FMLiveSwitchVideoSink Class Reference

A video sink. More...

Instance Methods

(void) - addOnProcessSizeChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is about to be processed with a size that does not match the prior frame. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSize *) - addOnProcessSizeChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is about to be processed with a size that does not match the prior frame. More...
(void) - addOnProcessSizeChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is about to be processed with a size that does not match the prior frame. More...
(NSString *) - content
 Gets the content descriptor. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIVideoOutputCollection *) - createOutputCollectionWithInput:
 Creates an output collection. More...
(void) - doPreProcessFrame:inputBuffer:
 Pre-processes a frame. More...
(instancetype) - init
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoSink class. More...
(instancetype) - initWithInputFormat:
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoSink class. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - maxInputEncoding
 Gets the maximum allowed input encoding. More...
(double) - maxInputFrameRate
 Gets the maximum allowed input frame-rate, in fps. More...
(int) - maxInputHeight
 Gets the maximum allowed input height. More...
(double) - maxInputScale
 Gets the maximum allowed input scale. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSize *) - maxInputSize
 Gets the maximum allowed input size. More...
(int) - maxInputWidth
 Gets the maximum allowed input width. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - minInputEncoding
 Gets the minimum allowed input encoding. More...
(double) - minInputFrameRate
 Gets the minimum allowed input frame-rate, in fps. More...
(int) - minInputHeight
 Gets the minimum allowed input height. More...
(double) - minInputScale
 Gets the minimum allowed input scale. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSize *) - minInputSize
 Gets the minimum allowed input size. More...
(int) - minInputWidth
 Gets the minimum allowed input width. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedFrameRate
 Gets whether the sink frame-rate is over-constrained. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedHeight
 Gets whether the sink height is over-constrained. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedInput
 Gets whether the input is over-contrained. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedInputFrameRate
 Gets whether the minimum allowed input frame-rate exceeds the maximum allowed input frame-rate. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedInputHeight
 Gets whether the minimum allowed input height exceeds the maximum allowed input height. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedInputScale
 Gets whether the minimum allowed input scale exceeds the maximum allowed input scale. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedInputSize
 Gets whether the minimum allowed input size exceeds the maximum allowed input size. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedInputWidth
 Gets whether the minimum allowed input width exceeds the maximum allowed input width. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedScale
 Gets whether the sink scale is over-constrained. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedSize
 Gets whether the sink size is over-constrained. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedWidth
 Gets whether the sink width is over-constrained. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessSizeChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a frame is about to be processed with a size that does not match the prior frame. More...
(void) - setMaxInputEncoding:
 Sets the maximum allowed input encoding. More...
(void) - setMaxInputFrameRate:
 Sets the maximum allowed input frame-rate, in fps. More...
(void) - setMaxInputScale:
 Sets the maximum allowed input scale. More...
(void) - setMaxInputSize:
 Sets the maximum allowed input size. More...
(void) - setMinInputEncoding:
 Sets the minimum allowed input encoding. More...
(void) - setMinInputFrameRate:
 Sets the minimum allowed input frame-rate, in fps. More...
(void) - setMinInputScale:
 Sets the minimum allowed input scale. More...
(void) - setMinInputSize:
 Sets the minimum allowed input size. More...
(void) - setVideoType:
 Sets the video type. More...
(FMLiveSwitchVideoType) - videoType
 Gets the video type. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from FMLiveSwitchMediaSink
(void) - addInput:
 Adds an input. More...
(void) - addInputs:
 Adds some inputs. More...
(void) - addOnDisabledChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(void) - addOnPausedChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the Paused property changes state. More...
(void) - addOnProcessControlFrameResponses:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are processed. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnProcessControlFrameResponsesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessControlFrameResponsesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses are processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessedControlFrameResponses:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been processed. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnProcessedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessedControlFrameResponsesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessedFrame:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been processed. More...
(TFrame) - addOnProcessedFrameWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessedFrameWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame has been processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessFrame:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessFrameException:
 Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame. More...
(TFrame, NSException *) - addOnProcessFrameExceptionWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame. More...
(void) - addOnProcessFrameExceptionWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame. More...
(TFrame) - addOnProcessFrameWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessFrameWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessFrameWithCaller:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed. More...
(id, TFrame) - addOnProcessFrameWithCallerWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessFrameWithCallerWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed. More...
(void) - addOnRaiseControlFrames:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are raised. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnRaiseControlFramesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaiseControlFramesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaisedControlFrames:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been raised. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnRaisedControlFramesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaisedControlFramesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames have been raised. More...
(void) - addOnStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the state changes. More...
(TSink) - addOnStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the state changes. More...
(void) - addOnStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the state changes. More...
(bool) - allowDiagnosticTimer
 Gets whether this media sink is allowed to be timed. More...
(bool) - allowInputRateTimer
 Gets whether this media pipe input rate is allowed to be timed. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< id > *) - changeOutput:
 Changes the current output. More...
(TIOutputCollection) - createOutputCollectionWithInput:
 Creates an output collection. More...
(bool) - deactivated
 Gets a value indicating whether this sink is deactivated. More...
(NSString *) - description
 Returns a string that represents this instance. More...
(bool) - destroy
 Destroys this instance. More...
(bool) - disabled
 Gets a value indicating whether this sink is disabled. More...
(void) - doDestroy
 Destroys this instance. More...
(void) - doPostProcessFrame:inputBuffer:
 Post-processes a frame. More...
(void) - doPreProcessFrame:inputBuffer:
 Pre-processes a frame. More...
(void) - doProcessControlFrameResponses:
 Processes control frame responses. More...
(void) - doProcessFrame:inputBuffer:
 Processes a frame. More...
(FMLiveSwitchError *) - doProcessSdpMediaDescription:isOffer:isLocalDescription:
 Processes a remote SDP media description. More...
(void) - doProcessSinkStatsFromInputWithSinkStats:
 Processes sink stats from an input. More...
(void) - doProcessTrackStatsFromInputWithTrackStats:
 Processes track stats from an input. More...
(int) - getCcmSequenceNumber
 Gets the CCM sequence number. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< NSMutableArray * > *) - getOutputs
 Gets the available outputs. More...
(long long) - getPipelineSystemDelayWithOutputFormat:
 Gets the total pipeline system delay in ticks for a given output format. More...
(bool) - hasInput:
 Determines whether this pipe has the specified input. More...
(void) - incrementCcmSequenceNumber
 Increments the CCM sequence number. More...
(instancetype) - initWithInputFormat:
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaSink`8 class. More...
(TIOutput) - input
 Gets the input. More...
(void) - inputAddedWithInput:
 Called when an input is added. More...
(bool) - inputDeactivated
 Gets whether input is deactivated. More...
(TFormat) - inputFormat
 Gets the input format. More...
(bool) - inputMuted
 Gets whether input is muted. More...
(void) - inputRemovedWithInput:
 Called when an input is removed. More...
(NSString *) - inputRtpStreamId
 Gets the input RTP stream identifier. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - inputs
 Gets the inputs. More...
(long long) - inputSynchronizationSource
 Gets the input synchronization source. More...
(bool) - isMixer
 Gets whether this sink processes media from different sources. More...
(NSString *) - label
 Gets a label that identifies this class. More...
(int) - maxInputBitrate
 Gets the maximum allowed input bitrate, in kbps. More...
(int) - minInputBitrate
 Gets the minimum allowed input bitrate, in kbps. More...
(bool) - muted
 Gets whether input is muted. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSinkOutput *) - output
 Gets the current output. More...
(bool) - overConstrained
 Gets whether this sink is over-constrained. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedBitrate
 Gets whether the sink bitrate is over-constrained. More...
(bool) - overConstrainedInputBitrate
 Gets whether the minimum allowed input bitrate exceeds the maximum allowed input bitrate. More...
(bool) - paused
 Gets a value indicating whether this sink is paused. More...
(bool) - persistent
 Gets a value indicating whether this instance is persistent. More...
(NSString *) - pipelineJson
 Gets the pipeline JSON with this as the central point. More...
(NSString *) - pipelineJsonFromInput
 Gets the pipeline JSON from an input. More...
(void) - processControlFrameResponse:
