A managed connection. More...
Public Member Functions | |
void | addOnAudioUnmuteDisabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is disabled. More... | |
void | addOnAudioUnmuteEnabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is enabled. More... | |
void | addOnAutomaticIceServers (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.IceServerCollection > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received. More... | |
void | addOnGatheringStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes. More... | |
void | addOnIceConnectionStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes. More... | |
void | addOnLocalCandidate (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.Candidate > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready. More... | |
void | addOnLocalDescription (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the local description is ready. More... | |
void | addOnMediaQuality (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality. More... | |
void | addOnNetworkQuality (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality. More... | |
void | addOnNoMediaServersAvailable (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.NoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available. More... | |
void | addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.NoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available. More... | |
void | addOnRecordingDisabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< String > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded. More... | |
void | addOnRecordingEnabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< String > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded. More... | |
void | addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo, fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server. More... | |
void | addOnRemoteCandidate (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.Candidate > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready. More... | |
void | addOnRemoteDescription (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready. More... | |
void | addOnRemoteUpdate (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo, fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated. More... | |
void | addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo, fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server. More... | |
void | addOnSignallingStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More... | |
void | addOnStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More... | |
void | addOnStats (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionStats > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats. More... | |
void | addOnVideoEnabledChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, Boolean > value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled. More... | |
void | addOnVideoUnmuteDisabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is disabled. More... | |
void | addOnVideoUnmuteEnabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is enabled. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > | close () |
Closes the connection. More... | |
void | defaultRTTMonitoringStrategy (int rtt) |
The default RTT strategy. More... | |
String | getApplicationId () |
Gets the application identifier. More... | |
String | getAudioDirection () |
Gets the audio direction. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.AudioStream | getAudioStream () |
Gets the audio stream. More... | |
boolean | getAudioUnmuteDisabled () |
Gets whether the ability to unmute audio is disabled. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.BundlePolicy | getBundlePolicy () |
Gets the Bundle Policy. More... | |
String | getCanonicalName () |
Gets the connection's canonical name. More... | |
String | getChannelId () |
Gets the channel identifier. More... | |
String | getClientId () |
Gets the client identifier. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.ConnectionConfig | getConfig () |
Gets the current configuration. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DatagramSocketCreateArgs, fm.liveswitch.DatagramSocket > | getCreateDatagramSocket () |
Gets a method that creates Datagram sockets. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.StreamSocketCreateArgs, fm.liveswitch.StreamSocket > | getCreateStreamSocket () |
Gets a method that creates Stream sockets. More... | |
String | getDataDirection () |
Gets the data direction. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.DataStream | getDataStream () |
Gets the data stream. More... | |
int | getDeadStreamTimeout () |
Gets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before declaring the connection dead. More... | |
String | getDeviceId () |
Gets the device identifier. More... | |
boolean | getDisableAutomaticIceServers () |
Gets whether to disable automatic ICE servers (embedded TURN). More... | |
fm.liveswitch.DtlsCipherSuite[] | getDtlsCipherSuites () |
Gets the DTLS cipher suites to use. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion | getDtlsClientVersion () |
Gets the protocol version to use when in the DTLS client role. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion | getDtlsServerMaxVersion () |
Gets the maximum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion | getDtlsServerMinVersion () |
Gets the minimum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.Error | getError () |
Gets the error, if an error exists. More... | |
String | getExternalId () |
Gets the external connection identifier. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IceGatheringState | getGatheringState () |
Gets the state of the ice gathering. More... | |
boolean | getHasAudio () |
Gets whether this connection has an audio stream. More... | |
boolean | getHasData () |
Gets whether this connection has a data stream. More... | |
boolean | getHasVideo () |
Gets whether this connection has a video stream. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.AddressType[] | getIceAddressTypes () |
Gets the ICE address types. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IceConnectionState | getIceConnectionState () |
Gets the state of the ice connection. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IceGatherPolicy | getIceGatherPolicy () |
Gets the ICE gather policy. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IcePolicy | getIcePolicy () |
Gets policy indicating whether ICE is required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for this connection). More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IcePortRange | getIcePortRange () |
Gets the ICE port range. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IceRole | getIceRole () |
Gets the ICE role. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IceServer | getIceServer () |
Gets the ICE server. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IceServer[] | getIceServers () |
Gets the ICE servers. More... | |
String | getId () |
Gets the connection identifier. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo | getInfo () |
Gets the connection info. More... | |
int | getKeepAliveInterval () |
Gets a value indicating how many milliseconds must elapse between STUN keep-alive binding requests. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.NullableInteger | getLayoutPriority () |
Gets the LayoutPriority. More... | |
String | getLayoutZone () |
Gets the LayoutZone. More... | |
String | getLocalAudioDirection () |
Gets the local audio direction. More... | |
boolean | getLocalAudioDisabled () |
Gets if local audio is disabled. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo[] | getLocalAudioFormats () |
Gets the local audio formats. More... | |
boolean | getLocalAudioMuted () |
Gets whether the local audio is muted. More... | |
String | getLocalDataDirection () |
Gets the local data direction. More... | |
boolean | getLocalDataDisabled () |
Gets if local data is disabled. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription | getLocalDescription () |
Gets the local description. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate | getLocalDtlsCertificate () |
Gets the local DTLS certificate. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate[] | getLocalDtlsCertificates () |
Gets the local DTLS certificates. More... | |
String | getLocalVideoDirection () |
