fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView > Class Template Referenceabstract

A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible collection of local audio/video tracks. More...

Public Member Functions

void addOnActiveAudioConverterChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveAudioConverter changes. More...
void addOnActiveAudioEncoderChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveAudioEncoder changes. More...
void addOnActiveAudioPacketizerChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveAudioPacketizer changes. More...
void addOnActiveVideoControllerChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoController changes. More...
void addOnActiveVideoConverterChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoConverter changes. More...
void addOnActiveVideoEncoderChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoEncoder changes. More...
void addOnActiveVideoPacketizerChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoPacketizer changes. More...
void destroy ()
 Destroys all media tracks. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe getActiveAudioConverter ()
 Gets the active audio converter. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder getActiveAudioEncoder ()
 Gets the active audio encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe getActiveAudioPacketizer ()
 Gets the active audio packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getActiveVideoController ()
 Gets the active video controller. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getActiveVideoConverter ()
 Gets the active video converter. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder getActiveVideoEncoder ()
 Gets the active video encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getActiveVideoPacketizer ()
 Gets the active video packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.AecContext getAecContext ()
 Gets the acoustic echo cancellation context. More...
boolean getAecDisabled ()
 Gets a value indicating whether acoustic echo cancellation is disabled. More...
boolean getAudioDisabled ()
 Gets a value indicating whether audio is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.IAudioOutput[] getAudioOutputs ()
 Gets the audio outputs. More...
boolean getAutomaticVideoDegradation ()
 Gets whether to automatically degrade video based on fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getVideoBitsPerPixel and fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getVideoDegradationPreference when bitrate constraints are applied to the local encoders. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe getG722Converter ()
 Gets the G.722 converter. More...
boolean getG722Disabled ()
 Gets whether the G.722 codec is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder getG722Encoder ()
 Gets the G.722 encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe getG722Packetizer ()
 Gets the G.722 packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getH264Controller ()
 Gets the first H.264 controller. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[] getH264Controllers ()
 Gets the H.264 controllers. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getH264Converter ()
 Gets the first H.264 converter. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[] getH264Converters ()
 Gets the H.264 converters. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[][] getH264ConvertersArray ()
 Gets the H.264 converters array. More...
boolean getH264Disabled ()
 Gets whether the H.264 codec is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder getH264Encoder ()
 Gets the first H.264 encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder[] getH264Encoders ()
 Gets the first H.264 encoders. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder[][] getH264EncodersArray ()
 Gets the H.264 encoders array. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getH264Packetizer ()
 Gets the first H.264 packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[] getH264Packetizers ()
 Gets the first H.264 packetizers. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[][] getH264PacketizersArray ()
 Gets the first H.264 packetizers array. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[][][] getH264PacketizersArrayArray ()
 Gets the H.264 packetizers array array. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getH265Controller ()
 Gets the first H265 controller. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[] getH265Controllers ()
 Gets the H265 controllers. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getH265Converter ()
 Gets the first H265 converter. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[] getH265Converters ()
 Gets the H265 converters. More...
boolean getH265Disabled ()
 Gets whether the H.265 codec is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder getH265Encoder ()
 Gets the first H265 encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder[] getH265Encoders ()
 Gets the H265 encoders. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getH265Packetizer ()
 Gets the first H265 packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[] getH265Packetizers ()
 Gets the H265 packetizers. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe getL16Converter ()
 Gets the L16 converter. More...
boolean getL16Disabled ()
 Gets whether the L16 codec is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder getL16Encoder ()
 Gets the L16 encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe getL16Packetizer ()
 Gets the L16 packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe getOpusConverter ()
 Gets the first Opus converter. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe[] getOpusConverters ()
 Gets the Opus converters. More...
boolean getOpusDisabled ()
 Gets whether the Opus codec is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder getOpusEncoder ()
 Gets the first Opus encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder[] getOpusEncoders ()
 Gets the Opus encoders. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe getOpusPacketizer ()
 Gets the first Opus packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe[] getOpusPacketizers ()
 Gets the Opus packetizers. More...
boolean getPacketizerDisabled ()
 Gets a value indicating whether the packetizer is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe getPcmaConverter ()
 Gets the PCMA converter. More...
boolean getPcmaDisabled ()
 Gets whether the PCMA codec is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder getPcmaEncoder ()
 Gets the PCMA encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe getPcmaPacketizer ()
 Gets the PCMA packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe getPcmuConverter ()
 Gets the PCMU converter. More...
boolean getPcmuDisabled ()
 Gets whether the PCMU codec is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder getPcmuEncoder ()
 Gets the PCMU encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe getPcmuPacketizer ()
 Gets the PCMU packetizer. More...
double getVideoBitsPerPixel ()
 Gets the video degradation preference when bitrate constraints require a compromise on frame-rate and/or resolution. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoDegradationPreference getVideoDegradationPreference ()
 Gets the video degradation preference when bitrate constraints require a compromise on frame-rate and/or resolution. More...
boolean getVideoDisabled ()
 Gets a value indicating whether video is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.IVideoOutput[] getVideoOutputs ()
 Gets the video outputs. More...
TView getView ()
 Gets the video view, if video is not disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.ViewSink< TView > getViewSink ()
