Error codes are six digit values, where the first three digits indicate component, while the remaining three digits particular problem with the component. More...
Public Member Functions | |
ErrorCode (int value) | |
int | getAssignedValue () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
[static initializer] | |
static ErrorCode | getByAssignedValue (int value) |
Public Attributes | |
SocketSendError =(100000) | |
Indicates that the socket encountered an error while sending. More... | |
SocketReceiveError =(100001) | |
Indicates that the socket encountered an error while receiving. More... | |
SocketClosed =(100002) | |
Indicates that the socket is closed. More... | |
SocketSendBufferFull =(100003) | |
Indicates that the socket's send buffer is full. More... | |
IPProtocolMismatch =(100004) | |
Indicates the IP Protocol mismatch has occurred. More... | |
PacketTooLarge =(100005) | |
Indicates the supplied Turn relay server is invalid or not resolved. More... | |
NetworkUnreachable =(100006) | |
Indicates the network is unreachable. More... | |
StunTryAlternate =(114000) | |
300 Try Alternate. More... | |
StunBadRequest =(114001) | |
400 Bad Request. More... | |
StunUnauthorized =(114002) | |
401 Unauthorized. More... | |
StunTurnForbidden =(114003) | |
403 Forbidden. More... | |
StunTurnMobilityForbidden =(114004) | |
405 Mobility Forbidden. More... | |
StunUnknownAttribute =(114005) | |
420 Unknown Attribute. More... | |
StunStaleCredentials =(114006) | |
430 Stale credentials; the shared secret sent in the request is expired; the client should obtain a new shared secret. More... | |
StunIntegrityCheckFailure =(114007) | |
431 Integrity Check Failure. More... | |
StunMissingUsername =(114008) | |
432 Missing Username; the username attribute is not present in the request. More... | |
StunTurnAllocationMismatch =(114009) | |
437 Allocation Mismatch. More... | |
StunStaleNonce =(114010) | |
438 Stale Nonce. More... | |
StunAddressFamilyNotSupported =(114011) | |
440 Address Family Not Supported. More... | |
StunTurnWrongCredentials =(114012) | |
441 Wrong Credentials. More... | |
StunTurnUnsupportedTransportProtocol =(114013) | |
442 Unsupported Transport Protocol. More... | |
StunTurnPeerAddressFamilyMismatch =(114014) | |
443 Peer Address Family Mismatch. More... | |
StunTurnConnectionAlreadyExists =(114015) | |
446 Connection Already exists. More... | |
StunTurnConnectionTimeoutOrFailure =(114016) | |
447 Connection Timeout or Failure. More... | |
StunTurnAllocationQuotaReached =(114017) | |
486 Allocation Quota Reached. More... | |
StunIceRoleConflict =(114018) | |
487 Role Conflict. More... | |
StunServerError =(114019) | |
500 Server Error. More... | |
StunTurnInsufficientCapacity =(114020) | |
508 Insufficient Capacity. More... | |
StunInvalidResponseType =(114021) | |
Indicates Invalid Response Type, where message type obtained in reponse to a request is of unexpected type. More... | |
StunInvalidErrorCode =(114022) | |
Indicates that a failed response does not contain an error code or when the error code is inconsistent with the contents of the response. More... | |
StunInvalidTransactionId =(114023) | |
Indicates Invalid Stun Transaction Id. More... | |
StunUnknownStunErrorCode =(114024) | |
Indicates Unknown Stun Error Code. More... | |
StunInvalidMessageIntegrity =(114025) | |
Indicates Invalid Stun Message Integrity. More... | |
SocketIPError =(115001) | |
Indicates that the stream socket ip is invalid, remote server ip is invalid or there is a mimatch in the the ip of the socket and the remote server ip version. More... | |
IceLocalRelayedDatagramCandidateError =(101000) | |
Indicates the local relayed candidate could not be processed. More... | |
IceLocalServerReflexiveCandidateError =(101001) | |
Indicates the local server reflexive could not be processed. More... | |
SocketManagerInvalidState =(101002) | |
Indicates that an operation was attempted in an invalid state. More... | |
IceStartError =(102000) | |
Indicates that the ICE gatherer could not be started. More... | |
IceUnsuitableSocketAssignment =(102001) | |
Indicates that RTCP datagram sockets were assigned incorrectly after the gatherer was started. More... | |
IceAllPortsInUse =(102002) | |
Indicates that all ports are in use. More... | |
IceLocalAddressUnavailable =(102003) | |
Indicates that no local addresses were found. More... | |
IceGenericGathererError =(102004) | |
Indicates that an Ice Gatherer error occurred. More... | |
IceRefreshTimeout =(103000) | |
Indicates that the relayed candidate refresh request timed out. More... | |
IceRefreshError =(103001) | |
Indicates that the relayed candidate refresh request failed. More... | |
IceCreatePermissionTimeout =(104000) | |
Indicates that the candidate pair create-permission request timed out. More... | |
IceCreatePermissionError =(104001) | |
Indicates that the candidate pair create-permission request failed. More... | |
IceConnectivityCheckFailed =(104002) | |
Indicates that connectivity checks failed on the candidate pair. More... | |
IceSendError =(105000) | |
Indicates that the ICE transport encountered an error while sending. More... | |
IcePeerReflexiveError =(105001) | |