 Processes a control frame response. More...
(void) - processControlFrameResponses:
 Processes control frame responses. More...
(bool) - processFrame:
 Processes a frame. More...
(FMLiveSwitchProcessFramePolicy) - processFramePolicy
 Gets the ProcessFramePolicy for this media input. More...
(FMLiveSwitchError *) - processSdpMediaDescriptionFromInputWithMediaDescription:isOffer:isLocalDescription:
 Processes a remote SDP media description from an output. More...
(void) - processSinkStatsFromInputWithSinkStats:
 Processes sink stats from an input. More...
(void) - processTrackStatsFromInputWithTrackStats:
 Processes track stats from an input. More...
(void) - raiseControlFrame:
 Raises a control frame. More...
(void) - raiseControlFrame:inputs:
 Raises a control frame. More...
(void) - raiseControlFrames:
 Raises control frames. More...
(void) - raiseControlFrames:inputs:
 Raises control frames. More...
(void) - raiseDisabledChange
 Raises the OnDisabledChange event. More...
(bool) - removeInput:
 Removes an input. More...
(void) - removeInputs
 Removes all inputs. More...
(void) - removeInputs:
 Removes some inputs. More...
(void) - removeOnDisabledChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(void) - removeOnPausedChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the Paused property changes state. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessControlFrameResponses:
 Removes a handler that is raised when control frame responses are processed. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessedControlFrameResponses:
 Removes a handler that is raised when control frame responses have been processed. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessedFrame:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a frame has been processed. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessFrame:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessFrameException:
 Removes a handler that is raised when an exception is thrown while processing a frame. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessFrameWithCaller:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a frame is being processed. More...
(void) - removeOnRaiseControlFrames:
 Removes a handler that is raised when control frames are raised. More...
(void) - removeOnRaisedControlFrames:
 Removes a handler that is raised when control frames have been raised. More...
(void) - removeOnStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the state changes. More...
(void) - setDeactivated:
 Sets a value indicating whether this sink is deactivated. More...
(void) - setDisabled:
 Sets a value indicating whether this sink is disabled. More...
(void) - setInput:
 Sets the input. More...
(void) - setInputDeactivated:
 Sets whether input is deactivated. More...
(void) - setInputMuted:
 Sets whether input is muted. More...
(void) - setInputRtpStreamId:
 Sets the input RTP stream identifier. More...
(void) - setInputs:
 Sets the inputs. More...
(void) - setInputSynchronizationSource:
 Sets the input synchronization source. More...
(void) - setMaxInputBitrate:
 Sets the maximum allowed input bitrate, in kbps. More...
(void) - setMinInputBitrate:
 Sets the minimum allowed input bitrate, in kbps. More...
(void) - setMuted:
 Sets whether input is muted. More...
(void) - setOutput:
 Sets the current output. More...
(void) - setPersistent:
 Sets a value indicating whether this instance is persistent. More...
(void) - setProcessFramePolicy:
 Sets the ProcessFramePolicy for this media input. More...
(void) - setSystemDelay:
 Sets the system delay in ticks. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMediaSinkState) - state
 Gets the state. More...
(long long) - systemDelay
 Gets the system delay in ticks. More...
(bool) - trySetInputFormatWithFrame:
 Sets the input format, if not set, using the frame's last buffer format. More...
(bool) - updateDisabled
 Updates the disabled property. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from <FMLiveSwitchIVideoOutput>
(double) - maxOutputFrameRate
 Gets the maximum allowed output frame-rate, in fps. More...
(int) - maxOutputHeight
 Gets the maximum allowed output height. More...
(double) - maxOutputScale
 Gets the maximum allowed output scale. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSize *) - maxOutputSize
 Gets the maximum allowed output size. More...
(int) - maxOutputWidth
 Gets the maximum allowed output width. More...
(double) - minOutputFrameRate
 Gets the minimum allowed output frame-rate, in fps. More...
(int) - minOutputHeight
 Gets the minimum allowed output height. More...
(double) - minOutputScale
 Gets the minimum allowed output scale. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSize *) - minOutputSize
 Gets the minimum allowed output size. More...
(int) - minOutputWidth
 Gets the minimum allowed output width. More...
(double) - targetOutputFrameRate
 Gets the target output frame-rate, in fps. More...
(int) - targetOutputHeight
 Gets the target output height. More...
(double) - targetOutputScale
 Gets the target output scale. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSize *) - targetOutputSize
 Gets the target output size. More...
(int) - targetOutputWidth
 Gets the target output width. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from <FMLiveSwitchIMediaOutput>
(void) - addOnDisabledChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(void) - addOnDisabledChangeWithCaller:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(id- addOnDisabledChangeWithCallerWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(void) - addOnDisabledChangeWithCallerWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(void) - addOnPausedChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the Paused property changes state. More...