 Gets the video view sink, if video is not disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getVp8Controller ()
 Gets the first VP8 controller. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[] getVp8Controllers ()
 Gets the VP8 controllers. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getVp8Converter ()
 Gets the first VP8 converter. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[] getVp8Converters ()
 Gets the VP8 converters. More...
boolean getVp8Disabled ()
 Gets whether the VP8 codec is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder getVp8Encoder ()
 Gets the first VP8 encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder[] getVp8Encoders ()
 Gets the VP8 encoders. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getVp8Packetizer ()
 Gets the first VP8 packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[] getVp8Packetizers ()
 Gets the VP8 packetizers. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getVp9Controller ()
 Gets the first VP9 controller. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[] getVp9Controllers ()
 Gets the VP9 controllers. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getVp9Converter ()
 Gets the first VP9 converter. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[] getVp9Converters ()
 Gets the VP9 converters. More...
boolean getVp9Disabled ()
 Gets whether the VP9 codec is disabled. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder getVp9Encoder ()
 Gets the first VP9 encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder[] getVp9Encoders ()
 Gets the VP9 encoders. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe getVp9Packetizer ()
 Gets the first VP9 packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[] getVp9Packetizers ()
 Gets the VP9 packetizers. More...
boolean initialize ()
 Initializes this instance. More...
boolean initialize (fm.liveswitch.RtcAudioTrackConfig audioTrackConfig, fm.liveswitch.RtcVideoTrackConfig videoTrackConfig)
 Initializes this instance. More...
void removeOnActiveAudioConverterChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveAudioConverter changes. More...
void removeOnActiveAudioEncoderChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveAudioEncoder changes. More...
void removeOnActiveAudioPacketizerChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveAudioPacketizer changes. More...
void removeOnActiveVideoControllerChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoController changes. More...
void removeOnActiveVideoConverterChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoConverter changes. More...
void removeOnActiveVideoEncoderChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoEncoder changes. More...
void removeOnActiveVideoPacketizerChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoPacketizer changes. More...
 RtcLocalMedia ()
 Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia class. More...
 RtcLocalMedia (boolean disableAudio, boolean disableVideo)
 Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia class. More...
 RtcLocalMedia (boolean disableAudio, boolean disableVideo, fm.liveswitch.AecContext aecContext)
 Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia class. More...
void setAutomaticVideoDegradation (boolean value)
 Sets whether to automatically degrade video based on fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getVideoBitsPerPixel and fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getVideoDegradationPreference when bitrate constraints are applied to the local encoders. More...
void setVideoBitsPerPixel (double value)
 Sets the video degradation preference when bitrate constraints require a compromise on frame-rate and/or resolution. More...
void setVideoDegradationPreference (fm.liveswitch.VideoDegradationPreference value)
 Sets the video degradation preference when bitrate constraints require a compromise on frame-rate and/or resolution. More...
boolean toggleAudioRecording ()
 Toggles audio recording. More...
boolean toggleVideoRecording ()
 Toggles video recording. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from fm.liveswitch.LocalMedia
void addOnAudioMuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the audio source is muted. More...
void addOnAudioStarted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the first audio track is started. More...
void addOnAudioStopped (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the first audio track is stopped. More...
void addOnAudioUnmuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the audio source is unmuted. More...
void addOnVideoMuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the video source is muted. More...
void addOnVideoStarted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the first video track is started. More...
void addOnVideoStopped (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the first video track is stopped. More...
void addOnVideoUnmuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the video source is unmuted. More...
fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > changeAudioSourceInput (fm.liveswitch.SourceInput audioSourceInput)
 Changes the audio source input of the audio track while the media is active. More...
fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > changeVideoSourceInput (fm.liveswitch.SourceInput videoSourceInput)
 Changes the video source input of the video track while the media is active. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioSource getAudioSource ()
 Gets the audio source. More...
fm.liveswitch.SourceInput getAudioSourceInput ()
 Gets the current audio source input of the audio track. More...
fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.SourceInput[]> getAudioSourceInputs ()
 Gets a list of the names and IDs of currently available audio devices. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioSource[] getAudioSources ()
 Gets the audio sources. More...
fm.liveswitch.MediaSourceBase[] getMediaSources ()
 Gets the audio/video sources. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoSource getVideoSource ()
 Gets the video source. More...
fm.liveswitch.SourceInput getVideoSourceInput ()
 Gets the current video source input of the video track. More...
fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.SourceInput[]> getVideoSourceInputs ()
 Gets a list of the names and IDs of currently available video devices. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoSource[] getVideoSources ()
 Gets the video sources. More...
 LocalMedia ()
void removeOnAudioMuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the audio source is muted. More...
void removeOnAudioStarted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the first audio track is started. More...
void removeOnAudioStopped (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the first audio track is stopped. More...
void removeOnAudioUnmuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the audio source is unmuted. More...
void removeOnVideoMuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the video source is muted. More...
void removeOnVideoStarted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the first video track is started. More...
void removeOnVideoStopped (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the first video track is stopped. More...
void removeOnVideoUnmuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the video source is unmuted. More...
void setAudioSourceInput (fm.liveswitch.SourceInput value)
 Sets the current audio source input of the audio track. More...
void setVideoSourceInput (fm.liveswitch.SourceInput value)
 Sets the current video source input of the video track. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from fm.liveswitch.Media< TAudioTrack extends fm.liveswitch.AudioTrack, TVideoTrack extends fm.liveswitch.VideoTrack >
