LayoutDirection | getDirection () |
| Gets the direction of the layout flow. More...
int | getFloatHeight () |
| Gets the height of floating elements in pixels. More...
double | getFloatHeightPercent () |
| Gets the height of floating elements as a percent of the container height between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
int | getFloatMarginX () |
| Gets the X-margin between floating elements and the layout edge in pixels. More...
double | getFloatMarginXPercent () |
| Gets the X-margin between floating elements and the layout edge as a percent of the container width between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
int | getFloatMarginY () |
| Gets the Y-margin between floating elements and the layout edge in pixels. More...
double | getFloatMarginYPercent () |
| Gets the Y-margin between floating elements and the layout edge as a percent of the container height between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
int | getFloatWidth () |
| Gets the width of floating elements in pixels. More...
double | getFloatWidthPercent () |
| Gets the width of floating elements as a percent of the container width between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
int | getInlineMargin () |
| Gets the size of the margin in pixels to use between inline elements. More...
fm.liveswitch.LayoutMode | getMode () |
| Gets the mode used by the layout engine. More...
| LayoutPreset () |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.LayoutPreset class. More...
void | setAlignment (fm.liveswitch.LayoutAlignment value) |
| Sets the alignment of the layout. More...
void | setBlockHeight (int value) |
| Sets the height of block elements in pixels. More...
void | setBlockHeightPercent (double value) |
| Sets the height of block elements as a percent of the container height between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
void | setBlockMarginX (int value) |
| Sets the X-margin between block elements and the layout edge in pixels. More...
void | setBlockMarginXPercent (double value) |
| Sets the X-margin between block elements and the layout edge as a percent of the container width between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
void | setBlockMarginY (int value) |
| Sets the Y-margin between block elements and the layout edge in pixels. More...
void | setBlockMarginYPercent (double value) |
| Sets the Y-margin between block elements and the layout edge as a percent of the container height between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
void | setBlockWidth (int value) |
| Sets the width of block elements in pixels. More...
void | setBlockWidthPercent (double value) |
| Sets the width of block elements as a percent of the container width between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
void | setDirection (fm.liveswitch.LayoutDirection value) |
| Sets the direction of the layout flow. More...
void | setFloatHeight (int value) |
| Sets the height of floating elements in pixels. More...
void | setFloatHeightPercent (double value) |
| Sets the height of floating elements as a percent of the container height between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
void | setFloatMarginX (int value) |
| Sets the X-margin between floating elements and the layout edge in pixels. More...
void | setFloatMarginXPercent (double value) |
| Sets the X-margin between floating elements and the layout edge as a percent of the container width between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
void | setFloatMarginY (int value) |
| Sets the Y-margin between floating elements and the layout edge in pixels. More...
void | setFloatMarginYPercent (double value) |
| Sets the Y-margin between floating elements and the layout edge as a percent of the container height between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
void | setFloatWidth (int value) |
| Sets the width of floating elements in pixels. More...
void | setFloatWidthPercent (double value) |
| Sets the width of floating elements as a percent of the container width between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
void | setInlineMargin (int value) |
| Sets the size of the margin in pixels to use between inline elements. More...
void | setMode (fm.liveswitch.LayoutMode value) |
| Sets the mode used by the layout engine. More...
java.util.HashMap< String, Object > | getDynamicProperties () |
| Gets all dynamic properties on this instance. More...
Object | getDynamicValue (String key) |
| Gets a property value from the local cache. More...
void | setDynamicValue (String key, Object value) |
| Sets a property value in the local cache. More...
boolean | unsetDynamicValue (String key) |
| Removes a property value from the local cache. More...