FMLiveSwitchVpxEncoderConfig Class Reference

Config for the Vp8/Vp9 encoders. More...

Instance Methods

(FMLiveSwitchVpxBitDepth *) - bitDepth
 Gets a value that maps to "g_bit_depth". More...
(int) - bufferInitialSize
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_buf_initial_sz". More...
(int) - bufferOptimalSize
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_buf_optimal_sz". More...
(int) - bufferSize
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_buf_sz". More...
(int) - cpu
 Gets a value used for "VP8E_SET_CPUUSED". More...
(FMLiveSwitchVpxEncoderConfig *) - deepCopy
 Gets a deep copy of this configuration. More...
(int) - dropFrameThreshold
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_dropframe_thresh". More...
(FMLiveSwitchVpxEndUsageMode *) - endUsageMode
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_end_usage". More...
(int) - errorResilient
 Gets a value that maps to g_error_resilient. More...
(instancetype) - init
 Creates a new copy of the VPX encoder configurations with default values. More...
(int) - inputBitDepth
 Gets a value that maps to "g_input_bit_depth". More...
(int) - keyframeMaxDistance
 Gets a value that maps to "kf_max_dist". More...
(int) - keyframeMinDistance
 Gets a value that maps to "kf_min_dist". More...
(FMLiveSwitchVpxKeyframeMode *) - keyframeMode
 Gets a value that makes to "kf_mode". More...
(int) - lagInFrames
 Gets a value that maps to "g_lag_in_frames". More...
(NSMutableArray *) - layerTargetBitrate
 Gets a value that maps to "layer_trget_bitrater". More...
(int) - maxQuantizer
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_max_quantizer". More...
(int) - minQuantizer
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_min_quantizer". More...
(int) - overshootPercentage
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_overshoot_pct". More...
(int) - profile
 Gets a value that maps to "g_profile". More...
(bool) - resizeAllowed
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_resize_allowed". More...
(int) - resizeDownThreshold
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_resize_down_thresh". More...
(int) - resizeUpThreshold
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_resize_up_thresh". More...
(int) - scaledHeight
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_scaled_height". More...
(int) - scaledWidth
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_scaled_width". More...
(void) - setBitDepth:
 Sets a value that maps to "g_bit_depth". More...
(void) - setBufferInitialSize:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_buf_initial_sz". More...
(void) - setBufferOptimalSize:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_buf_optimal_sz". More...
(void) - setBufferSize:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_buf_sz". More...
(void) - setCpu:
 Sets a value used for "VP8E_SET_CPUUSED". More...
(void) - setDropFrameThreshold:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_dropframe_thresh". More...
(void) - setEndUsageMode:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_end_usage". More...
(void) - setErrorResilient:
 Sets a value that maps to g_error_resilient. More...
(void) - setInputBitDepth:
 Sets a value that maps to "g_input_bit_depth". More...
(void) - setKeyframeMaxDistance:
 Sets a value that maps to "kf_max_dist". More...
(void) - setKeyframeMinDistance:
 Sets a value that maps to "kf_min_dist". More...
(void) - setKeyframeMode:
 Sets a value that makes to "kf_mode". More...