void addOnAudioDestroyed (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the audio track is destroyed. More...
void addOnAudioLevel (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised periodically when the audio's level is calculated. More...
void addOnVideoDestroyed (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the video track is destroyed. More...
void addOnVideoSize (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised whenever the video's frame size is known, once per frame. More...
void addOnVideoSizeChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised whenever the video's frame size changes. More...
int getAudioLevelInterval ()
 Gets the interval in milliseconds between fm.liveswitch.Media#addOnAudioLevel events. More...
TAudioTrack[] getAudioTracks ()
 Gets all audio tracks from this media. More...
boolean getIsRecordingAudio ()
 Gets whether audio is being recorded locally. More...
boolean getIsRecordingVideo ()
 Gets whether video is being recorded locally. More...
fm.liveswitch.Size getVideoSize ()
 Gets the size of the video track. More...
TVideoTrack[] getVideoTracks ()
 Gets all video tracks from this media. More...
fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffergrabVideoFrame ()
 Gets the next frame from the video track once it is rendered. More...
 Media ()
 Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.Media class. More...
void removeOnAudioDestroyed (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the audio track is destroyed. More...
void removeOnAudioLevel (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised periodically when the audio's level is calculated. More...
void removeOnVideoDestroyed (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the video track is destroyed. More...
void removeOnVideoSize (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised whenever the video's frame size is known, once per frame. More...
void removeOnVideoSizeChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised whenever the video's frame size changes. More...
void setAudioLevelInterval (int value)
 Sets the interval in milliseconds between fm.liveswitch.Media#addOnAudioLevel events. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from fm.liveswitch.MediaBase< TAudioTrack, TVideoTrack >
abstract void addOnAudioDestroyed (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the audio track is destroyed. More...
abstract void addOnAudioLevel (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised periodically when the audio's level is calculated. More...
abstract void addOnVideoDestroyed (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the video track is destroyed. More...
abstract void addOnVideoSize (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised whenever the video's frame size is known, once per frame. More...
abstract void addOnVideoSizeChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised whenever the video's frame size changes. More...
abstract void destroy ()
 Destroys this media stack. More...
double getAudioGain ()
 Gets the gain (input amplification) of the audio track. More...
abstract int getAudioLevelInterval ()
 Gets the interval in milliseconds between fm.liveswitch.MediaBase#addOnAudioLevel events. More...
boolean getAudioMuted ()
 Gets a value indicating whether the audio is muted. More...
TIAudioTrack getAudioTrack ()
 Gets the audio track from this media. More...
abstract TIAudioTrack[] getAudioTracks ()
 Gets all audio tracks from this media. More...
double getAudioVolume ()
 Gets the audio volume on the audio track. More...
String getId ()
 Gets the unique identifier of this media. More...
boolean getVideoMuted ()
 Gets a value indicating whether the video track is muted. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Size getVideoSize ()
 Gets the size of the last processed video frame, if known. More...
TIVideoTrack getVideoTrack ()
 Gets the video track from this media. More...
abstract TIVideoTrack[] getVideoTracks ()
 Gets all video tracks from this media. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffergrabVideoFrame ()
 Gets the next raw video frame. More...
 MediaBase ()
 Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.MediaBase class. More...
abstract void removeOnAudioDestroyed (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the audio track is destroyed. More...
abstract void removeOnAudioLevel (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised periodically when the audio's level is calculated. More...
abstract void removeOnVideoDestroyed (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the video track is destroyed. More...
abstract void removeOnVideoSize (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised whenever the video's frame size is known, once per frame. More...
abstract void removeOnVideoSizeChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised whenever the video's frame size changes. More...
void setAudioGain (double value)
 Sets the gain (input amplification) of the audio track. More...
abstract void setAudioLevelInterval (int value)
 Sets the interval in milliseconds between fm.liveswitch.MediaBase#addOnAudioLevel events. More...
void setAudioMuted (boolean value)
 Sets a value indicating whether the audio is muted. More...
void setAudioVolume (double value)
 Sets the audio volume on the audio track. More...
void setId (String value)
 Sets the unique identifier of this media. More...
void setVideoMuted (boolean value)
 Sets a value indicating whether the video track is muted. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from fm.liveswitch.ILocalMedia< fm.liveswitch.LocalMedia, fm.liveswitch.AudioTrack, fm.liveswitch.VideoTrack >
abstract void addOnAudioMuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the audio track is muted. More...
abstract void addOnAudioStarted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the audio track is started. More...
abstract void addOnAudioStopped (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the audio track is stopped. More...
abstract void addOnAudioUnmuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the audio track is unmuted. More...
abstract void addOnVideoMuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the video track is muted. More...
abstract void addOnVideoStarted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the video track is started. More...
abstract void addOnVideoStopped (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the video track is stopped. More...
abstract void addOnVideoUnmuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the video track is unmuted. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > changeAudioSourceInput (fm.liveswitch.SourceInput audioSourceInput)
 Changes the audio source input of the first audio track while the media is active. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > changeVideoSourceInput (fm.liveswitch.SourceInput videoSourceInput)
 Changes the video source input of the first video track while the media is active. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.AudioEncodingConfig getAudioEncoding ()
 Gets the first (primary) local audio encoding. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.AudioEncodingConfig[] getAudioEncodings ()
 Gets the local audio encodings. More...
abstract boolean getAudioSimulcastDisabled ()
 Gets whether audio simulcast is disabled. More...
abstract int getAudioSimulcastEncodingCount ()
 Gets the number of audio simulcast encodings. More...
abstract int getAudioSimulcastPreferredBitrate ()
 Gets the preferred audio simulcast bitrate, in kbps. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.SourceInput getAudioSourceInput ()