(void) - addOnProcessControlFrames:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are processed. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnProcessControlFramesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are processed. More...
(void) - addOnProcessControlFramesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when control frames are processed. More...
(void) - addOnRaiseControlFrameResponses:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a control frame response is raised. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - addOnRaiseControlFrameResponsesWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a control frame response is raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaiseControlFrameResponsesWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a control frame response is raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaiseFrame:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is raised. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMediaFrame *) - addOnRaiseFrameWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is raised. More...
(void) - addOnRaiseFrameWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is raised. More...
(int) - getCcmSequenceNumber
 Gets the CCM sequence number. More...
(long long) - getPipelineSystemDelayWithOutputFormat:
 Gets the total pipeline system delay in ticks for a given media format. More...
(void) - incrementCcmSequenceNumber
 Increments the CCM sequence number. More...
(int) - maxOutputBitrate
 Gets the maximum allowed output bitrate, in kbps. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - maxOutputEncoding
 Gets the maximum allowed output encoding. More...
(int) - minOutputBitrate
 Gets the minimum allowed output bitrate, in kbps. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - minOutputEncoding
 Gets the minimum allowed output encoding. More...
(bool) - outputDeactivated
 Gets whether output is deactivated. More...
(bool) - outputMuted
 Gets whether output is muted. More...
(NSString *) - outputRtpStreamId
 Gets the output RTP stream identifier. More...
(bool) - outputSynchronizable
 Gets whether output is synchronizable. More...
(long long) - outputSynchronizationSource
 Gets the output synchronization source. More...
(void) - processControlFrames:
 Processes control frames. More...
(FMLiveSwitchError *) - processSdpMediaDescriptionFromOutputWithMediaDescription:isOffer:isLocalDescription:
 Processes a local SDP media description from an output. More...
(void) - processSourceStatsFromOutputWithSourceStats:
 Processes source stats from an output. More...
(void) - processTrackStatsFromOutputWithTrackStats:
 Processes track stats from an output. More...
(void) - removeOnDisabledChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(void) - removeOnDisabledChangeWithCaller:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the Disabled property changes state. More...
(void) - removeOnPausedChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the Paused property changes state. More...
(void) - removeOnProcessControlFrames:
 Removes a handler that is raised when control frames are processed. More...
(void) - removeOnRaiseControlFrameResponses:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a control frame response is raised. More...
(void) - removeOnRaiseFrame:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a frame is raised. More...
(long long) - systemDelay
 Gets the system delay in ticks. More...
(int) - targetOutputBitrate
 Gets the target output bitrate, in kbps. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - targetOutputEncoding
 Gets the target output encoding. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from <FMLiveSwitchIOutput>
(void) - addOutput:
 Adds an output. More...
(void) - addOutputs:
 Adds some outputs. More...
(NSObject< FMLiveSwitchIInput > *) - output
 Gets the output. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMediaFormat *) - outputFormat
 Gets the output format. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - outputs
 Gets the outputs. More...
(NSString *) - pipelineJsonFromOutput
 Gets the pipeline JSON from an output. More...
(bool) - removeOutput:
 Removes an output. More...
(void) - removeOutputs
 Removes all outputs. More...
(void) - removeOutputs:
 Removes some outputs. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from <FMLiveSwitchIElement>
(NSString *) - externalId
 Gets the external identifier. More...
(NSString *) - id
 Gets the identifier. More...
(NSString *) - pipelineJson
 Gets the pipeline JSON with this as the central point. More...
(void) - setExternalId:
 Sets the external identifier. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from <FMLiveSwitchIMediaElement>
(bool) - deactivated
 Gets a value indicating whether this instance is deactivated. More...
(bool) - destroy
 Destroys this instance. More...
(bool) - disabled
 Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disabled. More...
(NSString *) - label
 Gets a label that identifies this instance. More...
(bool) - muted
 Gets a value indicating whether this instance is muted. More...
(bool) - paused
 Gets a value indicating whether this instance is paused. More...
(bool) - persistent
 Gets a value indicating whether this instance is persistent. More...
(void) - setDeactivated:
 Sets a value indicating whether this instance is deactivated. More...
(void) - setMuted:
 Sets a value indicating whether this instance is muted. More...