Gets the local video direction. More... | |
boolean | getLocalVideoDisabled () |
Gets if local video is disabled. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo[] | getLocalVideoFormats () |
Gets the local video formats. More... | |
boolean | getLocalVideoMuted () |
Gets whether the local video is muted. More... | |
int | getMaxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff () |
Gets the maximum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More... | |
String | getMediaId () |
Gets the media identifier. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.MediaProtocol | getMediaProtocol () |
Gets the media protocol in use on this connection. More... | |
double | getMediaQuality () |
Gets the current estimated media quality. More... | |
int | getMinNoMediaServerRetryBackoff () |
Gets the mininum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.MultiplexPolicy | getMultiplexPolicy () |
Gets the multiplex policy. More... | |
double | getNetworkQuality () |
Gets the current estimated network quality. More... | |
int | getNoMediaServerTimeout () |
Gets the timeout, in milliseconds, before failing a request where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More... | |
String | getPrivateIPAddress () |
Gets the private IP address of this device. More... | |
String[] | getPrivateIPAddresses () |
Gets the private IP address of this device. More... | |
boolean | getRecordingEnabled () |
Gets whether this connection is being recorded. More... | |
boolean | getRemoteAudioDisabled () |
Gets if remote audio is disabled. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo | getRemoteAudioEncoding () |
Gets the remote audio encoding. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo[] | getRemoteAudioFormats () |
Gets the remote audio formats. More... | |
boolean | getRemoteAudioMuted () |
Gets whether the remote audio is muted. More... | |
boolean | getRemoteClosed () |
Gets a value indicating whether the connection was closed by the remote host. More... | |
String | getRemoteConnectionId () |
Gets the remote connection identifier, if available. More... | |
boolean | getRemoteDataDisabled () |
Gets if remote data is disabled. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription | getRemoteDescription () |
Gets the remote description. More... | |
String | getRemoteMediaId () |
Gets the remote media identifier, if available. More... | |
boolean | getRemoteRejected () |
Gets a value indicating whether the connection was rejected by the remote host. More... | |
String | getRemoteTag () |
Gets the remote tag, if applicable. More... | |
boolean | getRemoteVideoDisabled () |
Gets if remote video is disabled. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo | getRemoteVideoEncoding () |
Gets the remote video encoding. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo[] | getRemoteVideoFormats () |
Gets the remote video formats. More... | |
boolean | getRemoteVideoMuted () |
Gets whether the remote video is muted. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Integer > | getRttMonitoringStrategy () |
Gets the RTT strategy. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.SignallingState | getSignallingState () |
Gets the state of the signalling. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.ConnectionState | getState () |
Gets the state of the connection. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionStats > | getStats () |
Gets the current connection stats. More... | |
int | getStatsEventInterval () |
Gets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#addOnStats. More... | |
int | getStatsInterval () |
Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More... | |
int | getStatsReportInterval () |
Gets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More... | |
int | getStunBindingRequestLimit () |
Gets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More... | |
int | getStunRequestTimeout () |
Gets the timeout for individual Stun (and Turn) request messages in ms. More... | |
String | getTag () |
Gets the tag. More... | |
int | getTcpConnectTimeout () |
Gets connection timeout for stream sockets in ms. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer > | getTestReceivedRtpBuffer () |
Gets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers. More... | |
int | getTestRoundTripTime () |
Gets a fixed round-trip time (in milliseconds) to use in the network transport. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer > | getTestSendingRtpBuffer () |
Gets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.TrickleIcePolicy | getTrickleIcePolicy () |
Gets the trickle-ICE policy. More... | |
int | getTurnAllocateRequestLimit () |
Gets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More... | |
String | getType () |
Gets the connection type. More... | |
String | getUserId () |
Gets the user identifier. More... | |
boolean | getUseWebSocketsForMedia () |
Gets if we should use WebSockets for sending media. More... | |
String | getVideoDirection () |
Gets the video direction. More... | |
int | getVideoEnabledConnectionUpdateAttempts () |
Gets the amount of attempts this connection has made to enabled video on a connection. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< Integer, Integer > | getVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy () |
Gets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.VideoRetentionPolicy | getVideoRetentionPolicy () |
Gets the Video Retention Policy. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.VideoStream | getVideoStream () |
Gets the video stream. More... | |
boolean | getVideoUnmuteDisabled () |
Gets whether the ability to unmute video is disabled. More... | |
String | getWmsAddress () |
Gets the WMS endpoint address. More... | |
String | getWmsConnectionToken () |
Gets WMS connection token. More... | |
void | noRttMonitoringStrategy (int rtt) |
The no rtt strategy. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > | open () |
Opens the connection. More... | |
void | removeOnAudioUnmuteDisabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is disabled. More... | |
void | removeOnAudioUnmuteEnabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is enabled. More... | |
void | removeOnAutomaticIceServers (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.IceServerCollection > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received. More... | |
void | removeOnGatheringStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes. More... | |
void | removeOnIceConnectionStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes. More... | |
void | removeOnLocalCandidate (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.Candidate > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready. More... | |
void | removeOnLocalDescription (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the local description is ready. More... | |
void | removeOnMediaQuality (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality. More... | |
void | removeOnNetworkQuality (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality. More... | |
void | removeOnNoMediaServersAvailable (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.NoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available. More... | |
void | removeOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.NoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available. More... | |
void | removeOnRecordingDisabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< String > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded. More... | |
void | removeOnRecordingEnabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< String > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded. More... | |
void | removeOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo, fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server. More... | |
void | removeOnRemoteCandidate (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.Candidate > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready. More... | |
void | removeOnRemoteDescription (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready. More... | |
void | removeOnRemoteUpdate (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo, fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated. More... | |
void | removeOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo, fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server. More... | |
void | removeOnSignallingStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More... | |
void | removeOnStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More... | |
void | removeOnStats (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionStats > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats. More... | |
void | removeOnVideoEnabledChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, Boolean > value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled. More... | |
void | removeOnVideoUnmuteDisabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is disabled. More... | |
void | removeOnVideoUnmuteEnabled (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is enabled. More... | |
void | setBundlePolicy (fm.liveswitch.BundlePolicy value) |
Sets the Bundle Policy. More... | |
void | setCreateDatagramSocket (fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DatagramSocketCreateArgs, fm.liveswitch.DatagramSocket > value) |
Sets a method that creates Datagram sockets. More... | |
void | setCreateStreamSocket (fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.StreamSocketCreateArgs, fm.liveswitch.StreamSocket > value) |
Sets a method that creates Stream sockets. More... | |
void | setDeadStreamTimeout (int value) |
Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before declaring the connection dead. More... | |
void | setDisableAutomaticIceServers (boolean value) |
Sets whether to disable automatic ICE servers (embedded TURN). More... | |
void | setDtlsCipherSuites (fm.liveswitch.DtlsCipherSuite[] value) |
Sets the DTLS cipher suites to use. More... | |
void | setDtlsClientVersion (fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion value) |
Sets the protocol version to use when in the DTLS client role. More... | |
void | setDtlsServerMaxVersion (fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion value) |
Sets the maximum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More... | |
void | setDtlsServerMinVersion (fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion value) |
Sets the minimum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More... | |
void | setIceAddressTypes (fm.liveswitch.AddressType[] value) |
Sets the ICE address types. More... | |
void | setIceGatherPolicy (fm.liveswitch.IceGatherPolicy value) |
Sets the ICE gather policy. More... | |
void | setIcePolicy (fm.liveswitch.IcePolicy value) |
Sets policy indicating whether ICE is required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for this connection). More... | |
void | setIcePortRange (fm.liveswitch.IcePortRange value) |
Sets the ICE port range. More... | |
void | setIceServer (fm.liveswitch.IceServer value) |
Sets the ICE server. More... | |
void | setIceServers (fm.liveswitch.IceServer[] value) |
Sets the ICE servers. More... | |
void | setKeepAliveInterval (int value) |
Sets a value indicating how many milliseconds must elapse between STUN keep-alive binding requests. More... | |
void | setLayoutPriority (fm.liveswitch.NullableInteger value) |
Sets the LayoutPriority. More... | |
void | setLayoutZone (String value) |
Sets the LayoutZone. More... | |
void | setLocalDtlsCertificate (fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate value) |
Sets the local DTLS certificate. More... | |
void | setLocalDtlsCertificates (fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate[] value) |
Sets the local DTLS certificates. More... | |
void | setMaxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff (int value) |
Sets the maximum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More... | |
void | setMinNoMediaServerRetryBackoff (int value) |
Sets the mininum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More... | |
void | setMultiplexPolicy (fm.liveswitch.MultiplexPolicy value) |
Sets the multiplex policy. More... | |
void | setNoMediaServerTimeout (int value) |
Sets the timeout, in milliseconds, before failing a request where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More... | |
void | setPrivateIPAddress (String value) |
Sets the private IP address of this device. More... | |
void | setPrivateIPAddresses (String[] value) |
Sets the private IP address of this device. More... | |
void | setRemoteAudioMuted (boolean value) |
Sets whether the remote audio is muted. More... | |
void | setRemoteVideoMuted (boolean value) |
Sets whether the remote video is muted. More... | |
void | setRttMonitoringStrategy (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Integer > value) |
Sets the RTT strategy. More... | |
void | setStatsEventInterval (int value) |
Sets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#addOnStats. More... | |
void | setStatsInterval (int value) |
Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More... | |
void | setStatsReportInterval (int value) |
Sets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More... | |
void | setStunBindingRequestLimit (int value) |
Sets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More... | |
void | setStunRequestTimeout (int value) |
Sets the timeout for individual Stun (and Turn) request messages in ms. More... | |
void | setTag (String value) |
Sets the tag. More... | |
void | setTcpConnectTimeout (int value) |
Sets connection timeout for stream sockets in ms. More... | |
void | setTestReceivedRtpBuffer (fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer > value) |
Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers. More... | |
void | setTestRoundTripTime (int value) |
Sets a fixed round-trip time (in milliseconds) to use in the network transport. More... | |
void | setTestSendingRtpBuffer (fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer > value) |
Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers. More... | |
void | setTrickleIcePolicy (fm.liveswitch.TrickleIcePolicy value) |
Sets the trickle-ICE policy. More... | |
void | setTurnAllocateRequestLimit (int value) |
Sets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More... | |
void | setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy (fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< Integer, Integer > value) |
Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More... | |
void | setVideoRetentionPolicy (fm.liveswitch.VideoRetentionPolicy value) |
Sets the Video Retention Policy. More... | |
void | setWmsAddress (String value) |
Sets the WMS endpoint address. More... | |
void | setWmsConnectionToken (String value) |
Sets WMS connection token. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > | update (fm.liveswitch.ConnectionConfig config) |
Updates this connection. More... | |
![]() | |
java.util.HashMap< String, Object > | getDynamicProperties () |
Gets all dynamic properties on this instance. More... | |
Object | getDynamicValue (String key) |
Gets a property value from the local cache. More... | |
void | setDynamicValue (String key, Object value) |
Sets a property value in the local cache. More... | |
boolean | unsetDynamicValue (String key) |
Removes a property value from the local cache. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate | getDefaultLocalDtlsCertificate () |
Gets the default local DTLS certificate. More... | |
static fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate[] | getDefaultLocalDtlsCertificates () |
Gets the default local DTLS certificates. More... | |
static int | getDefaultNoMediaServerTimeout () |
Gets the default timeout, in milliseconds, before we fail the connection attempt where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More... | |
static int | getDefaultStatsEventInterval () |
Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#addOnStats. More... | |
static int | getDefaultStatsInterval () |
Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More... | |
static int | getDefaultStatsReportInterval () |
Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More... | |
static void | setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificate (fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate value) |
Sets the default local DTLS certificate. More... | |
static void | setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificates (fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate[] value) |
Sets the default local DTLS certificates. More... | |
static void | setDefaultNoMediaServerTimeout (int value) |