(void) - setLagInFrames:
 Sets a value that maps to "g_lag_in_frames". More...
(void) - setLayerTargetBitrate:
 Sets a value that maps to "layer_trget_bitrater". More...
(void) - setMaxQuantizer:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_max_quantizer". More...
(void) - setMinQuantizer:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_min_quantizer". More...
(void) - setOvershootPercentage:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_overshoot_pct". More...
(void) - setProfile:
 Sets a value that maps to "g_profile". More...
(void) - setResizeAllowed:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_resize_allowed". More...
(void) - setResizeDownThreshold:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_resize_down_thresh". More...
(void) - setResizeUpThreshold:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_resize_up_thresh". More...
(void) - setScaledHeight:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_scaled_height". More...
(void) - setScaledWidth:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_scaled_width". More...
(void) - setSpatialEnableAutoAltRef:
 Sets a value that maps to "ss_enable_auto_alt_ref". More...
(void) - setSpatialLayers:
 Sets a value that maps to "ss_number_layers". More...
(void) - setSpatialTargetBitrate:
 Sets a value that maps to "ss_target_bitrate". More...
(void) - setTemporalLayerMode:
 Sets a value that maps to "temporal_layering_mode". More...
(void) - setTemporalLayers:
 Sets a value that maps to "ts_number_layers". More...
(void) - setTemporalPattern:
 Sets a value that maps to "ts_layer_id". More...
(void) - setTemporalPeriodicity:
 Sets a value that maps to "ts_periodicity". More...
(void) - setTemporalRateDecimator:
 Sets a value that maps to "ts_rate_decimator". More...
(void) - setTemporalTargetBitrate:
 Sets a value that maps to "ts_target_bitrate". More...
(void) - setThreads:
 Sets a value that maps to "g_threads". More...
(void) - setTimebaseDenominator:
 Sets a value that maps to "g_timebase.den". More...
(void) - setTimebaseNumerator:
 Sets a value that maps to "g_timebase.num". More...
(void) - setUndershootPercentage:
 Sets a value that maps to "rc_undershoot_pct". More...
(void) - setUsage:
 Sets a value that maps to "g_usage". More...
(NSMutableArray *) - spatialEnableAutoAltRef
 Gets a value that maps to "ss_enable_auto_alt_ref". More...
(int) - spatialLayers
 Gets a value that maps to "ss_number_layers". More...
(NSMutableArray *) - spatialTargetBitrate
 Gets a value that maps to "ss_target_bitrate". More...
(FMLiveSwitchVpxTemporalLayerMode *) - temporalLayerMode
 Gets a value that maps to "temporal_layering_mode". More...
(int) - temporalLayers
 Gets a value that maps to "ts_number_layers". More...
(NSMutableArray *) - temporalPattern
 Gets a value that maps to "ts_layer_id". More...
(int) - temporalPeriodicity
 Gets a value that maps to "ts_periodicity". More...
(NSMutableArray *) - temporalRateDecimator
 Gets a value that maps to "ts_rate_decimator". More...
(NSMutableArray *) - temporalTargetBitrate
 Gets a value that maps to "ts_target_bitrate". More...
(int) - threads
 Gets a value that maps to "g_threads". More...
(int) - timebaseDenominator
 Gets a value that maps to "g_timebase.den". More...
(int) - timebaseNumerator
 Gets a value that maps to "g_timebase.num". More...
(int) - undershootPercentage
 Gets a value that maps to "rc_undershoot_pct". More...
(int) - usage
 Gets a value that maps to "g_usage". More...