Class Methods

(FMLiveSwitchVideoSink *) + videoSink
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoSink class. More...
(FMLiveSwitchVideoSink *) + videoSinkWithInputFormat:
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoSink class. More...
- Class Methods inherited from FMLiveSwitchMediaSink
(FMLiveSwitchMediaSink *) + mediaSink
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaSink`8 class. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMediaSink *) + mediaSinkWithInputFormat:
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchMediaSink`8 class. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from FMLiveSwitchMediaSink
 __pad0__: FMLiveSwitchMediaSinkBase<FMLiveSwitchIMediaInput

Detailed Description

A video sink.

Method Documentation

◆ addOnProcessSizeChange:

- (void) addOnProcessSizeChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchSize * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is about to be processed with a size that does not match the prior frame.

◆ addOnProcessSizeChangeWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchSize*) addOnProcessSizeChangeWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is about to be processed with a size that does not match the prior frame.

◆ addOnProcessSizeChangeWithBlock:

- (void) addOnProcessSizeChangeWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchSize *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a frame is about to be processed with a size that does not match the prior frame.

◆ content

- (NSString*) content

Gets the content descriptor.

Implements FMLiveSwitchMediaSink.

◆ createOutputCollectionWithInput:

- (FMLiveSwitchIVideoOutputCollection*) createOutputCollectionWithInput: (NSObject< FMLiveSwitchIVideoInput > *)  input

Creates an output collection.

inputThe input.

◆ doPreProcessFrame:inputBuffer:

- (void) doPreProcessFrame: (FMLiveSwitchVideoFrame *)  frame
inputBuffer: (FMLiveSwitchVideoBuffer *)  inputBuffer 

Pre-processes a frame.

frameThe frame.
inputBufferThe input buffer.

◆ init

- (instancetype) init

Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoSink class.

Implements FMLiveSwitchMediaSink.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchNullVideoSink.

◆ initWithInputFormat:

- (instancetype) initWithInputFormat: (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *)  inputFormat

Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoSink class.

inputFormatThe input format.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchNullVideoSink.

◆ maxInputEncoding

- (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo*) maxInputEncoding

Gets the maximum allowed input encoding.

Implements FMLiveSwitchMediaSink.

◆ maxInputFrameRate

- (double) maxInputFrameRate

Gets the maximum allowed input frame-rate, in fps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no maximum).

◆ maxInputHeight

- (int) maxInputHeight

Gets the maximum allowed input height.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no minimum).

◆ maxInputScale

- (double) maxInputScale

Gets the maximum allowed input scale.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no maximum).

◆ maxInputSize

- (FMLiveSwitchSize*) maxInputSize

Gets the maximum allowed input size.

A value of null indicates unset (no maximum).

◆ maxInputWidth

- (int) maxInputWidth

Gets the maximum allowed input width.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no minimum).

◆ minInputEncoding

- (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo*) minInputEncoding

Gets the minimum allowed input encoding.

Implements FMLiveSwitchMediaSink.

◆ minInputFrameRate

- (double) minInputFrameRate

Gets the minimum allowed input frame-rate, in fps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no minimum).

◆ minInputHeight

- (int) minInputHeight

Gets the minimum allowed input height.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no minimum).

◆ minInputScale

- (double) minInputScale

Gets the minimum allowed input scale.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no minimum).

◆ minInputSize

- (FMLiveSwitchSize*) minInputSize

Gets the minimum allowed input size.