Indicates that the ICE transport encountered a problem creating a peer reflexive candidate. More... | |
IncompatibleIceSetup =(105002) | |
Indicates that the IcePolicy requirements are not supported by the remote client. More... | |
DtlsInternalError =(106000) | |
Indicates that an internal DTLS error occurred. More... | |
DtlsKeyExchangeFailed =(106001) | |
Indicates that the DTLS key exchange failed. More... | |
DtlsNotReady =(106002) | |
Indicates that a DTLS message was received before the DTLS endpoint was ready. More... | |
SctpNoPayloadData =(107000) | |
Indicates that an SCTP message had no payload data. More... | |
SctpUnsupportedStream =(107001) | |
Indicates that an attempt was made to send data on an unsupported stream. More... | |
SctpInvalidState =(107002) | |
Indicates that an operation was attempted while in a state that doesn't allow it. More... | |
SctpInternalError =(107003) | |
Indicates that an internal SCTP error occurred. More... | |
MediaTransportFailed =(108000) | |
Indicates the media transport failed. More... | |
ReliableDataChannelOpenError =(109000) | |
Indicates that the reliable data channel encountered an error while opening. More... | |
ReliableDataChannelSendError =(109001) | |
Indicates that the reliable data channel encountered an error while sending. More... | |
ConnectionInvalidArchitecture =(110000) | |
Indicates that the connection architecture is invalid. More... | |
ConnectionInternalError =(110001) | |
Indicates that an internal connection error occurred. More... | |
ConnectionTransportStartError =(110002) | |
Indicates that the connection's inner transport could not be started. More... | |
ConnectionTransportClosed =(110003) | |
Indicates that the connection's inner transport is closed. More... | |
ConnectionDeadStream =(110004) | |
Indicates that a connection has failed connectivity checks for an extended period. More... | |
ConnectionNotEstablished =(110005) | |
Indicates that a connection has not been established within allocated timeframe. More... | |
ConnectionRemoteFailure =(110006) | |
Indicates that the remote end of the connection signalled failure. More... | |
ConnectionSimulcastNotSupported =(110007) | |
Indicates that simulcast is not supported. More... | |
StreamDisabled =(111000) | |
Indicates that the stream was disabled. More... | |
StreamEncryptionMismatch =(111001) | |
Indicates that the local and remote stream encryption modes are not compatible. More... | |
StreamDirectionMismatch =(111002) | |
Indicates that the local and remote stream directions are not compatible. More... | |
DataStreamDirectionCannotBeChanged =(111003) | |
Indicates that an attempt was made to modify Data Stream direction; however, this is not allowed. More... | |
InvalidStreamDirectionChange =(111004) | |
Indicates that a Media Stream direction change attempt was made; however, new direction setting is not supported by the existing stream capabilities (inputs or outpus are missing). More... | |
LocalDescriptionError =(112000) | |
Indicates that an error was encountered while processing the local description. More... | |
RemoteDescriptionError =(112001) | |
Indicates that an error was encountered while processing the remote description. More... | |
IceLocalRelayedStreamCandidateError =(113000) | |
Indicates the local relayed candidate could not be processed. More... | |
IceInvalidServerAssignmentError =(113001) | |
Indicates the supplied Turn relay server is invalid or not resolved. More... | |
WebSocketMediaConnectionsNotAllowed =(116000) | |
Indicates that the WebSocket Media Connections are not allowed or not available for this application or deployment. More... | |
WebSocketMediaServerToMediaServerError =(116001) | |
Indicates that the WebSocket Media Server encountered a problem connecting to a Media Server over a WebRTC-based connection. More... | |
WebSocketMediaClientFailure =(116002) | |
Indicates that an error occurred while communicating with a WebSocket Media Server over a service connection. More... | |
WebSocketMediaServerRejectedConnectionTerminally =(116003) | |
Indicates that the WebSocket Media Server rejected connection terminally. More... | |
WebSocketMediaServerChannelVideoStreamCapacityReached =(116004) | |
Indicates that the WebSocket Media Server rejected connection due to a capacity policy. More... | |
Error codes are six digit values, where the first three digits indicate component, while the remaining three digits particular problem with the component.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.ErrorCode | ( | int | value | ) |
static |
int fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.getAssignedValue | ( | ) |
static |
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.ConnectionDeadStream =(110004) |
Indicates that a connection has failed connectivity checks for an extended period.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.ConnectionInternalError =(110001) |
Indicates that an internal connection error occurred.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.ConnectionInvalidArchitecture =(110000) |
Indicates that the connection architecture is invalid.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.ConnectionNotEstablished =(110005) |