Class Methods

(FMLiveSwitchVpxEncoderConfig *) + encoderConfig
 Creates a new copy of the VPX encoder configurations with default values. More...

Detailed Description

Config for the Vp8/Vp9 encoders.

Properties map to VPX properties.

Method Documentation

◆ bitDepth

- (FMLiveSwitchVpxBitDepth*) bitDepth

Gets a value that maps to "g_bit_depth".

◆ bufferInitialSize

- (int) bufferInitialSize

Gets a value that maps to "rc_buf_initial_sz".

◆ bufferOptimalSize

- (int) bufferOptimalSize

Gets a value that maps to "rc_buf_optimal_sz".

◆ bufferSize

- (int) bufferSize

Gets a value that maps to "rc_buf_sz".

◆ cpu

- (int) cpu

Gets a value used for "VP8E_SET_CPUUSED".

Range is [-16, 16] for VP8 and [-8, 8] for VP9.

◆ deepCopy

Gets a deep copy of this configuration.

◆ dropFrameThreshold

- (int) dropFrameThreshold

Gets a value that maps to "rc_dropframe_thresh".

◆ encoderConfig

+ (FMLiveSwitchVpxEncoderConfig*) encoderConfig

Creates a new copy of the VPX encoder configurations with default values.

◆ endUsageMode

- (FMLiveSwitchVpxEndUsageMode*) endUsageMode

Gets a value that maps to "rc_end_usage".

◆ errorResilient

- (int) errorResilient

Gets a value that maps to g_error_resilient.

◆ init

- (instancetype) init

Creates a new copy of the VPX encoder configurations with default values.

◆ inputBitDepth

- (int) inputBitDepth

Gets a value that maps to "g_input_bit_depth".

◆ keyframeMaxDistance

- (int) keyframeMaxDistance

Gets a value that maps to "kf_max_dist".

◆ keyframeMinDistance

- (int) keyframeMinDistance

Gets a value that maps to "kf_min_dist".

◆ keyframeMode

- (FMLiveSwitchVpxKeyframeMode*) keyframeMode

Gets a value that makes to "kf_mode".

◆ lagInFrames

- (int) lagInFrames

Gets a value that maps to "g_lag_in_frames".

◆ layerTargetBitrate

- (NSMutableArray*) layerTargetBitrate

Gets a value that maps to "layer_trget_bitrater".

◆ maxQuantizer

- (int) maxQuantizer

Gets a value that maps to "rc_max_quantizer".

If -1, then Quality field used.

◆ minQuantizer

- (int) minQuantizer

Gets a value that maps to "rc_min_quantizer".

◆ overshootPercentage

- (int) overshootPercentage

Gets a value that maps to "rc_overshoot_pct".

◆ profile

- (int) profile

Gets a value that maps to "g_profile".

◆ resizeAllowed

- (bool) resizeAllowed

Gets a value that maps to "rc_resize_allowed".

◆ resizeDownThreshold

- (int) resizeDownThreshold

Gets a value that maps to "rc_resize_down_thresh".

◆ resizeUpThreshold

- (int) resizeUpThreshold

Gets a value that maps to "rc_resize_up_thresh".

◆ scaledHeight

- (int) scaledHeight

Gets a value that maps to "rc_scaled_height".

◆ scaledWidth

- (int) scaledWidth

Gets a value that maps to "rc_scaled_width".

◆ setBitDepth:

- (void) setBitDepth: (FMLiveSwitchVpxBitDepth *)  value

Sets a value that maps to "g_bit_depth".

◆ setBufferInitialSize:

- (void) setBufferInitialSize: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_buf_initial_sz".

◆ setBufferOptimalSize:

- (void) setBufferOptimalSize: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_buf_optimal_sz".

◆ setBufferSize:

- (void) setBufferSize: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_buf_sz".

◆ setCpu:

- (void) setCpu: (int)  value

Sets a value used for "VP8E_SET_CPUUSED".

Range is [-16, 16] for VP8 and [-8, 8] for VP9.

◆ setDropFrameThreshold:

- (void) setDropFrameThreshold: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_dropframe_thresh".

◆ setEndUsageMode:

- (void) setEndUsageMode: (FMLiveSwitchVpxEndUsageMode *)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_end_usage".

◆ setErrorResilient:

- (void) setErrorResilient: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to g_error_resilient.

◆ setInputBitDepth:

- (void) setInputBitDepth: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "g_input_bit_depth".

◆ setKeyframeMaxDistance:

- (void) setKeyframeMaxDistance: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "kf_max_dist".

◆ setKeyframeMinDistance:

- (void) setKeyframeMinDistance: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "kf_min_dist".

◆ setKeyframeMode:

- (void) setKeyframeMode: (FMLiveSwitchVpxKeyframeMode *)  value

Sets a value that makes to "kf_mode".

◆ setLagInFrames:

- (void) setLagInFrames: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "g_lag_in_frames".

◆ setLayerTargetBitrate:

- (void) setLayerTargetBitrate: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets a value that maps to "layer_trget_bitrater".

◆ setMaxQuantizer:

- (void) setMaxQuantizer: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_max_quantizer".

If -1, then Quality field used.

◆ setMinQuantizer:

- (void) setMinQuantizer: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_min_quantizer".