Sets the default timeout, in milliseconds, before we fail the connection attempt where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More... | |
static void | setDefaultStatsEventInterval (int value) |
Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#addOnStats. More... | |
static void | setDefaultStatsInterval (int value) |
Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More... | |
static void | setDefaultStatsReportInterval (int value) |
Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | detachInternalEventHandlers () |
Detaches internal event handlers. More... | |
abstract fm.liveswitch.Message | doCreateCandidateMessage (fm.liveswitch.Candidate candidate) |
Creates a candidate message. More... | |
abstract fm.liveswitch.Message | doCreateCloseMessage () |
Creates a close message. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.Message | doCreateUpdateMessage (fm.liveswitch.ConnectionConfig config) |
Creates an update message. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.Message | doCreateUseWebSocketServiceMessage () |
Create the message to use WebSockets for media. More... | |
abstract void | doOpen () |
Opens the connection. More... | |
abstract void | doProcessMessage (fm.liveswitch.Message message) |
Processes a message. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.DataChannel | getInternalRtcpDataChannel () |
Gets Data Channel for inband signalling. More... | |
String[] | getMediaIntents () |
Gets media intents reflected by Gateway. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.Randomizer | getRandomizer () |
Gets a randomizer for backoff timers. More... | |
abstract boolean | isMediaDirectionAllowed (String direction) |
Gets a value indicating whether the given direction is allowed for this connection. More... | |
ManagedConnection (Object sharedLock, String applicationId, String channelId, String userId, String deviceId, String clientId, fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.Message, fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.Message >> doSend, String type, fm.liveswitch.AudioStream audioStream, fm.liveswitch.VideoStream videoStream, fm.liveswitch.DataStream dataStream, String mediaId) | |
ManagedConnection constructor. More... | |
ManagedConnection (Object sharedLock, String connectionId, String applicationId, String channelId, String userId, String deviceId, String clientId, fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.Message, fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.Message >> doSend, String type, fm.liveswitch.AudioStream audioStream, fm.liveswitch.VideoStream videoStream, fm.liveswitch.DataStream dataStream, String mediaId, boolean useWebSocketsForMedia) | |
ManagedConnection constructor. More... | |
void | metricMonitorOnStateChange (fm.liveswitch.MetricMonitorStateChangeEventArgs eventArgs) |
Handles metric monitor state changes. More... | |
abstract void | processAnswer (fm.liveswitch.Message message) |
Processes an answer. More... | |
void | processError (fm.liveswitch.Message message) |
Processes an error message. More... | |
void | processIceServers (fm.liveswitch.Message message) |
Processes an iceServers message. More... | |
void | processLocalError (fm.liveswitch.Error error) |
Processes a local failure. More... | |
void | processMediaIntentResponse (fm.liveswitch.Message message) |
Processes an iceServers message. More... | |
void | processRtcpDataChannelSignallingActivation (fm.liveswitch.Message message) |
Processes inband signalling activation. More... | |
void | processSimulcastNotification (fm.liveswitch.Message message) |
Processes a simulcast notification. More... | |
void | raiseAudioBitrateNotification (fm.liveswitch.AudioStream audioStream, fm.liveswitch.BitrateNotification bitrateNotification) |
Raises an audio bitrate notification. More... | |
void | raiseAudioBitrateRequest (fm.liveswitch.AudioStream audioStream, fm.liveswitch.BitrateRequest bitrateRequest) |
Raises an audio bitrate request. More... | |
void | raiseLocalCandidate (fm.liveswitch.Candidate localCandidate) |
Raises a local candidate. More... | |
void | raiseNoMediaServersAvailable (fm.liveswitch.NoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs args) |
Raises the OnNoMediaServersAvailable event. More... | |
void | raiseNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable (fm.liveswitch.NoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs args) |
Raises the OnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable event. More... | |
void | raiseRemoteCandidate (fm.liveswitch.Candidate remoteCandidate) |
Raises a remote candidate. More... | |
void | raiseVideoBitrateNotification (fm.liveswitch.VideoStream videoStream, fm.liveswitch.BitrateNotification bitrateNotification) |
Raises a video bitrate notification. More... | |
void | raiseVideoBitrateRequest (fm.liveswitch.VideoStream videoStream, fm.liveswitch.BitrateRequest bitrateRequest) |
Raises a video bitrate request. More... | |
fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.Message > | send (fm.liveswitch.Message message) |
Sends a message. More... | |
void | setLocalAudioFormats (fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo[] value) |
Sets the local audio formats. More... | |
void | setLocalVideoFormats (fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo[] value) |
Sets the local video formats. More... | |
void | setMediaId (String value) |
Sets the media identifier. More... | |
void | setRemoteAudioEncoding (fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo value) |
Sets the remote audio encoding. More... | |
void | setRemoteAudioFormats (fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo[] value) |
Sets the remote audio formats. More... | |
void | setRemoteConnectionId (String value) |
Sets the remote connection identifier, if available. More... | |
void | setRemoteMediaId (String value) |
Sets the remote media identifier, if available. More... | |
void | setRemoteTag (String value) |
Sets the remote tag, if applicable. More... | |
void | setRemoteVideoEncoding (fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo value) |
Sets the remote video encoding. More... | |
void | setRemoteVideoFormats (fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo[] value) |
Sets the remote video formats. More... | |
void | setUseWebSocketsForMedia (boolean value) |
Sets if we should use WebSockets for sending media. More... | |
boolean | trySendRtcpDataChannel (fm.liveswitch.Message message) |
Sends bitrate messages. More... | |
![]() | |
Dynamic () | |
![]() | |
boolean | getIsDirty () |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is dirty. More... | |
Serializable () | |
Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.Serializable class. More... | |
void | setIsDirty (boolean value) |
Sets a value indicating whether this instance is dirty. More... | |
A managed connection.
protected |
ManagedConnection constructor.
sharedLock | |
applicationId | |
channelId | |
userId | |
deviceId | |
clientId | |
doSend | |
type | |
audioStream | |
videoStream | |
dataStream | |
mediaId |
protected |
ManagedConnection constructor.
sharedLock | |
connectionId | |
applicationId | |
channelId | |
userId | |
deviceId | |
clientId | |
doSend | |
type | |
audioStream | |
videoStream | |
dataStream | |
mediaId | |
useWebSocketsForMedia |
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnAudioUnmuteDisabled | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction0 | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is disabled.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnAudioUnmuteEnabled | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction0 | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is enabled.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnAutomaticIceServers | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.IceServerCollection > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnGatheringStateChange | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnIceConnectionStateChange | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnLocalCandidate | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.Candidate > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnLocalDescription | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the local description is ready.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnMediaQuality | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality.