 Gets the current audio source input of the first audio track. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.SourceInput[]> getAudioSourceInputs ()
 Gets the available audio source inputs of the first audio track. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.LocalMediaState getState ()
 Gets the current state. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoEncodingConfig getVideoEncoding ()
 Gets the first (primary) local video encoding. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoEncodingConfig[] getVideoEncodings ()
 Gets the local video encodings. More...
abstract double getVideoSimulcastBitsPerPixel ()
 Gets the desired video simulcast bits-per-pixel (bpp). More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoDegradationPreference getVideoSimulcastDegradationPreference ()
 Gets the video simulcast degradation preference. More...
abstract boolean getVideoSimulcastDisabled ()
 Gets whether video simulcast is disabled. More...
abstract int getVideoSimulcastEncodingCount ()
 Gets the number of video simulcast encodings. More...
abstract int getVideoSimulcastPreferredBitrate ()
 Gets the preferred video simulcast bitrate, in kbps. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.SourceInput getVideoSourceInput ()
 Gets the current video source input of the first video track. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.SourceInput[]> getVideoSourceInputs ()
 Gets the available video source inputs of the first video track. More...
abstract void removeOnAudioMuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the audio track is muted. More...
abstract void removeOnAudioStarted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the audio track is started. More...
abstract void removeOnAudioStopped (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the audio track is stopped. More...
abstract void removeOnAudioUnmuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the audio track is unmuted. More...
abstract void removeOnVideoMuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the video track is muted. More...
abstract void removeOnVideoStarted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the video track is started. More...
abstract void removeOnVideoStopped (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the video track is stopped. More...
abstract void removeOnVideoUnmuted (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the video track is unmuted. More...
abstract void setAudioEncodings (fm.liveswitch.AudioEncodingConfig[] value)
 Sets the local audio encodings. More...
abstract void setAudioSimulcastDisabled (boolean value)
 Sets whether audio simulcast is disabled. More...
abstract void setAudioSimulcastEncodingCount (int value)
 Sets the number of audio simulcast encodings. More...
abstract void setAudioSimulcastPreferredBitrate (int value)
 Sets the preferred audio simulcast bitrate, in kbps. More...
abstract void setAudioSourceInput (fm.liveswitch.SourceInput value)
 Sets the current audio source input of the first audio track. More...
abstract void setVideoEncodings (fm.liveswitch.VideoEncodingConfig[] value)
 Sets the local video encodings. More...
abstract void setVideoSimulcastBitsPerPixel (double value)
 Sets the desired video simulcast bits-per-pixel (bpp). More...
abstract void setVideoSimulcastDegradationPreference (fm.liveswitch.VideoDegradationPreference value)
 Sets the video simulcast degradation preference. More...
abstract void setVideoSimulcastDisabled (boolean value)
 Sets whether video simulcast is disabled. More...
abstract void setVideoSimulcastEncodingCount (int value)
 Sets the number of video simulcast encodings. More...
abstract void setVideoSimulcastPreferredBitrate (int value)
 Sets the preferred video simulcast bitrate, in kbps. More...
abstract void setVideoSourceInput (fm.liveswitch.SourceInput value)
 Sets the current video source input of the first video track. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Future< TLocalMedia > start ()
 Starts the media track sources. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Future< TLocalMedia > stop ()
 Stops the media track sources. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from fm.liveswitch.IMedia< fm.liveswitch.AudioTrack, fm.liveswitch.VideoTrack >
abstract void addOnAudioDestroyed (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the audio track is destroyed. More...
abstract void addOnAudioLevel (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised periodically when the audio's level is calculated. More...
abstract void addOnVideoDestroyed (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Adds a handler that is raised when the video track is destroyed. More...
abstract void addOnVideoSize (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised whenever the video's frame size is known, once per frame. More...
abstract void addOnVideoSizeChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value)
 Adds a handler that is raised whenever the video's frame size changes. More...
abstract void destroy ()
 Destroys this media stack. More...
abstract double getAudioGain ()
 Gets a value indicating the audio gain (input amplification). More...
abstract int getAudioLevelInterval ()
 Gets the interval in milliseconds between fm.liveswitch.IMedia#addOnAudioLevel events. More...
abstract boolean getAudioMuted ()
 Gets a value indicating whether the audio is muted. More...
abstract TIAudioTrack getAudioTrack ()
 Gets the audio track. More...
abstract TIAudioTrack[] getAudioTracks ()
 Gets the audio tracks. More...
abstract double getAudioVolume ()
 Gets a value indicating the audio volume (output resistance). More...
abstract String getId ()
 Gets the identifier. More...
abstract boolean getVideoMuted ()
 Gets a value indicating whether the video is muted. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Size getVideoSize ()
 Gets the size of the last processed video frame, if known. More...
abstract TIVideoTrack getVideoTrack ()
 Gets the video track. More...
abstract TIVideoTrack[] getVideoTracks ()
 Gets the video tracks. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffergrabVideoFrame ()
 Gets the next raw video frame. More...
abstract void removeOnAudioDestroyed (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the audio track is destroyed. More...
abstract void removeOnAudioLevel (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< Double > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised periodically when the audio's level is calculated. More...
abstract void removeOnVideoDestroyed (fm.liveswitch.IAction0 value)
 Removes a handler that is raised when the video track is destroyed. More...
abstract void removeOnVideoSize (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised whenever the video's frame size is known, once per frame. More...
abstract void removeOnVideoSizeChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value)
 Removes a handler that is raised whenever the video's frame size changes. More...
abstract void setAudioGain (double value)
 Sets a value indicating the audio gain (input amplification). More...
abstract void setAudioLevelInterval (int value)
 Sets the interval in milliseconds between fm.liveswitch.IMedia#addOnAudioLevel events. More...
abstract void setAudioMuted (boolean value)
 Sets a value indicating whether the audio is muted. More...
abstract void setAudioVolume (double value)
 Sets a value indicating the audio volume (output resistance). More...
abstract void setId (String value)
 Sets the identifier. More...
abstract void setVideoMuted (boolean value)
 Sets a value indicating whether the video is muted. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from fm.liveswitch.IViewableMedia< TView >
abstract String getId ()
 Gets the identifier. More...