◆ setOvershootPercentage:

- (void) setOvershootPercentage: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_overshoot_pct".

◆ setProfile:

- (void) setProfile: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "g_profile".

◆ setResizeAllowed:

- (void) setResizeAllowed: (bool)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_resize_allowed".

◆ setResizeDownThreshold:

- (void) setResizeDownThreshold: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_resize_down_thresh".

◆ setResizeUpThreshold:

- (void) setResizeUpThreshold: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_resize_up_thresh".

◆ setScaledHeight:

- (void) setScaledHeight: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_scaled_height".

◆ setScaledWidth:

- (void) setScaledWidth: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_scaled_width".

◆ setSpatialEnableAutoAltRef:

- (void) setSpatialEnableAutoAltRef: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets a value that maps to "ss_enable_auto_alt_ref".

◆ setSpatialLayers:

- (void) setSpatialLayers: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "ss_number_layers".

◆ setSpatialTargetBitrate:

- (void) setSpatialTargetBitrate: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets a value that maps to "ss_target_bitrate".

◆ setTemporalLayerMode:

- (void) setTemporalLayerMode: (FMLiveSwitchVpxTemporalLayerMode *)  value

Sets a value that maps to "temporal_layering_mode".

◆ setTemporalLayers:

- (void) setTemporalLayers: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "ts_number_layers".

◆ setTemporalPattern:

- (void) setTemporalPattern: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets a value that maps to "ts_layer_id".

◆ setTemporalPeriodicity:

- (void) setTemporalPeriodicity: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "ts_periodicity".

◆ setTemporalRateDecimator:

- (void) setTemporalRateDecimator: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets a value that maps to "ts_rate_decimator".

◆ setTemporalTargetBitrate:

- (void) setTemporalTargetBitrate: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets a value that maps to "ts_target_bitrate".

◆ setThreads:

- (void) setThreads: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "g_threads".

◆ setTimebaseDenominator:

- (void) setTimebaseDenominator: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "g_timebase.den".

◆ setTimebaseNumerator:

- (void) setTimebaseNumerator: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "g_timebase.num".

◆ setUndershootPercentage:

- (void) setUndershootPercentage: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "rc_undershoot_pct".

◆ setUsage:

- (void) setUsage: (int)  value

Sets a value that maps to "g_usage".

◆ spatialEnableAutoAltRef

- (NSMutableArray*) spatialEnableAutoAltRef

Gets a value that maps to "ss_enable_auto_alt_ref".

◆ spatialLayers

- (int) spatialLayers

Gets a value that maps to "ss_number_layers".

◆ spatialTargetBitrate

- (NSMutableArray*) spatialTargetBitrate

Gets a value that maps to "ss_target_bitrate".

◆ temporalLayerMode

- (FMLiveSwitchVpxTemporalLayerMode*) temporalLayerMode

Gets a value that maps to "temporal_layering_mode".

◆ temporalLayers

- (int) temporalLayers

Gets a value that maps to "ts_number_layers".

◆ temporalPattern

- (NSMutableArray*) temporalPattern

Gets a value that maps to "ts_layer_id".

◆ temporalPeriodicity

- (int) temporalPeriodicity

Gets a value that maps to "ts_periodicity".

◆ temporalRateDecimator

- (NSMutableArray*) temporalRateDecimator

Gets a value that maps to "ts_rate_decimator".

◆ temporalTargetBitrate

- (NSMutableArray*) temporalTargetBitrate

Gets a value that maps to "ts_target_bitrate".

◆ threads

- (int) threads

Gets a value that maps to "g_threads".

◆ timebaseDenominator

- (int) timebaseDenominator

Gets a value that maps to "g_timebase.den".

◆ timebaseNumerator

- (int) timebaseNumerator

Gets a value that maps to "g_timebase.num".

◆ undershootPercentage

- (int) undershootPercentage

Gets a value that maps to "rc_undershoot_pct".

◆ usage

- (int) usage

Gets a value that maps to "g_usage".