The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnNetworkQuality | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality.
The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnNoMediaServersAvailable | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.NoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.NoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs > | value | ) |
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnRecordingDisabled | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< String > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnRecordingEnabled | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< String > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo, fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnRemoteCandidate | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.Candidate > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnRemoteDescription | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnRemoteUpdate | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo, fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo, fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnSignallingStateChange | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnStateChange | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnStats | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionStats > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnVideoEnabledChange | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, Boolean > | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled.
Due to connection constrainsts. Parameters:
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnVideoUnmuteDisabled | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction0 | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is disabled.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.addOnVideoUnmuteEnabled | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction0 | value | ) |
Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is enabled.
fm.liveswitch.Future<Object> fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.close | ( | ) |
Closes the connection.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.defaultRTTMonitoringStrategy | ( | int | rtt | ) |
The default RTT strategy.
rtt | A round trip time measurement |
protected |
Detaches internal event handlers.
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.ServerConnection, and fm.liveswitch.PeerConnection.
abstractprotected |
Creates a candidate message.
candidate | The candidate. |
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.ServerConnection, and fm.liveswitch.PeerConnection.
abstractprotected |
Creates a close message.
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.ServerConnection, and fm.liveswitch.PeerConnection.
protected |
Creates an update message.
config | The connection config. |
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.PeerConnection.
protected |
Create the message to use WebSockets for media.
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.SfuUpstreamConnection, and fm.liveswitch.SfuDownstreamConnection.
abstractprotected |
Opens the connection.
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.ServerConnection, and fm.liveswitch.PeerConnection.
abstractprotected |
Processes a message.
message | The message. |
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.ServerConnection, and fm.liveswitch.PeerConnection.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getApplicationId | ( | ) |
Gets the application identifier.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getAudioDirection | ( | ) |
Gets the audio direction.
Null if disabled.
fm.liveswitch.AudioStream fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getAudioStream | ( | ) |
Gets the audio stream.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getAudioUnmuteDisabled | ( | ) |
Gets whether the ability to unmute audio is disabled.
fm.liveswitch.BundlePolicy fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getBundlePolicy | ( | ) |
Gets the Bundle Policy.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getCanonicalName | ( | ) |
Gets the connection's canonical name.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getChannelId | ( | ) |
Gets the channel identifier.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getClientId | ( | ) |
Gets the client identifier.
fm.liveswitch.ConnectionConfig fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getConfig | ( | ) |
Gets the current configuration.
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1<fm.liveswitch.DatagramSocketCreateArgs,fm.liveswitch.DatagramSocket> fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getCreateDatagramSocket | ( | ) |
Gets a method that creates Datagram sockets.
Optional. If not set, default OS UDP socket is used.
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1<fm.liveswitch.StreamSocketCreateArgs,fm.liveswitch.StreamSocket> fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getCreateStreamSocket | ( | ) |
Gets a method that creates Stream sockets.
Optional. If not set, default OS TCP socket is used.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getDataDirection | ( | ) |
Gets the data direction.
Null if disabled.
fm.liveswitch.DataStream fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getDataStream | ( | ) |
Gets the data stream.
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getDeadStreamTimeout | ( | ) |
Gets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before declaring the connection dead.
When there are no candidate pairs connected, the timer will start. When a candidate pair becomes connected the timer will be reset and stopped. If no candidate pairs become connected before the timeout is reached, the state of the connection will change to failed. Defaults to 15,000.
static |
Gets the default local DTLS certificate.
static |
Gets the default local DTLS certificates.
static |
Gets the default timeout, in milliseconds, before we fail the connection attempt where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.
The default value is 120,000 (2 minutes).
static |
Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#addOnStats.
The default value is 1,000 (1 second).
static |
Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.
The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).
static |
Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.
The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getDeviceId | ( | ) |
Gets the device identifier.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getDisableAutomaticIceServers | ( | ) |
Gets whether to disable automatic ICE servers (embedded TURN).
fm.liveswitch.DtlsCipherSuite [] fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getDtlsCipherSuites | ( | ) |
Gets the DTLS cipher suites to use.
Defaults to: DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheEcdsaAes128Sha, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheEcdsaAes128GcmSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheEcdsaAes128CbcSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheRsaAes128Sha, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheRsaAes128GcmSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheRsaAes128CbcSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.RsaAes128Sha, DtlsCipherSuite.RsaAes128GcmSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.RsaAes128CbcSha256,
fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getDtlsClientVersion | ( | ) |
Gets the protocol version to use when in the DTLS client role.
Defaults to fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion#Dtls10.
fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getDtlsServerMaxVersion | ( | ) |
Gets the maximum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role.
Defaults to fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion#Dtls12.
fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getDtlsServerMinVersion | ( | ) |
Gets the minimum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role.
Defaults to fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion#Dtls10.
fm.liveswitch.Error fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getError | ( | ) |
Gets the error, if an error exists.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getExternalId | ( | ) |
Gets the external connection identifier.
fm.liveswitch.IceGatheringState fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getGatheringState | ( | ) |
Gets the state of the ice gathering.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getHasAudio | ( | ) |
Gets whether this connection has an audio stream.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getHasData | ( | ) |
Gets whether this connection has a data stream.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getHasVideo | ( | ) |
Gets whether this connection has a video stream.
fm.liveswitch.AddressType [] fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getIceAddressTypes | ( | ) |
Gets the ICE address types.
fm.liveswitch.IceConnectionState fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getIceConnectionState | ( | ) |
Gets the state of the ice connection.
fm.liveswitch.IceGatherPolicy fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getIceGatherPolicy | ( | ) |
Gets the ICE gather policy.
fm.liveswitch.IcePolicy fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getIcePolicy | ( | ) |
Gets policy indicating whether ICE is required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for this connection).
fm.liveswitch.IcePortRange fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getIcePortRange | ( | ) |
Gets the ICE port range.
fm.liveswitch.IceRole fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getIceRole | ( | ) |
Gets the ICE role.
fm.liveswitch.IceServer fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getIceServer | ( | ) |
Gets the ICE server.
fm.liveswitch.IceServer [] fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getIceServers | ( | ) |
Gets the ICE servers.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getId | ( | ) |
Gets the connection identifier.
fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getInfo | ( | ) |
Gets the connection info.
protected |
Gets Data Channel for inband signalling.