Indicates that a connection has not been established within allocated timeframe.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.ConnectionRemoteFailure =(110006) |
Indicates that the remote end of the connection signalled failure.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.ConnectionSimulcastNotSupported =(110007) |
Indicates that simulcast is not supported.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.ConnectionTransportClosed =(110003) |
Indicates that the connection's inner transport is closed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.ConnectionTransportStartError =(110002) |
Indicates that the connection's inner transport could not be started.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.DataStreamDirectionCannotBeChanged =(111003) |
Indicates that an attempt was made to modify Data Stream direction; however, this is not allowed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.DtlsInternalError =(106000) |
Indicates that an internal DTLS error occurred.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.DtlsKeyExchangeFailed =(106001) |
Indicates that the DTLS key exchange failed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.DtlsNotReady =(106002) |
Indicates that a DTLS message was received before the DTLS endpoint was ready.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceAllPortsInUse =(102002) |
Indicates that all ports are in use.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceConnectivityCheckFailed =(104002) |
Indicates that connectivity checks failed on the candidate pair.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceCreatePermissionError =(104001) |
Indicates that the candidate pair create-permission request failed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceCreatePermissionTimeout =(104000) |
Indicates that the candidate pair create-permission request timed out.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceGenericGathererError =(102004) |
Indicates that an Ice Gatherer error occurred.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceInvalidServerAssignmentError =(113001) |
Indicates the supplied Turn relay server is invalid or not resolved.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceLocalAddressUnavailable =(102003) |
Indicates that no local addresses were found.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceLocalRelayedDatagramCandidateError =(101000) |
Indicates the local relayed candidate could not be processed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceLocalRelayedStreamCandidateError =(113000) |
Indicates the local relayed candidate could not be processed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceLocalServerReflexiveCandidateError =(101001) |
Indicates the local server reflexive could not be processed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IcePeerReflexiveError =(105001) |
Indicates that the ICE transport encountered a problem creating a peer reflexive candidate.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceRefreshError =(103001) |
Indicates that the relayed candidate refresh request failed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceRefreshTimeout =(103000) |
Indicates that the relayed candidate refresh request timed out.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceSendError =(105000) |
Indicates that the ICE transport encountered an error while sending.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceStartError =(102000) |
Indicates that the ICE gatherer could not be started.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IceUnsuitableSocketAssignment =(102001) |
Indicates that RTCP datagram sockets were assigned incorrectly after the gatherer was started.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IncompatibleIceSetup =(105002) |
Indicates that the IcePolicy requirements are not supported by the remote client.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.InvalidStreamDirectionChange =(111004) |
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.IPProtocolMismatch =(100004) |
Indicates the IP Protocol mismatch has occurred.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.LocalDescriptionError =(112000) |
Indicates that an error was encountered while processing the local description.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.MediaTransportFailed =(108000) |
Indicates the media transport failed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.NetworkUnreachable =(100006) |
Indicates the network is unreachable.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.PacketTooLarge =(100005) |
Indicates the supplied Turn relay server is invalid or not resolved.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.ReliableDataChannelOpenError =(109000) |
Indicates that the reliable data channel encountered an error while opening.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.ReliableDataChannelSendError =(109001) |
Indicates that the reliable data channel encountered an error while sending.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.RemoteDescriptionError =(112001) |