Protected Member Functions

abstract fm.liveswitch.AudioSink createAudioRecorder (fm.liveswitch.AudioFormat inputFormat)
 Creates an audio recorder. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.AudioSource createAudioSource (fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig config)
 Creates an audio source. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe createFrameRateController (fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat outputFormat)
 Creates a frame-rate controller. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder createG722Encoder (fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig config)
 Creates a G.722 encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe createG722Packetizer (fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig config)
 Creates a G.722 packetizer. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder createH264Encoder ()
 Creates an H.264 encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder[] createH264Encoders ()
 Creates H.264 encoders. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe createH264Packetizer ()
 Creates an H.264 packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe[] createH264Packetizers ()
 Creates H.264 packetizers. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder createH265Encoder ()
 Creates a H.265 encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe createH265Packetizer ()
 Creates a H.265 packetizer. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe createImageConverter (fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat outputFormat)
 Creates an image converter. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder createL16Encoder (fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig config)
 Creates a L16 encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe createL16Packetizer (fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig config)
 Creates a L16 packetizer. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder createOpusEncoder (fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig config)
 Creates an Opus encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe createOpusPacketizer (fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig config)
 Creates an Opus packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder createPcmaEncoder (fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig config)
 Creates a PCMA encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe createPcmaPacketizer (fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig config)
 Creates a PCMA packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder createPcmuEncoder (fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig config)
 Creates a PCMU encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe createPcmuPacketizer (fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig config)
 Creates a PCMU packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe createSoundConverter (fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig config)
 Creates a sound converter. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoSink createVideoRecorder (fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat inputFormat)
 Creates a video recorder. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoSource createVideoSource ()
 Creates a video source. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.ViewSink< TView > createViewSink ()
 Creates a view sink. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder createVp8Encoder ()
 Creates a VP8 encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe createVp8Packetizer ()
 Creates a VP8 packetizer. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder createVp9Encoder ()
 Creates a VP9 encoder. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe createVp9Packetizer ()
 Creates a VP9 packetizer. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioEncodingConfig[] doGetAudioEncodings ()
 Gets the local audio encodings. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoEncodingConfig[] doGetVideoEncodings ()
 Gets the local video encodings. More...
void doSetAudioEncodings (fm.liveswitch.AudioEncodingConfig[] encodings)
 Sets the local audio encodings. More...
void doSetVideoEncodings (fm.liveswitch.VideoEncodingConfig[] encodings)
 Sets the local video encodings. More...
void setPacketizerDisabled (boolean value)
 Sets a value indicating whether the packetizer is disabled. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fm.liveswitch.LocalMedia
void addAudioTrack (fm.liveswitch.AudioTrack audioTrack)
 Adds the audio track. More...
void addVideoTrack (fm.liveswitch.VideoTrack videoTrack)
 Adds the video track. More...
fm.liveswitch.AudioTrack[] arrayFromAudioTracks (java.util.ArrayList< fm.liveswitch.AudioTrack > tracks)
 Creates an array of tracks from a list of audio tracks. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoTrack[] arrayFromVideoTracks (java.util.ArrayList< fm.liveswitch.VideoTrack > tracks)
 Creates an array of tracks from a list of video tracks. More...
java.util.ArrayList< fm.liveswitch.AudioTrackcreateAudioTrackCollection ()
 Creates an audio track collection. More...
java.util.ArrayList< fm.liveswitch.VideoTrackcreateVideoTrackCollection ()
 Creates a video track collection. More...
fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.LocalMediadoStart ()
 Starts the local media. More...
fm.liveswitch.Future< fm.liveswitch.LocalMediadoStop ()
 Stops the local media. More...
boolean removeAudioTrack (fm.liveswitch.AudioTrack audioTrack)
 Removes the audio track. More...
boolean removeVideoTrack (fm.liveswitch.VideoTrack videoTrack)
 Removes the video track. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fm.liveswitch.Media< TAudioTrack extends fm.liveswitch.AudioTrack, TVideoTrack extends fm.liveswitch.VideoTrack >
void addAudioTrack (TAudioTrack audioTrack)
 Adds an audio track. More...
void addVideoTrack (TVideoTrack videoTrack)
 Adds a video track. More...
abstract TAudioTrack[] arrayFromAudioTracks (java.util.ArrayList< TAudioTrack > tracks)
 Creates an array of tracks from a list of audio tracks. More...
abstract TVideoTrack[] arrayFromVideoTracks (java.util.ArrayList< TVideoTrack > tracks)
 Creates an array of tracks from a list of video tracks. More...
boolean removeAudioTrack (TAudioTrack audioTrack)
 Removes an audio track. More...
boolean removeVideoTrack (TVideoTrack videoTrack)
 Removes a video track. More...
void setIsRecordingAudio (boolean value)
 Sets whether audio is being recorded locally. More...
void setIsRecordingVideo (boolean value)
 Sets whether video is being recorded locally. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fm.liveswitch.MediaBase< TAudioTrack, TVideoTrack >
void setAudioMutedInternal (boolean muted)
 Synchronizes the muted status of the internal elements. More...

