| Camera2Source (final CameraPreview preview, VideoConfig targetConfig) |
| Initializes a new instance of the CameraSource2 class. More...
void | setListener (Camera2SourceListener listener) |
CameraDevice | getCamera () |
| Gets the underlying Android camera instance. More...
String | getCameraId () |
| Value represents the current cameras id. More...
CameraPreview | getPreview () |
| Gets the Android camera preview. More...
Size[] | getVideoSizes () |
| Gets the available video sizes. It's populated once the camera has been started. More...
Size[] | getImageSizes () |
| Get the available image sizes. It's populated once the camera has been started. More...
String | getLabel () |
| Gets a label that identifies this class. More...
Size | getSelectedSize () |
| Once the camera is initialized. This value was the closest supported resolution to the user provided default. More...
void | setPreviewTexture (SurfaceTexture texture) |
Future< SourceInput[]> | getInputs () |
| Gets the available inputs. More...
SourceInput | getFrontInput () |
| Gets the front camera input id <string> and name <string>. Use the Id to set the source input of the camera you want. More...
SourceInput | getBackInput () |
| Gets the back camera input id <string> and name <string>. Use the Id to set the source input of the camera you want. More...
SourceInput | getExternalInput () |
| Gets the external camera input id <string> and name <string>. Use the Id to set the source input of the camera you want. More...
boolean | getMirrorPreview () |
void | setMirrorPreview (boolean mirrorPreview) |
void | transformImage (int viewWidth, int viewHeight) |
boolean | setRotation (Display display) |
void | startCaptureSession () |
| CameraSourceBase (fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat outputFormat, fm.liveswitch.VideoConfig targetConfig) |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.ScreenSourceBase class. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoConfig | getConfig () |
| Gets the current config. More...
double | getFrameRate () |
| Gets the current frame-rate, in fps. More...
double | getMaxFrameRate () |
| Gets the maximum output frame-rate, in fps. More...
double | getMaxOutputFrameRate () |
| Gets the maximum allowed output frame-rate, in fps. More...
fm.liveswitch.Size | getMaxOutputSize () |
| Gets the maximum allowed output size. More...
fm.liveswitch.Size | getMaxSize () |
| Gets the maximum output size. More...
double | getMaxSupportedFrameRate () |
| Gets the maximum supported frame-rate, in fps. More...
fm.liveswitch.Size | getMaxSupportedSize () |
| Gets the maximum supported size. More...
double | getMinFrameRate () |
| Gets the minimum frame-rate, in fps. More...
double | getMinOutputFrameRate () |
| Gets the minimum allowed output frame-rate, in fps. More...
fm.liveswitch.Size | getMinOutputSize () |
| Gets the minimum allowed output size. More...
fm.liveswitch.Size | getMinSize () |
| Gets the minimum size. More...
double | getMinSupportedFrameRate () |
| Gets the minimum supported frame-rate, in fps. More...
fm.liveswitch.Size | getMinSupportedSize () |
| Gets the minimum supported size. More...
fm.liveswitch.Size | getSize () |
| Gets the current size. More...
boolean | getStaticOutputFrameRate () |
| Gets whether fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMinOutputFrameRate and fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMaxOutputFrameRate should return fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMinSupportedFrameRate and fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMaxSupportedFrameRate, respectively, or response to changes in fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMinFrameRate and fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMaxFrameRate. More...
boolean | getStaticOutputSize () |
| Gets whether fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMinOutputSize and fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMaxOutputSize should return fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMinSupportedSize and fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMaxSupportedSize, respectively, or response to changes in fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMinSize and fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMaxSize. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoConfig | getTargetConfig () |
| Gets the target config. More...
double | getTargetFrameRate () |
| Gets the target frame-rate, in fps. More...
double | getTargetOutputFrameRate () |
| Gets the target output frame-rate, in fps. More...
fm.liveswitch.Size | getTargetOutputSize () |
| Gets the target output size. More...
fm.liveswitch.Size | getTargetSize () |
| Gets the target size. More...
void | setMaxFrameRate (double value) |
| Sets the maximum output frame-rate, in fps. More...
void | setMaxSize (fm.liveswitch.Size value) |
| Sets the maximum output size. More...
void | setMinFrameRate (double value) |
| Sets the minimum frame-rate, in fps. More...
void | setMinSize (fm.liveswitch.Size value) |
| Sets the minimum size. More...
void | setStaticOutputFrameRate (boolean value) |
| Sets whether fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMinOutputFrameRate and fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMaxOutputFrameRate should return fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMinSupportedFrameRate and fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMaxSupportedFrameRate, respectively, or response to changes in fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMinFrameRate and fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMaxFrameRate. More...
void | setStaticOutputSize (boolean value) |
| Sets whether fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMinOutputSize and fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMaxOutputSize should return fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMinSupportedSize and fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMaxSupportedSize, respectively, or response to changes in fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMinSize and fm.liveswitch.CameraSourceBase#getMaxSize. More...
void | setTargetConfig (fm.liveswitch.VideoConfig value) |
| Sets the target config. More...
void | setTargetSize (fm.liveswitch.Size value) |
| Sets the target size. More...
void | addOnRaiseSizeChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value) |
| Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is about to be raised with a size that does not match the prior frame. More...
int | getAverageFrameRate () |
| Gets the average frame rate. More...
