class | AddressFamilyNotSupportedError |
| 440 Address Family Not Supported. More...
class | AllocateMessage |
| A generic STUN allocate message. More...
class | AllocateRequest |
| A STUN allocate request. More...
class | AllocateResponse |
| A STUN allocate response. More...
class | AllocationMismatchError |
| 437 Allocation Mismatch. More...
class | AllocationQuotaReachedError |
| 486 Allocation Quota Reached. More...
class | ChannelBindMessage |
| A generic STUN channel-bind message. More...
class | ChannelBindRequest |
| A STUN channel-bind request. More...
class | ChannelBindResponse |
| A STUN channel-bind response. More...
class | ChannelNumberAttribute |
| The CHANNEL-NUMBER attribute contains the number of the channel. More...
class | ConnectionAlreadyExistsError |
| 446 Connection Already exists. More...
class | ConnectionAttemptIndication |
| A STUN connection-attempt indication. More...
class | ConnectionAttemptMessage |
| A generic STUN connection-attempt message. More...
class | ConnectionBindMessage |
| A generic STUN connection-bind message. More...
class | ConnectionBindRequest |
| A STUN connection-bind request. More...
class | ConnectionBindResponse |
| A STUN connection-bind response. More...
class | ConnectionIdAttribute |
| The CONNECTION-ID attribute uniquely identifies a peer data connection. More...
class | ConnectionTimeoutOrFailureError |
| 447 Connection Timeout or Failure. More...
class | ConnectMessage |
| A generic STUN connect message. More...
class | ConnectRequest |
| A STUN connect request. More...
class | ConnectResponse |
| A STUN connect response. More...
class | CreatePermissionMessage |
| A generic STUN create-permission message. More...
class | CreatePermissionRequest |
| A STUN create-permission request. More...
class | CreatePermissionResponse |
| A STUN create-permission response. More...
class | DataAttribute |
| The DATA attribute is present in all Send and Data indications. More...
class | DataIndication |
| A STUN data indication. More...
class | DataMessage |
| A generic STUN data message. More...
class | DontFragmentAttribute |
| This attribute is used by the client to request that the server set the DF (Don't Fragment) bit in the IP header when relaying the application data onward to the peer. More...
class | EvenPortAttribute |
| This attribute allows the client to request that the port in the relayed transport address be even, and (optionally) that the server reserve the next-higher port number. More...
class | ForbiddenError |
| 403 Forbidden. More...
class | InsufficientCapacityError |
| 508 Insufficient Capacity. More...
class | LifetimeAttribute |
| The LIFETIME attribute represents the duration for which the server will maintain an allocation in the absence of a refresh (in seconds). More...
class | MobilityForbiddenError |
| 405 Mobility Forbidden. More...
class | PeerAddressFamilyMismatchError |
| 443 Peer Address Family Mismatch. More...
class | RefreshMessage |
| A generic STUN refresh message. More...
class | RefreshRequest |
| A STUN refresh request. More...
class | RefreshResponse |
| A STUN refresh response. More...
class | RequestedAddressFamilyAttribute |
| The REQUESTED-ADDRESS-FAMILY attribute is used by clients to request the allocation of a specific address type from a server. More...
class | RequestedTransportAttribute |
| This attribute is used by the client to request a specific transport protocol for the allocated transport address. More...
class | ReservationTokenAttribute |
| The RESERVATION-TOKEN attribute contains a token that uniquely identifies a relayed transport address being held in reserve by the server. More...
class | SendIndication |
| A STUN send indication. More...
class | SendMessage |
| A generic STUN send message. More...
class | UnsupportedTransportProtocolError |
| 442 Unsupported Transport Protocol. More...
class | WrongCredentialsError |
| 441 Wrong Credentials. More...
class | XorPeerAddressAttribute |
| The XOR-PEER-ADDRESS specifies the address and port of the peer as seen from the TURN server. More...
class | XorRelayedAddressAttribute |
| The XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS is present in Allocate responses. More...