Indicates that an error was encountered while processing the remote description.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.SctpInternalError =(107003) |
Indicates that an internal SCTP error occurred.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.SctpInvalidState =(107002) |
Indicates that an operation was attempted while in a state that doesn't allow it.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.SctpNoPayloadData =(107000) |
Indicates that an SCTP message had no payload data.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.SctpUnsupportedStream =(107001) |
Indicates that an attempt was made to send data on an unsupported stream.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.SocketClosed =(100002) |
Indicates that the socket is closed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.SocketIPError =(115001) |
Indicates that the stream socket ip is invalid, remote server ip is invalid or there is a mimatch in the the ip of the socket and the remote server ip version.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.SocketManagerInvalidState =(101002) |
Indicates that an operation was attempted in an invalid state.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.SocketReceiveError =(100001) |
Indicates that the socket encountered an error while receiving.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.SocketSendBufferFull =(100003) |
Indicates that the socket's send buffer is full.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.SocketSendError =(100000) |
Indicates that the socket encountered an error while sending.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StreamDirectionMismatch =(111002) |
Indicates that the local and remote stream directions are not compatible.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StreamDisabled =(111000) |
Indicates that the stream was disabled.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StreamEncryptionMismatch =(111001) |
Indicates that the local and remote stream encryption modes are not compatible.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunAddressFamilyNotSupported =(114011) |
440 Address Family Not Supported.
RFC 6156. Indicates that the server does not support the address family requested by the client.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunBadRequest =(114001) |
400 Bad Request.
RFC5389. Idicates that the original request was malformed. The client SHOULD NOT retry the request without modification from the previous attempt. The server may not be able to generate a valid MESSAGE-INTEGRITY for this error, so the client MUST NOT expect a valid MESSAGE-INTEGRITY attribute on this response.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunIceRoleConflict =(114018) |
487 Role Conflict.
The Binding request contained either the ICE-CONTROLLING or ICE-CONTROLLED attribute, indicating a role that conflicted with the server. The server ran a tie-breaker based on the tie-breaker value in the request and determined that the client needs to switch roles.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunIntegrityCheckFailure =(114007) |
431 Integrity Check Failure.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunInvalidErrorCode =(114022) |
Indicates that a failed response does not contain an error code or when the error code is inconsistent with the contents of the response.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunInvalidMessageIntegrity =(114025) |
Indicates Invalid Stun Message Integrity.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunInvalidResponseType =(114021) |
Indicates Invalid Response Type, where message type obtained in reponse to a request is of unexpected type.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunInvalidTransactionId =(114023) |
Indicates Invalid Stun Transaction Id.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunMissingUsername =(114008) |
432 Missing Username; the username attribute is not present in the request.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunServerError =(114019) |
500 Server Error.
RFC5389. Indicates that the server has suffered a temporary error. The client should try again.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunStaleCredentials =(114006) |
430 Stale credentials; the shared secret sent in the request is expired; the client should obtain a new shared secret.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunStaleNonce =(114010) |
438 Stale Nonce.
RFC5389. Indicates that the NONCE used by the client was no longer valid. The client should retry, using the NONCE provided in the response.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunTryAlternate =(114000) |
300 Try Alternate.
RFC5389. Indicates that a server using this extension redirects a client to another server by replying to a request message with an error response message with an error code of 300 (Try Alternate). The server MUST include an ALTERNATE-SERVER attribute in the error response. The error response message MAY be authenticated; however, there are uses cases for ALTERNATE-SERVER where authentication of the response is not possible or practical.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunTurnAllocationMismatch =(114009) |
437 Allocation Mismatch.
RFC 5766. This indicates that the client has picked a 5-tuple that the server sees as already in use. One way this could happen is if an intervening NAT assigned a mapped transport address that was used by another client that recently crashed. The client considers the current transaction as having failed. The client SHOULD pick another client transport address and retry the Allocate request (using a different transaction id). The client SHOULD try three different client transport addresses before giving up on this server.Once the client gives up on the server, it SHOULD NOT try to create another allocation on the server for 2 minutes.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunTurnAllocationQuotaReached =(114017) |
486 Allocation Quota Reached.
The server is currently unable to create any more allocations with this username. The client considers the current transaction as having failed. The client SHOULD wait at least 1 minute before trying to create any more allocations on the server.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunTurnConnectionAlreadyExists =(114015) |
446 Connection Already exists.
This indicates that either 1) the server is currently processing a Connect request for this allocation with the same XOR-PEER-ADDRESS; OR 2) the server has already successfully processed a Connect request for this allocation with the same XOR-PEER-ADDRESS, and the resulting client and peer data connections are either pending or active
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunTurnConnectionTimeoutOrFailure =(114016) |
447 Connection Timeout or Failure.
This indicates that the TURN server was unable to connect to the peer. The client MAY retry with the same XOR-PEER-ADDRESS attribute, but MUST wait at least 10 seconds.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunTurnForbidden =(114003) |
403 Forbidden.
RFC 5766. Indicates that the request is valid, but the server is refusing to perform it, likely due to administrative restrictions. The client considers the current transaction as having failed. The client MAY notify the user or operator and SHOULD NOT retry the same request with this server until it believes the problem has been fixed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunTurnInsufficientCapacity =(114020) |
508 Insufficient Capacity.
The server has no more relayed transport addresses available, or has none with the requested properties, or the one that was reserved is no longer available. The client considers the current operation as having failed. If the client is using either the EVEN-PORT or the RESERVATION-TOKEN attribute, then the client MAY choose to remove or modify this attribute and try again immediately. Otherwise, the client SHOULD wait at least 1 minute before trying to create any more allocations on this server.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunTurnMobilityForbidden =(114004) |
405 Mobility Forbidden.
RFC 8016. Indicates that the request is valid, but the server is refusing to perform it, likely due to administrative restrictions. The client considers the current transaction as having failed. The client can notify the user or operator. The client SHOULD NOT retry sending the Allocate request containing the MOBILITY-TICKET with this server until it believes the problem has been fixed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunTurnPeerAddressFamilyMismatch =(114014) |
443 Peer Address Family Mismatch.
A peer address was of a different address family than that of the relayed transport address of the allocation.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunTurnUnsupportedTransportProtocol =(114013) |
442 Unsupported Transport Protocol.
The client should not receive this error in response to a request for a UDP allocation. The client MAY notify the user or operator and SHOULD NOT reattempt the request with this server until it believes the problem has been fixed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunTurnWrongCredentials =(114012) |
441 Wrong Credentials.
RFC 5766. Indicates that wrong credential were used by the client. The client should not receive this error in response to an Allocate request. The client MAY notify the user or operator and SHOULD NOT retry the same request with this server until it believes the problem has been fixed.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunUnauthorized =(114002) |
401 Unauthorized.
RFC5389. Indicates that the request did not contain the correct credentials to proceed. The client should retry the request with proper credentials.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunUnknownAttribute =(114005) |
420 Unknown Attribute.
RFC5389. Indicates that the server received a STUN packet containing a comprehension-required attribute that it did not understand. The server MUST put this unknown attribute in the UNKNOWN-ATTRIBUTE attribute of its error response.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.StunUnknownStunErrorCode =(114024) |
Indicates Unknown Stun Error Code.
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.WebSocketMediaClientFailure =(116002) |
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.WebSocketMediaConnectionsNotAllowed =(116000) |
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.WebSocketMediaServerChannelVideoStreamCapacityReached =(116004) |
fm.liveswitch.ErrorCode.WebSocketMediaServerRejectedConnectionTerminally =(116003) |