| PacketizedVideoBuffer (int width, int height, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer dataBuffer, fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat format, fm.liveswitch.RtpPacketHeader rtpHeader) |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.PacketizedVideoBuffer class. More...
| PacketizedVideoBuffer (int width, int height, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer[] dataBuffers, fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat format, fm.liveswitch.RtpPacketHeader[] rtpHeaders) |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.PacketizedVideoBuffer class. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffer | clone () |
| Clones this instance. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffer | convert (fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat format) |
| Creates a new video buffer using the specified format. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffer | convert (fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat format, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer dataBuffer) |
| Creates a new video buffer using the specified format. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffer | convert (fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat format, boolean usePool) |
| Creates a new video buffer using the specified format. More...
void | copyTransformationAttributes (fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffer sourceBuffer) |
| Copy the transformation attributes from another video buffer. More...
int | getAValue (int index) |
| Gets the A value at a given index. More...
int | getBValue (int index) |
| Gets the B value at a given index. More...
int | getGValue (int index) |
| Gets the G value at a given index. More...
int | getHeight () |
| Gets the height. More...
boolean | getHorizontallyMirrored () |
| Gets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the X axis. More...
boolean | getInversionRequired () |
| Gets whether inversion is required to reset the mirroring of this buffer. More...
boolean | getIsAbgr () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has ABGR video. More...
boolean | getIsArgb () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has ARGB video. More...
boolean | getIsBgr () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has BGR video. More...
boolean | getIsBgra () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has BGRA video. More...
boolean | getIsH264 () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has H.264 video. More...
boolean | getIsH265 () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has H.265 video. More...
boolean | getIsI420 () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has I420 video. More...
boolean | getIsKeyFrame () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer contains a keyframe. More...
boolean | getIsMuted () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been muted. More...
boolean | getIsNv12 () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has NV12 video. More...
boolean | getIsNv21 () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has NV21 video. More...
boolean | getIsPacked () |
| Gets a value indicating whether the data is packed into a single data buffer. More...
boolean | getIsPlanar () |
| Gets a value indicating whether the data is spread across multiple data buffers (planes). More...
boolean | getIsRaw () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw video. More...
boolean | getIsRgb () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has RGB video. More...
boolean | getIsRgba () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has RGBA video. More...
boolean | getIsRgbaType () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw RGBA, BGRA, ARGB, or ABGR video. More...
boolean | getIsRgbType () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw RGB or BGR video. More...
boolean | getIsVp8 () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has VP8 video. More...
boolean | getIsVp9 () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has VP9 video. More...
boolean | getIsYuvType () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has raw I420, YV12, NV12, or NV21 video. More...
boolean | getIsYv12 () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this buffer has YV12 video. More...
int | getOrientation () |
| Gets the desired orientation of the buffer. More...
int | getRotationRequired () |
| Gets whether rotation is required to reset the mirroring and orientation of this buffer. More...
int | getRValue (int index) |
| Gets the R value at a given index. More...
int | getStride () |
| Gets the stride. More...
int[] | getStrides () |
| Gets the strides. More...
boolean | getTransformRequired () |
| Gets a boolean value on whether the buffer needs to be transformed. More...
int | getUValue (int index) |
| Gets the U value at a given index. More...
boolean | getVerticallyMirrored () |
| Gets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the Y axis. More...
int | getVValue (int index) |
| Gets the V value at a given index. More...
int | getWidth () |
| Gets the width. More...
int | getYValue (int index) |
| Gets the Y value at a given index. More...
boolean | mute () |
| Mutes this instance. More...
void | resetTransformationAttributes () |
| Resets the transformation attributes back to default values. More...
boolean | setAValue (int aValue, int index) |
| Gets the A value at a given index. More...
boolean | setBValue (int bValue, int index) |
| Gets the B value at a given index. More...
boolean | setGValue (int gValue, int index) |
| Sets the G value at a given index. More...
void | setHeight (int value) |
| Sets the height. More...
void | setHorizontallyMirrored (boolean value) |
| Sets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the X axis. More...
void | setOrientation (int value) |
| Sets the desired orientation of the buffer. More...
boolean | setRValue (int rValue, int index) |
| Sets the R value at a given index. More...
void | setStride (int value) |
| Sets the stride. More...
void | setStrides (int[] value) |
| Sets the strides. More...
boolean | setUValue (int uValue, int index) |
| Sets the U value at a given index. More...
void | setVerticallyMirrored (boolean value) |
| Sets whether this buffer should be mirrored over the Y axis. More...
boolean | setVValue (int vValue, int index) |
| Sets the V value at a given index. More...
void | setWidth (int value) |
| Sets the width. More...
boolean | setYValue (int yValue, int index) |
| Sets the Y value at a given index. More...
String | toJson () |
| Serializes this instance to JSON. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffer | toPacked () |
| Creates a packed representation of this planar buffer, if in YUV-planar format. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffer | toPacked (boolean usePool) |
| Creates a packed representation of this planar buffer, if in YUV-planar format. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffer | toPlanar () |
| Creates a planar representation of this packed buffer, if in YUV-packed format. More...
| VideoBuffer (int width, int height, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer dataBuffer, fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat format) |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffer class. More...
| VideoBuffer (int width, int height, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer[] dataBuffers, fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat format) |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffer class. More...
| VideoBuffer (int width, int height, int stride, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer dataBuffer, fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat format) |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffer class. More...
| VideoBuffer (int width, int height, int[] strides, fm.liveswitch.DataBuffer[] dataBuffers, fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat format) |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.VideoBuffer class. More...
java.util.HashMap< String, Object > | getDynamicProperties () |
| Gets all dynamic properties on this instance. More...
Object | getDynamicValue (String key) |
| Gets a property value from the local cache. More...
void | setDynamicValue (String key, Object value) |
| Sets a property value in the local cache. More...
boolean | unsetDynamicValue (String key) |
| Removes a property value from the local cache. More...