Detailed Description

A WebRTC/ORTC-compatible collection of local audio/video tracks.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RtcLocalMedia() [1/3]

Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia class.

◆ RtcLocalMedia() [2/3]

fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.RtcLocalMedia ( boolean  disableAudio,
boolean  disableVideo 

Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia class.

disableAudioWhether to disable audio.
disableVideoWhether to disable video.

◆ RtcLocalMedia() [3/3]

fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.RtcLocalMedia ( boolean  disableAudio,
boolean  disableVideo,
fm.liveswitch.AecContext  aecContext 

Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia class.

disableAudioWhether to disable audio.
disableVideoWhether to disable video.
aecContextThe acoustic echo cancellation context.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addOnActiveAudioConverterChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.addOnActiveAudioConverterChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe value)

Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveAudioConverter changes.

◆ addOnActiveAudioEncoderChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.addOnActiveAudioEncoderChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder value)

Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveAudioEncoder changes.

◆ addOnActiveAudioPacketizerChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.addOnActiveAudioPacketizerChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe value)

Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveAudioPacketizer changes.

◆ addOnActiveVideoControllerChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.addOnActiveVideoControllerChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe value)

Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoController changes.

◆ addOnActiveVideoConverterChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.addOnActiveVideoConverterChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe value)

Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoConverter changes.

◆ addOnActiveVideoEncoderChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.addOnActiveVideoEncoderChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder value)

Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoEncoder changes.

◆ addOnActiveVideoPacketizerChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.addOnActiveVideoPacketizerChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe value)

Adds a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoPacketizer changes.

◆ createAudioRecorder()

abstract fm.liveswitch.AudioSink fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createAudioRecorder ( fm.liveswitch.AudioFormat  inputFormat)

Creates an audio recorder.

inputFormatThe input format.

◆ createAudioSource()

abstract fm.liveswitch.AudioSource fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createAudioSource ( fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig  config)

Creates an audio source.

configThe configuration.

◆ createFrameRateController()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createFrameRateController ( fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat  outputFormat)

Creates a frame-rate controller.

outputFormatThe video output format.

◆ createG722Encoder()

fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createG722Encoder ( fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig  config)

Creates a G.722 encoder.

configThe configuration.

◆ createG722Packetizer()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createG722Packetizer ( fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig  config)

Creates a G.722 packetizer.

configThe configuration.

◆ createH264Encoder()

abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createH264Encoder ( )

Creates an H.264 encoder.

◆ createH264Encoders()

fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createH264Encoders ( )

Creates H.264 encoders.

◆ createH264Packetizer()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createH264Packetizer ( )

Creates an H.264 packetizer.

◆ createH264Packetizers()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createH264Packetizers ( )

Creates H.264 packetizers.

◆ createH265Encoder()

fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createH265Encoder ( )

Creates a H.265 encoder.

◆ createH265Packetizer()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createH265Packetizer ( )

Creates a H.265 packetizer.

◆ createImageConverter()

abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createImageConverter ( fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat  outputFormat)

Creates an image converter.

outputFormatThe video output format.

◆ createL16Encoder()

fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createL16Encoder ( fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig  config)

Creates a L16 encoder.

configThe configuration.

◆ createL16Packetizer()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createL16Packetizer ( fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig  config)

Creates a L16 packetizer.

configThe configuration.

◆ createOpusEncoder()

abstract fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createOpusEncoder ( fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig  config)

Creates an Opus encoder.

configThe configuration.

◆ createOpusPacketizer()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createOpusPacketizer ( fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig  config)

Creates an Opus packetizer.

configThe configuration.

◆ createPcmaEncoder()

fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createPcmaEncoder ( fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig  config)

Creates a PCMA encoder.

configThe configuration.

◆ createPcmaPacketizer()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createPcmaPacketizer ( fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig  config)

Creates a PCMA packetizer.

configThe configuration.

◆ createPcmuEncoder()

fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createPcmuEncoder ( fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig  config)

Creates a PCMU encoder.

configThe configuration.

◆ createPcmuPacketizer()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createPcmuPacketizer ( fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig  config)

Creates a PCMU packetizer.

configThe configuration.

◆ createSoundConverter()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createSoundConverter ( fm.liveswitch.AudioConfig  config)

Creates a sound converter.

configThe configuration.

◆ createVideoRecorder()

abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoSink fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createVideoRecorder ( fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat  inputFormat)

Creates a video recorder.

inputFormatThe output format.

◆ createVideoSource()

abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoSource fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createVideoSource ( )

Creates a video source.

◆ createViewSink()

abstract fm.liveswitch.ViewSink<TView> fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createViewSink ( )

Creates a view sink.

◆ createVp8Encoder()

abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createVp8Encoder ( )

Creates a VP8 encoder.

◆ createVp8Packetizer()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createVp8Packetizer ( )

Creates a VP8 packetizer.

◆ createVp9Encoder()

abstract fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createVp9Encoder ( )

Creates a VP9 encoder.

◆ createVp9Packetizer()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.createVp9Packetizer ( )

Creates a VP9 packetizer.

◆ destroy()

◆ doGetAudioEncodings()

fm.liveswitch.AudioEncodingConfig [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.doGetAudioEncodings ( )

Gets the local audio encodings.

The local audio encodings.

Reimplemented from fm.liveswitch.LocalMedia.

◆ doGetVideoEncodings()

fm.liveswitch.VideoEncodingConfig [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.doGetVideoEncodings ( )

Gets the local video encodings.

