class | ExtMapAttribute |
| https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5285#section-5 Stream or media-level attribute used to indicate the presence of RTP Header Extensions, and the mapping of local identifiers used in the header extension to a larger namespace. More...
class | FeedbackAttributeCollection |
class | MapAttribute |
| This attribute maps from an RTP payload type number (as used in an "m=" line) to an format name denoting the payload format to be used. More...
class | Media |
| An SDP media description with a transport protocol of "RTP/AVP" or "RTP/SAVP". More...
class | RidAttribute |
| The SDP media attribute "rid" specifies restrictions defining a unique RTP payload configuration. More...
class | RidDirection |
| The allowed directions for an RID attribute. More...
class | RidRestriction |
| A restriction for an RID attribute. More...
class | SimulcastAttribute |
| The SDP media attribute "simulcast" describes, independently for send and receive directions, the number of simulcast RTP streams as well as potential alternative formats for each simulcast RTP stream. More...
class | SimulcastDirection |
| The allowed directions for a simulcast attribute. More...
class | SimulcastStream |
| A stream for a simulcast stream description. More...
class | SimulcastStreamDescription |
| A stream description for a simulcast attribute. More...
class | SimulcastStreamId |
| A simulcast stream identifier. More...
class | SsrcAttribute |
| The SDP media attribute "ssrc" indicates a property (known as a "source-level attribute") of a media source (RTP stream) within an RTP session. More...
class | SsrcAttributeName |
| SSRC atribute names. More...
class | SsrcGroupAttribute |
| The SDP media attribute "ssrc-group" expresses a relationship among several sources of an RTP session. More...