String | getContent () |
| Gets the content descriptor. More...
long | getFrameCount () |
| Gets the frame count. More...
double | getFrameRateDistance (double frameRate1, double frameRate2) |
| Gets the distance between two frame rates. More...
fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo | getMaxOutputEncoding () |
| Gets the maximum allowed output encoding. More...
int | getMaxOutputHeight () |
| Gets the maximum allowed output height. More...
double | getMaxOutputScale () |
| Gets the maximum allowed output scale. More...
int | getMaxOutputWidth () |
| Gets the maximum allowed output width. More...
fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo | getMinOutputEncoding () |
| Gets the minimum allowed output encoding. More...
int | getMinOutputHeight () |
| Gets the minimum allowed output height. More...
double | getMinOutputScale () |
| Gets the minimum allowed output scale. More...
int | getMinOutputWidth () |
| Gets the minimum allowed output width. More...
boolean | getOverConstrainedFrameRate () |
| Gets whether the source frame-rate is over-constrained. More...
boolean | getOverConstrainedHeight () |
| Gets whether the source height is over-constrained. More...
boolean | getOverConstrainedOutput () |
| Gets whether the output is over-contrained. More...
boolean | getOverConstrainedOutputFrameRate () |
| Gets whether the minimum allowed output frame-rate exceeds the maximum allowed output frame-rate. More...
boolean | getOverConstrainedOutputHeight () |
| Gets whether the minimum allowed output height exceeds the maximum allowed output height. More...
boolean | getOverConstrainedOutputScale () |
| Gets whether the minimum allowed output scale exceeds the maximum allowed output scale. More...
boolean | getOverConstrainedOutputSize () |
| Gets whether the minimum allowed output size exceeds the maximum allowed output size. More...
boolean | getOverConstrainedOutputWidth () |
| Gets whether the minimum allowed output width exceeds the maximum allowed output width. More...
boolean | getOverConstrainedScale () |
| Gets whether the source scale is over-constrained. More...
boolean | getOverConstrainedSize () |
| Gets whether the source size is over-constrained. More...
boolean | getOverConstrainedWidth () |
| Gets whether the source width is over-constrained. More...
int | getSizeDistance (int width1, int height1, int width2, int height2) |
| Gets the distance between two sizes. More...
fm.liveswitch.EncodingInfo | getTargetOutputEncoding () |
| Gets the target output encoding. More...
int | getTargetOutputHeight () |
| Gets the target output height. More...
double | getTargetOutputScale () |
| Gets the target output scale. More...
int | getTargetOutputWidth () |
| Gets the target output width. More...
fm.liveswitch.VideoType | getVideoType () |
| Gets the video type. More...
void | removeOnRaiseSizeChange (fm.liveswitch.IAction1< fm.liveswitch.Size > value) |
| Removes a handler that is raised when a frame is about to be raised with a size that does not match the prior frame. More...
| VideoSource (fm.liveswitch.VideoFormat outputFormat) |
| Initializes a new instance of the fm.liveswitch.VideoSource class. More...
String | getExternalId () |
| Gets the external identifier. More...
String | getId () |
| Gets the identifier. More...
String | getTag () |
| Gets optional data to associate with this instance. More...
void | setExternalId (String value) |
| Sets the external identifier. More...
void | setTag (String value) |
| Sets optional data to associate with this instance. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > | start () |
| Starts this instance. More...
abstract fm.liveswitch.Future< Object > | stop () |
| Stops this instance. More...
java.util.HashMap< String, Object > | getDynamicProperties () |
| Gets all dynamic properties on this instance. More...
Object | getDynamicValue (String key) |
| Gets a property value from the local cache. More...
void | setDynamicValue (String key, Object value) |
| Sets a property value in the local cache. More...
boolean | unsetDynamicValue (String key) |
| Removes a property value from the local cache. More...
abstract String | getExternalId () |
| Gets the external identifier. More...
abstract String | getId () |
| Gets the identifier. More...
abstract String | getPipelineJson () |
| Gets the pipeline JSON with this as the central point. More...
abstract void | setExternalId (String value) |
| Sets the external identifier. More...
abstract boolean | destroy () |
| Destroys this instance. More...
abstract boolean | getDeactivated () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance is deactivated. More...
abstract boolean | getDisabled () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disabled. More...
abstract boolean | getMuted () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance is muted. More...
abstract boolean | getPaused () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance is paused. More...
abstract boolean | getPersistent () |
| Gets a value indicating whether this instance is persistent. More...
abstract void | setDeactivated (boolean value) |
| Sets a value indicating whether this instance is deactivated. More...
abstract void | setMuted (boolean value) |
| Sets a value indicating whether this instance is muted. More...