The local video encodings.

Reimplemented from fm.liveswitch.LocalMedia.

◆ doSetAudioEncodings()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.doSetAudioEncodings ( fm.liveswitch.AudioEncodingConfig[]  encodings)

Sets the local audio encodings.

encodingsThe local audio encodings.

Reimplemented from fm.liveswitch.LocalMedia.

◆ doSetVideoEncodings()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.doSetVideoEncodings ( fm.liveswitch.VideoEncodingConfig[]  encodings)

Sets the local video encodings.

encodingsThe local video encodings.

Reimplemented from fm.liveswitch.LocalMedia.

◆ getActiveAudioConverter()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getActiveAudioConverter ( )

Gets the active audio converter.

◆ getActiveAudioEncoder()

fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getActiveAudioEncoder ( )

Gets the active audio encoder.

◆ getActiveAudioPacketizer()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getActiveAudioPacketizer ( )

Gets the active audio packetizer.

◆ getActiveVideoController()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getActiveVideoController ( )

Gets the active video controller.

◆ getActiveVideoConverter()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getActiveVideoConverter ( )

Gets the active video converter.

◆ getActiveVideoEncoder()

fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getActiveVideoEncoder ( )

Gets the active video encoder.

◆ getActiveVideoPacketizer()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getActiveVideoPacketizer ( )

Gets the active video packetizer.

◆ getAecContext()

Gets the acoustic echo cancellation context.

◆ getAecDisabled()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getAecDisabled ( )

Gets a value indicating whether acoustic echo cancellation is disabled.

◆ getAudioDisabled()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getAudioDisabled ( )

Gets a value indicating whether audio is disabled.

◆ getAudioOutputs()

Gets the audio outputs.

◆ getAutomaticVideoDegradation()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getAutomaticVideoDegradation ( )

Gets whether to automatically degrade video based on fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getVideoBitsPerPixel and fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getVideoDegradationPreference when bitrate constraints are applied to the local encoders.

◆ getG722Converter()

Gets the G.722 converter.

◆ getG722Disabled()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getG722Disabled ( )

Gets whether the G.722 codec is disabled.

◆ getG722Encoder()

Gets the G.722 encoder.

◆ getG722Packetizer()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getG722Packetizer ( )

Gets the G.722 packetizer.

◆ getH264Controller()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH264Controller ( )

Gets the first H.264 controller.

◆ getH264Controllers()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH264Controllers ( )

Gets the H.264 controllers.

◆ getH264Converter()

Gets the first H.264 converter.

◆ getH264Converters()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH264Converters ( )

Gets the H.264 converters.

◆ getH264ConvertersArray()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [][] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH264ConvertersArray ( )

Gets the H.264 converters array.

◆ getH264Disabled()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH264Disabled ( )

Gets whether the H.264 codec is disabled.

◆ getH264Encoder()

Gets the first H.264 encoder.

◆ getH264Encoders()

Gets the first H.264 encoders.

◆ getH264EncodersArray()

fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder [][] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH264EncodersArray ( )

Gets the H.264 encoders array.

◆ getH264Packetizer()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH264Packetizer ( )

Gets the first H.264 packetizer.

◆ getH264Packetizers()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH264Packetizers ( )

Gets the first H.264 packetizers.

◆ getH264PacketizersArray()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [][] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH264PacketizersArray ( )

Gets the first H.264 packetizers array.

◆ getH264PacketizersArrayArray()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [][][] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH264PacketizersArrayArray ( )

Gets the H.264 packetizers array array.

◆ getH265Controller()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH265Controller ( )

Gets the first H265 controller.

◆ getH265Controllers()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH265Controllers ( )

Gets the H265 controllers.

◆ getH265Converter()

Gets the first H265 converter.

◆ getH265Converters()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH265Converters ( )

Gets the H265 converters.

◆ getH265Disabled()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH265Disabled ( )

Gets whether the H.265 codec is disabled.

◆ getH265Encoder()

Gets the first H265 encoder.

◆ getH265Encoders()

Gets the H265 encoders.

◆ getH265Packetizer()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH265Packetizer ( )

Gets the first H265 packetizer.

◆ getH265Packetizers()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getH265Packetizers ( )

Gets the H265 packetizers.

◆ getL16Converter()

Gets the L16 converter.

◆ getL16Disabled()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getL16Disabled ( )

Gets whether the L16 codec is disabled.

◆ getL16Encoder()

Gets the L16 encoder.

◆ getL16Packetizer()

Gets the L16 packetizer.

◆ getOpusConverter()

Gets the first Opus converter.

◆ getOpusConverters()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getOpusConverters ( )

Gets the Opus converters.

◆ getOpusDisabled()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getOpusDisabled ( )

Gets whether the Opus codec is disabled.

◆ getOpusEncoder()

Gets the first Opus encoder.

◆ getOpusEncoders()

Gets the Opus encoders.

◆ getOpusPacketizer()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getOpusPacketizer ( )

Gets the first Opus packetizer.

◆ getOpusPacketizers()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getOpusPacketizers ( )

Gets the Opus packetizers.

◆ getPacketizerDisabled()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getPacketizerDisabled ( )

Gets a value indicating whether the packetizer is disabled.

WebRTC media requires the RTP packetizer so the value must be


. Media-over-WebSockets must not use the RTP packetizer, so the value must be


. If the packetizer is not required, this value must be set in the constructor.

◆ getPcmaConverter()

Gets the PCMA converter.

◆ getPcmaDisabled()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getPcmaDisabled ( )

Gets whether the PCMA codec is disabled.