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getKeepAliveInterval | ( | ) |
Gets a value indicating how many milliseconds must elapse between STUN keep-alive binding requests.
Defaults to 1000.
fm.liveswitch.NullableInteger fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLayoutPriority | ( | ) |
Gets the LayoutPriority.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLayoutZone | ( | ) |
Gets the LayoutZone.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLocalAudioDirection | ( | ) |
Gets the local audio direction.
Null if disabled.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLocalAudioDisabled | ( | ) |
Gets if local audio is disabled.
fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo [] fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLocalAudioFormats | ( | ) |
Gets the local audio formats.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLocalAudioMuted | ( | ) |
Gets whether the local audio is muted.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLocalDataDirection | ( | ) |
Gets the local data direction.
Null if disabled.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLocalDataDisabled | ( | ) |
Gets if local data is disabled.
fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLocalDescription | ( | ) |
Gets the local description.
fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLocalDtlsCertificate | ( | ) |
Gets the local DTLS certificate.
fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate [] fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLocalDtlsCertificates | ( | ) |
Gets the local DTLS certificates.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLocalVideoDirection | ( | ) |
Gets the local video direction.
Null if disabled.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLocalVideoDisabled | ( | ) |
Gets if local video is disabled.
fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo [] fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLocalVideoFormats | ( | ) |
Gets the local video formats.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getLocalVideoMuted | ( | ) |
Gets whether the local video is muted.
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getMaxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff | ( | ) |
Gets the maximum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.
The default value is 1500ms.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getMediaId | ( | ) |
Gets the media identifier.
protected |
Gets media intents reflected by Gateway.
fm.liveswitch.MediaProtocol fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getMediaProtocol | ( | ) |
Gets the media protocol in use on this connection.
double fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getMediaQuality | ( | ) |
Gets the current estimated media quality.
The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getMinNoMediaServerRetryBackoff | ( | ) |
Gets the mininum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.
The default value is 1000ms.
fm.liveswitch.MultiplexPolicy fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getMultiplexPolicy | ( | ) |
Gets the multiplex policy.
double fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getNetworkQuality | ( | ) |
Gets the current estimated network quality.
The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getNoMediaServerTimeout | ( | ) |
Gets the timeout, in milliseconds, before failing a request where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getPrivateIPAddress | ( | ) |
Gets the private IP address of this device.
If set, this will bypass the local network discovery and use this as the sole host candidate.
String [] fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getPrivateIPAddresses | ( | ) |
Gets the private IP address of this device.
If set, this will bypass the local network discovery and use this as the sole host candidate.
protected |
Gets a randomizer for backoff timers.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRecordingEnabled | ( | ) |
Gets whether this connection is being recorded.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteAudioDisabled | ( | ) |
Gets if remote audio is disabled.
fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteAudioEncoding | ( | ) |
Gets the remote audio encoding.
fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo [] fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteAudioFormats | ( | ) |
Gets the remote audio formats.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteAudioMuted | ( | ) |
Gets whether the remote audio is muted.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteClosed | ( | ) |
Gets a value indicating whether the connection was closed by the remote host.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteConnectionId | ( | ) |
Gets the remote connection identifier, if available.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteDataDisabled | ( | ) |
Gets if remote data is disabled.
fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteDescription | ( | ) |
Gets the remote description.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteMediaId | ( | ) |
Gets the remote media identifier, if available.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteRejected | ( | ) |
Gets a value indicating whether the connection was rejected by the remote host.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteTag | ( | ) |
Gets the remote tag, if applicable.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteVideoDisabled | ( | ) |
Gets if remote video is disabled.
fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteVideoEncoding | ( | ) |
Gets the remote video encoding.
fm.liveswitch.FormatInfo [] fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteVideoFormats | ( | ) |
Gets the remote video formats.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRemoteVideoMuted | ( | ) |
Gets whether the remote video is muted.
fm.liveswitch.IAction1<Integer> fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getRttMonitoringStrategy | ( | ) |
Gets the RTT strategy.
fm.liveswitch.SignallingState fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getSignallingState | ( | ) |
Gets the state of the signalling.
fm.liveswitch.ConnectionState fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getState | ( | ) |
Gets the state of the connection.
fm.liveswitch.Future<fm.liveswitch.ConnectionStats> fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getStats | ( | ) |
Gets the current connection stats.
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getStatsEventInterval | ( | ) |
Gets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#addOnStats.
The default value is 1000 (1 second).
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getStatsInterval | ( | ) |
Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.
The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getStatsReportInterval | ( | ) |
Gets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.
The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getStunBindingRequestLimit | ( | ) |
Gets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server.
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getStunRequestTimeout | ( | ) |
Gets the timeout for individual Stun (and Turn) request messages in ms.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getTag | ( | ) |
Gets the tag.
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getTcpConnectTimeout | ( | ) |
Gets connection timeout for stream sockets in ms.
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1<fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer,fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer> fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getTestReceivedRtpBuffer | ( | ) |
Gets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers.
will cause the buffer to be discarded.
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getTestRoundTripTime | ( | ) |
Gets a fixed round-trip time (in milliseconds) to use in the network transport.
FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. Defaults to -1, which indicates that normal round-trip time calculations should be used.
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1<fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer,fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer> fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getTestSendingRtpBuffer | ( | ) |
Gets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers.
will cause the buffer to be discarded.
fm.liveswitch.TrickleIcePolicy fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getTrickleIcePolicy | ( | ) |
Gets the trickle-ICE policy.
