| DataChannel (String label) |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.DataChannel class. More...
| DataChannel (String label, boolean ordered) |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.DataChannel class. More...
| DataChannel (String label, boolean ordered, String subprotocol) |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.DataChannel class. More...
fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > | sendDataBytes (fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer dataBytes) |
| Sends bytes. More...
fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > | sendDataString (String dataString) |
| Sends a string. More...
void | addOnStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< TDataChannel > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when the data channel state changes. More...
long | getBytesReceived () |
| Gets the number of bytes received. More...
long | getBytesSent () |
| Gets the number of bytes sent. More...
String | getConnectionId () |
| Gets the connection identifier. More...
String | getId () |
| Gets the identifier. More...
fm.liveswitch.DataChannelInfo | getInfo () |
| Gets the data channel info. More...
boolean | getIsInternal () |
| Gets a value indicating if this is an internal data channel. More...
boolean | getIsTerminated () |
| Gets a value indicating whether the data channel is currently closed or failed. More...
boolean | getIsTerminating () |
| Gets a value indicating whether the data channel is currently closing. More...
boolean | getIsTerminatingOrTerminated () |
| Gets a value indicating whether the data channel is currently closing, closed, or failed. More...
String | getLabel () |
| Gets the label. More...
long | getMessagesReceived () |
| Gets the number of messages received. More...
long | getMessagesSent () |
| Gets the number of messages sent. More...
fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.DataChannelReceiveArgs > | getOnReceive () |
| Gets a callback invoked when a message is received. More...
boolean | getOrdered () |
| Gets a value indicating whether messages will be delivered in the order they are sent. More...
fm.liveswitch.DataChannelState | getState () |
| Gets the state. More...
String | getStreamId () |
| Gets the stream identifier. More...
String | getSubprotocol () |
| Gets the subprotocol. More...
void | removeOnStateChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< TDataChannel > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when the data channel state changes. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > | sendDataBytes (fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer dataBytes) |
| Sends some bytes. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > | sendDataString (String dataString) |
| Sends a string. More...
void | setOnReceive (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.DataChannelReceiveArgs > value) |
| Sets a callback invoked when a message is received. More...