◆ getPcmaEncoder()

Gets the PCMA encoder.

◆ getPcmaPacketizer()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getPcmaPacketizer ( )

Gets the PCMA packetizer.

◆ getPcmuConverter()

Gets the PCMU converter.

◆ getPcmuDisabled()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getPcmuDisabled ( )

Gets whether the PCMU codec is disabled.

◆ getPcmuEncoder()

Gets the PCMU encoder.

◆ getPcmuPacketizer()

fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getPcmuPacketizer ( )

Gets the PCMU packetizer.

◆ getVideoBitsPerPixel()

double fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getVideoBitsPerPixel ( )

Gets the video degradation preference when bitrate constraints require a compromise on frame-rate and/or resolution.

◆ getVideoDegradationPreference()

fm.liveswitch.VideoDegradationPreference fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getVideoDegradationPreference ( )

Gets the video degradation preference when bitrate constraints require a compromise on frame-rate and/or resolution.

◆ getVideoDisabled()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getVideoDisabled ( )

Gets a value indicating whether video is disabled.

◆ getVideoOutputs()

Gets the video outputs.

◆ getView()

TView fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getView ( )

Gets the video view, if video is not disabled.

Implements fm.liveswitch.IViewableMedia< TView >.

◆ getViewSink()

fm.liveswitch.ViewSink<TView> fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getViewSink ( )

Gets the video view sink, if video is not disabled.

◆ getVp8Controller()

Gets the first VP8 controller.

◆ getVp8Controllers()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getVp8Controllers ( )

Gets the VP8 controllers.

◆ getVp8Converter()

Gets the first VP8 converter.

◆ getVp8Converters()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getVp8Converters ( )

Gets the VP8 converters.

◆ getVp8Disabled()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getVp8Disabled ( )

Gets whether the VP8 codec is disabled.

◆ getVp8Encoder()

Gets the first VP8 encoder.

◆ getVp8Encoders()

Gets the VP8 encoders.

◆ getVp8Packetizer()

Gets the first VP8 packetizer.

◆ getVp8Packetizers()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getVp8Packetizers ( )

Gets the VP8 packetizers.

◆ getVp9Controller()

Gets the first VP9 controller.

◆ getVp9Controllers()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getVp9Controllers ( )

Gets the VP9 controllers.

◆ getVp9Converter()

Gets the first VP9 converter.

◆ getVp9Converters()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getVp9Converters ( )

Gets the VP9 converters.

◆ getVp9Disabled()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getVp9Disabled ( )

Gets whether the VP9 codec is disabled.

◆ getVp9Encoder()

Gets the first VP9 encoder.

◆ getVp9Encoders()

Gets the VP9 encoders.

◆ getVp9Packetizer()

Gets the first VP9 packetizer.

◆ getVp9Packetizers()

fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe [] fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.getVp9Packetizers ( )

Gets the VP9 packetizers.

◆ initialize() [1/2]

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.initialize ( )

Initializes this instance.

Must be called before being used.

◆ initialize() [2/2]

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.initialize ( fm.liveswitch.RtcAudioTrackConfig  audioTrackConfig,
fm.liveswitch.RtcVideoTrackConfig  videoTrackConfig 

Initializes this instance.

Must be called before being used.

◆ removeOnActiveAudioConverterChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.removeOnActiveAudioConverterChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe value)

Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveAudioConverter changes.

◆ removeOnActiveAudioEncoderChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.removeOnActiveAudioEncoderChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.AudioEncoder value)

Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveAudioEncoder changes.

◆ removeOnActiveAudioPacketizerChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.removeOnActiveAudioPacketizerChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.AudioPipe value)

Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveAudioPacketizer changes.

◆ removeOnActiveVideoControllerChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.removeOnActiveVideoControllerChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe value)

Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoController changes.

◆ removeOnActiveVideoConverterChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.removeOnActiveVideoConverterChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe value)

Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoConverter changes.

◆ removeOnActiveVideoEncoderChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.removeOnActiveVideoEncoderChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoEncoder value)

Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoEncoder changes.

◆ removeOnActiveVideoPacketizerChange()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.removeOnActiveVideoPacketizerChange ( fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.VideoPipe value)

Removes a handler that is raised when the fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getActiveVideoPacketizer changes.

◆ setAutomaticVideoDegradation()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.setAutomaticVideoDegradation ( boolean  value)

Sets whether to automatically degrade video based on fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getVideoBitsPerPixel and fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia#getVideoDegradationPreference when bitrate constraints are applied to the local encoders.

◆ setPacketizerDisabled()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.setPacketizerDisabled ( boolean  value)

Sets a value indicating whether the packetizer is disabled.

WebRTC media requires the RTP packetizer so the value must be


. Media-over-WebSockets must not use the RTP packetizer, so the value must be


. If the packetizer is not required, this value must be set in the constructor.

◆ setVideoBitsPerPixel()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.setVideoBitsPerPixel ( double  value)

Sets the video degradation preference when bitrate constraints require a compromise on frame-rate and/or resolution.

◆ setVideoDegradationPreference()

void fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.setVideoDegradationPreference ( fm.liveswitch.VideoDegradationPreference  value)

Sets the video degradation preference when bitrate constraints require a compromise on frame-rate and/or resolution.

◆ toggleAudioRecording()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.toggleAudioRecording ( )

Toggles audio recording.

◆ toggleVideoRecording()

boolean fm.liveswitch.RtcLocalMedia< TView >.toggleVideoRecording ( )

Toggles video recording.