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getTurnAllocateRequestLimit | ( | ) |
Gets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getType | ( | ) |
Gets the connection type.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getUserId | ( | ) |
Gets the user identifier.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getUseWebSocketsForMedia | ( | ) |
Gets if we should use WebSockets for sending media.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getVideoDirection | ( | ) |
Gets the video direction.
Null if disabled.
int fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getVideoEnabledConnectionUpdateAttempts | ( | ) |
Gets the amount of attempts this connection has made to enabled video on a connection.
These attempts happen after the connection has been updated to disabled video due to network constraints.
fm.liveswitch.IFunction1<Integer,Integer> fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy | ( | ) |
Gets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video.
Optional. If not set, default policy will be used. Takes in an interger parameter that represents the amount of attempts already tried. Will return an interger value as a time period in seconds for how long to wait for the next attempt or -1 for no more attempts.
fm.liveswitch.VideoRetentionPolicy fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getVideoRetentionPolicy | ( | ) |
Gets the Video Retention Policy.
This will determine how we will handle video on the connection when the connection is of poor quality.
fm.liveswitch.VideoStream fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getVideoStream | ( | ) |
Gets the video stream.
boolean fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getVideoUnmuteDisabled | ( | ) |
Gets whether the ability to unmute video is disabled.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getWmsAddress | ( | ) |
Gets the WMS endpoint address.
String fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.getWmsConnectionToken | ( | ) |
Gets WMS connection token.
abstractprotected |
Gets a value indicating whether the given direction is allowed for this connection.
direction | The direction. |
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.SfuUpstreamConnection, fm.liveswitch.SfuDownstreamConnection, fm.liveswitch.PeerConnection, and fm.liveswitch.McuConnection.
protected |
Handles metric monitor state changes.
eventArgs | The event args for the metric monitor state change |
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.SfuConnection.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.noRttMonitoringStrategy | ( | int | rtt | ) |
The no rtt strategy.
rtt |
fm.liveswitch.Future<Object> fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.open | ( | ) |
Opens the connection.
abstractprotected |
Processes an answer.
message | The message. |
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.ServerConnection, and fm.liveswitch.PeerConnection.
protected |
Processes an error message.
message | The message. |
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.ServerConnection, and fm.liveswitch.PeerConnection.
protected |
Processes an iceServers message.
message | The message. |
protected |
Processes a local failure.
error | The error. |
protected |
Processes an iceServers message.
message | The message. |
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.ServerConnection.
protected |
Processes inband signalling activation.
message |
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.ServerConnection.
protected |
Processes a simulcast notification.
message | The simulcast notificaiton message. |
protected |
Raises an audio bitrate notification.
audioStream | The audio stream. |
bitrateNotification | The bitrate notification. |
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.ServerConnection.
protected |
Raises an audio bitrate request.
audioStream | The audio stream. |
bitrateRequest | The bitrate request. |
protected |
Raises a local candidate.
localCandidate | The local candidate. |
protected |
Raises the OnNoMediaServersAvailable event.
protected |
Raises the OnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable event.
protected |
Raises a remote candidate.
remoteCandidate | The remote candidate. |
protected |
Raises a video bitrate notification.
videoStream | The video stream. |
bitrateNotification | The bitrate notification. |
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.ServerConnection.
protected |
Raises a video bitrate request.
videoStream | The video stream. |
bitrateRequest | The bitrate request. |
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnAudioUnmuteDisabled | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction0 | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is disabled.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnAudioUnmuteEnabled | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction0 | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is enabled.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnAutomaticIceServers | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.IceServerCollection > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnGatheringStateChange | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnIceConnectionStateChange | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnLocalCandidate | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.Candidate > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnLocalDescription | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the local description is ready.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnMediaQuality | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality.
The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnNetworkQuality | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality.
The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnNoMediaServersAvailable | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.NoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.NoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs > | value | ) |
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnRecordingDisabled | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< String > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnRecordingEnabled | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< String > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo, fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnRemoteCandidate | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.Candidate > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnRemoteDescription | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, fm.liveswitch.SessionDescription > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnRemoteUpdate | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo, fm.liveswitch.ConnectionInfo > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo, fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnSignallingStateChange | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnStateChange | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the connection state changes.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnStats | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.ConnectionStats > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised every fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#getStatsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnVideoEnabledChange | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction2< fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection, Boolean > | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled.
Due to connection constrainsts. Parameters:
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnVideoUnmuteDisabled | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction0 | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is disabled.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.removeOnVideoUnmuteEnabled | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction0 | value | ) |
Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is enabled.
protected |
Sends a message.
message | The message. |
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.ServerConnection, and fm.liveswitch.PeerConnection.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setBundlePolicy | ( | fm.liveswitch.BundlePolicy | value | ) |
Sets the Bundle Policy.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setCreateDatagramSocket | ( | fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DatagramSocketCreateArgs, fm.liveswitch.DatagramSocket > | value | ) |
Sets a method that creates Datagram sockets.
Optional. If not set, default OS UDP socket is used.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setCreateStreamSocket | ( | fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.StreamSocketCreateArgs, fm.liveswitch.StreamSocket > | value | ) |
Sets a method that creates Stream sockets.
Optional. If not set, default OS TCP socket is used.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setDeadStreamTimeout | ( | int | value | ) |
Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before declaring the connection dead.
When there are no candidate pairs connected, the timer will start. When a candidate pair becomes connected the timer will be reset and stopped. If no candidate pairs become connected before the timeout is reached, the state of the connection will change to failed. Defaults to 15,000.
static |
Sets the default local DTLS certificate.
static |
Sets the default local DTLS certificates.
static |
Sets the default timeout, in milliseconds, before we fail the connection attempt where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.
The default value is 120,000 (2 minutes).
static |
Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#addOnStats.
The default value is 1,000 (1 second).
static |
Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.
The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).
static |
Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.
The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setDisableAutomaticIceServers | ( | boolean | value | ) |
Sets whether to disable automatic ICE servers (embedded TURN).
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setDtlsCipherSuites | ( | fm.liveswitch.DtlsCipherSuite[] | value | ) |
Sets the DTLS cipher suites to use.
