class | CandidateAttribute |
| The candidate attribute is a media-level attribute only. More...
class | CandidateType |
| Defines valid SDP candidate types. More...
class | FingerprintAttribute |
| The SDP session attribute "fingerprint" provides an encryption certificate fingerprint to a remote peer for use with DTLS. More...
class | LiteAttribute |
| "ice-lite" is a session-level attribute only, and indicates that an agent is a lite implementation. More...
class | MismatchAttribute |
| "ice-mismatch" is a media-level attribute only, and when present in an answer, indicates that the offer arrived with a default destination for a media component that didn't have a corresponding candidate attribute. More...
class | OptionsAttribute |
| The "ice-options" attribute is a session-level attribute. More...
class | OptionTag |
| A tag for an fm.liveswitch.sdp.ice.OptionsAttribute. More...
enum | OptionTagType |
| A list of known types for fm.liveswitch.sdp.ice.OptionTag. More...
class | PasswordAttribute |
| The "ice-pwd" attribute conveys the password used by ICE for message integrity. More...
class | RemoteCandidate |
| An SDP remote candidate element. More...
class | RemoteCandidatesAttribute |
| The attribute contains a connection-address and port for each component. More...
class | TransportProtocol |
| Defines valid SDP transport protocols. More...
class | TrickleIceOptionTag |
class | UfragAttribute |
| The "ice-ufrag" attribute conveys the username fragment used by ICE for message integrity. More...
class | UnknownIceOptionTag |