A value of null indicates unset (no minimum).

◆ minInputWidth

- (int) minInputWidth

Gets the minimum allowed input width.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no minimum).

◆ overConstrainedFrameRate

- (bool) overConstrainedFrameRate

Gets whether the sink frame-rate is over-constrained.

A sink frame-rate is over-constrained if the input frame-rate is over-constrained.

◆ overConstrainedHeight

- (bool) overConstrainedHeight

Gets whether the sink height is over-constrained.

A sink height is over-constrained if the input height is over-constrained.

◆ overConstrainedInput

- (bool) overConstrainedInput

Gets whether the input is over-contrained.

An input is over-constrained if it's input bitrate, input scale, input frame-rate, input size is over-contrained.

Implements FMLiveSwitchMediaSink.

◆ overConstrainedInputFrameRate

- (bool) overConstrainedInputFrameRate

Gets whether the minimum allowed input frame-rate exceeds the maximum allowed input frame-rate.

◆ overConstrainedInputHeight

- (bool) overConstrainedInputHeight

Gets whether the minimum allowed input height exceeds the maximum allowed input height.

◆ overConstrainedInputScale

- (bool) overConstrainedInputScale

Gets whether the minimum allowed input scale exceeds the maximum allowed input scale.

◆ overConstrainedInputSize

- (bool) overConstrainedInputSize

Gets whether the minimum allowed input size exceeds the maximum allowed input size.

◆ overConstrainedInputWidth

- (bool) overConstrainedInputWidth

Gets whether the minimum allowed input width exceeds the maximum allowed input width.

◆ overConstrainedScale

- (bool) overConstrainedScale

Gets whether the sink scale is over-constrained.

A sink scale is over-constrained if the input scale is over-constrained.

◆ overConstrainedSize

- (bool) overConstrainedSize

Gets whether the sink size is over-constrained.

A sink size is over-constrained if the input size is over-constrained.

◆ overConstrainedWidth

- (bool) overConstrainedWidth

Gets whether the sink width is over-constrained.

A sink width is over-constrained if the input width is over-constrained.

◆ removeOnProcessSizeChange:

- (void) removeOnProcessSizeChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchSize * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when a frame is about to be processed with a size that does not match the prior frame.

◆ setMaxInputEncoding:

- (void) setMaxInputEncoding: (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *)  value

Sets the maximum allowed input encoding.

Implements FMLiveSwitchMediaSink.

◆ setMaxInputFrameRate:

- (void) setMaxInputFrameRate: (double)  value

Sets the maximum allowed input frame-rate, in fps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no maximum).

◆ setMaxInputScale:

- (void) setMaxInputScale: (double)  value

Sets the maximum allowed input scale.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no maximum).

◆ setMaxInputSize:

- (void) setMaxInputSize: (FMLiveSwitchSize *)  value

Sets the maximum allowed input size.

A value of null indicates unset (no maximum).

◆ setMinInputEncoding:

- (void) setMinInputEncoding: (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *)  value

Sets the minimum allowed input encoding.

Implements FMLiveSwitchMediaSink.

◆ setMinInputFrameRate:

- (void) setMinInputFrameRate: (double)  value

Sets the minimum allowed input frame-rate, in fps.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no minimum).

◆ setMinInputScale:

- (void) setMinInputScale: (double)  value

Sets the minimum allowed input scale.

A value of -1 indicates unset (no minimum).

◆ setMinInputSize:

- (void) setMinInputSize: (FMLiveSwitchSize *)  value

Sets the minimum allowed input size.

A value of null indicates unset (no minimum).

◆ setVideoType:

- (void) setVideoType: (FMLiveSwitchVideoType)  value

Sets the video type.

◆ videoSink

+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoSink*) videoSink

Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoSink class.

◆ videoSinkWithInputFormat:

+ (FMLiveSwitchVideoSink*) videoSinkWithInputFormat: (FMLiveSwitchVideoFormat *)  inputFormat

Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchVideoSink class.

inputFormatThe input format.

◆ videoType

- (FMLiveSwitchVideoType) videoType

Gets the video type.

Reimplemented from <FMLiveSwitchIVideoOutput>.