Defaults to: DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheEcdsaAes128Sha, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheEcdsaAes128GcmSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheEcdsaAes128CbcSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheRsaAes128Sha, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheRsaAes128GcmSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheRsaAes128CbcSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.RsaAes128Sha, DtlsCipherSuite.RsaAes128GcmSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.RsaAes128CbcSha256,
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setDtlsClientVersion | ( | fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion | value | ) |
Sets the protocol version to use when in the DTLS client role.
Defaults to fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion#Dtls10.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setDtlsServerMaxVersion | ( | fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion | value | ) |
Sets the maximum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role.
Defaults to fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion#Dtls12.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setDtlsServerMinVersion | ( | fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion | value | ) |
Sets the minimum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role.
Defaults to fm.liveswitch.DtlsProtocolVersion#Dtls10.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setIceAddressTypes | ( | fm.liveswitch.AddressType[] | value | ) |
Sets the ICE address types.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setIceGatherPolicy | ( | fm.liveswitch.IceGatherPolicy | value | ) |
Sets the ICE gather policy.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setIcePolicy | ( | fm.liveswitch.IcePolicy | value | ) |
Sets policy indicating whether ICE is required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for this connection).
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setIcePortRange | ( | fm.liveswitch.IcePortRange | value | ) |
Sets the ICE port range.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setIceServer | ( | fm.liveswitch.IceServer | value | ) |
Sets the ICE server.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setIceServers | ( | fm.liveswitch.IceServer[] | value | ) |
Sets the ICE servers.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setKeepAliveInterval | ( | int | value | ) |
Sets a value indicating how many milliseconds must elapse between STUN keep-alive binding requests.
Defaults to 1000.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setLayoutPriority | ( | fm.liveswitch.NullableInteger | value | ) |
Sets the LayoutPriority.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setLayoutZone | ( | String | value | ) |
Sets the LayoutZone.
protected |
Sets the local audio formats.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setLocalDtlsCertificate | ( | fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate | value | ) |
Sets the local DTLS certificate.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setLocalDtlsCertificates | ( | fm.liveswitch.DtlsCertificate[] | value | ) |
Sets the local DTLS certificates.
protected |
Sets the local video formats.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setMaxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff | ( | int | value | ) |
Sets the maximum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.
The default value is 1500ms.
protected |
Sets the media identifier.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setMinNoMediaServerRetryBackoff | ( | int | value | ) |
Sets the mininum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.
The default value is 1000ms.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setMultiplexPolicy | ( | fm.liveswitch.MultiplexPolicy | value | ) |
Sets the multiplex policy.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setNoMediaServerTimeout | ( | int | value | ) |
Sets the timeout, in milliseconds, before failing a request where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setPrivateIPAddress | ( | String | value | ) |
Sets the private IP address of this device.
If set, this will bypass the local network discovery and use this as the sole host candidate.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setPrivateIPAddresses | ( | String[] | value | ) |
Sets the private IP address of this device.
If set, this will bypass the local network discovery and use this as the sole host candidate.
protected |
Sets the remote audio encoding.
protected |
Sets the remote audio formats.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setRemoteAudioMuted | ( | boolean | value | ) |
Sets whether the remote audio is muted.
protected |
Sets the remote connection identifier, if available.
protected |
Sets the remote media identifier, if available.
protected |
Sets the remote tag, if applicable.
protected |
Sets the remote video encoding.
protected |
Sets the remote video formats.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setRemoteVideoMuted | ( | boolean | value | ) |
Sets whether the remote video is muted.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setRttMonitoringStrategy | ( | fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Integer > | value | ) |
Sets the RTT strategy.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setStatsEventInterval | ( | int | value | ) |
Sets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection#addOnStats.
The default value is 1000 (1 second).
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setStatsInterval | ( | int | value | ) |
Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.
The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setStatsReportInterval | ( | int | value | ) |
Sets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.
The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setStunBindingRequestLimit | ( | int | value | ) |
Sets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setStunRequestTimeout | ( | int | value | ) |
Sets the timeout for individual Stun (and Turn) request messages in ms.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setTag | ( | String | value | ) |
Sets the tag.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setTcpConnectTimeout | ( | int | value | ) |
Sets connection timeout for stream sockets in ms.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setTestReceivedRtpBuffer | ( | fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer > | value | ) |
Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers.
will cause the buffer to be discarded.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setTestRoundTripTime | ( | int | value | ) |
Sets a fixed round-trip time (in milliseconds) to use in the network transport.
FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. Defaults to -1, which indicates that normal round-trip time calculations should be used.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setTestSendingRtpBuffer | ( | fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer > | value | ) |
Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers.
will cause the buffer to be discarded.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setTrickleIcePolicy | ( | fm.liveswitch.TrickleIcePolicy | value | ) |
Sets the trickle-ICE policy.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setTurnAllocateRequestLimit | ( | int | value | ) |
Sets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server.
protected |
Sets if we should use WebSockets for sending media.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy | ( | fm.liveswitch.IFunction1< Integer, Integer > | value | ) |
Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video.
Optional. If not set, default policy will be used. Takes in an interger parameter that represents the amount of attempts already tried. Will return an interger value as a time period in seconds for how long to wait for the next attempt or -1 for no more attempts.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setVideoRetentionPolicy | ( | fm.liveswitch.VideoRetentionPolicy | value | ) |
Sets the Video Retention Policy.
This will determine how we will handle video on the connection when the connection is of poor quality.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setWmsAddress | ( | String | value | ) |
Sets the WMS endpoint address.
void fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.setWmsConnectionToken | ( | String | value | ) |
Sets WMS connection token.
protected |
Sends bitrate messages.
message | The message to send. |
Reimplemented in fm.liveswitch.ServerConnection.
fm.liveswitch.Future<Object> fm.liveswitch.ManagedConnection.update | ( | fm.liveswitch.ConnectionConfig | config | ) |
Updates this connection.
config | The connection configuration. |