FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection Class Reference

A managed connection. More...

Instance Methods

(void) - addOnAudioUnmuteDisabled:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is disabled. More...
(void) - addOnAudioUnmuteEnabled:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is enabled. More...
(void) - addOnAutomaticIceServers:
 Adds a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchIceServerCollection *) - addOnAutomaticIceServersWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received. More...
(void) - addOnAutomaticIceServersWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received. More...
(void) - addOnGatheringStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *) - addOnGatheringStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes. More...
(void) - addOnGatheringStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes. More...
(void) - addOnIceConnectionStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *) - addOnIceConnectionStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes. More...
(void) - addOnIceConnectionStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes. More...
(void) - addOnLocalCandidate:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchCandidate *) - addOnLocalCandidateWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready. More...
(void) - addOnLocalCandidateWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready. More...
(void) - addOnLocalDescription:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the local description is ready. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *) - addOnLocalDescriptionWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the local description is ready. More...
(void) - addOnLocalDescriptionWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the local description is ready. More...
(void) - addOnMediaQuality:
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality. More...
(double) - addOnMediaQualityWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality. More...
(void) - addOnMediaQualityWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality. More...
(void) - addOnNetworkQuality:
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality. More...
(double) - addOnNetworkQualityWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality. More...
(void) - addOnNetworkQualityWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality. More...
(void) - addOnNoMediaServersAvailable:
 Adds a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchNoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs *) - addOnNoMediaServersAvailableWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available. More...
(void) - addOnNoMediaServersAvailableWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available. More...
(void) - addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable:
 Adds a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs *) - addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available. More...
(void) - addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available. More...
(void) - addOnRecordingDisabled:
 Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded. More...
(NSString *) - addOnRecordingDisabledWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded. More...
(void) - addOnRecordingDisabledWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded. More...
(void) - addOnRecordingEnabled:
 Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded. More...
(NSString *) - addOnRecordingEnabledWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded. More...
(void) - addOnRecordingEnabledWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *, FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitchWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitchWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteCandidate:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchCandidate *) - addOnRemoteCandidateWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteCandidateWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteDescription:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *) - addOnRemoteDescriptionWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteDescriptionWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteUpdate:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated. More...
(FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo *, FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo *) - addOnRemoteUpdateWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteUpdateWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *, FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitchWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server. More...
(void) - addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitchWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server. More...
(void) - addOnSignallingStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *) - addOnSignallingStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
(void) - addOnSignallingStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
(void) - addOnStateChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *) - addOnStateChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
(void) - addOnStateChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
(void) - addOnStats:
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats. More...
(FMLiveSwitchConnectionStats *) - addOnStatsWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats. More...
(void) - addOnStatsWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats. More...
(void) - addOnVideoEnabledChange:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled. More...
(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, bool) - addOnVideoEnabledChangeWithBlock
 Adds a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled. More...
(void) - addOnVideoEnabledChangeWithBlock:
 Adds a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled. More...
(void) - addOnVideoUnmuteDisabled:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is disabled. More...
(void) - addOnVideoUnmuteEnabled:
 Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is enabled. More...
(NSString *) - applicationId
 Gets the application identifier. More...
(NSString *) - audioDirection
 Gets the audio direction. More...
(FMLiveSwitchAudioStream *) - audioStream
 Gets the audio stream. More...
(bool) - audioUnmuteDisabled
 Gets whether the ability to unmute audio is disabled. More...
(FMLiveSwitchBundlePolicy) - bundlePolicy
 Gets the Bundle Policy. More...
(NSString *) - canonicalName
 Gets the connection's canonical name. More...
(NSString *) - channelId
 Gets the channel identifier. More...
(NSString *) - clientId
 Gets the client identifier. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< id > *) - close
 Closes the connection. More...
(FMLiveSwitchConnectionConfig *) - config
 Gets the current configuration. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs *, FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocket * > *) - createDatagramSocket
 Gets a method that creates Datagram sockets. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs *, FMLiveSwitchStreamSocket * > *) - createStreamSocket
 Gets a method that creates Stream sockets. More...
(NSString *) - dataDirection
 Gets the data direction. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDataStream *) - dataStream
 Gets the data stream. More...
(int) - deadStreamTimeout
 Gets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before declaring the connection dead. More...
(void) - detachInternalEventHandlers
 Detaches internal event handlers. More...
(NSString *) - deviceId
 Gets the device identifier. More...
(bool) - disableAutomaticIceServers
 Gets whether to disable automatic ICE servers (embedded TURN). More...
(FMLiveSwitchMessage *) - doCreateCandidateMessageWithCandidate:
 Creates a candidate message. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMessage *) - doCreateCloseMessage
 Creates a close message. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMessage *) - doCreateUpdateMessageWithConfig:
 Creates an update message. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMessage *) - doCreateUseWebSocketServiceMessage
 Create the message to use WebSockets for media. More...
(void) - doOpen
 Opens the connection. More...
(void) - doProcessMessage:
 Processes a message. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - dtlsCipherSuites
 Gets the DTLS cipher suites to use. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) - dtlsClientVersion
 Gets the protocol version to use when in the DTLS client role. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) - dtlsServerMaxVersion
 Gets the maximum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) - dtlsServerMinVersion
 Gets the minimum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More...
(FMLiveSwitchError *) - error
 Gets the error, if an error exists. More...
(NSString *) - externalId
 Gets the external connection identifier. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIceGatheringState) - gatheringState
 Gets the state of the ice gathering. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< FMLiveSwitchConnectionStats * > *) - getStats
 Gets the current connection stats. More...
(bool) - hasAudio
 Gets whether this connection has an audio stream. More...
(bool) - hasData
 Gets whether this connection has a data stream. More...
(bool) - hasVideo
 Gets whether this connection has a video stream. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - iceAddressTypes
 Gets the ICE address types. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIceConnectionState) - iceConnectionState
 Gets the state of the ice connection. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIceGatherPolicy) - iceGatherPolicy
 Gets the ICE gather policy. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIcePolicy) - icePolicy
 Gets policy indicating whether ICE is required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for this connection). More...
(FMLiveSwitchIcePortRange *) - icePortRange
 Gets the ICE port range. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIceRole) - iceRole
 Gets the ICE role. More...
(FMLiveSwitchIceServer *) - iceServer
 Gets the ICE server. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - iceServers
 Gets the ICE servers. More...
(NSString *) - id
 Gets the connection identifier. More...
(FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo *) - info
 Gets the connection info. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDataChannel *) - internalRtcpDataChannel
 Gets Data Channel for inband signalling. More...
(bool) - isMediaDirectionAllowedWithDirection:
 Gets a value indicating whether the given direction is allowed for this connection. More...
(int) - keepAliveInterval
 Gets a value indicating how many milliseconds must elapse between STUN keep-alive binding requests. More...
(FMLiveSwitchNullableInt *) - layoutPriority
 Gets the LayoutPriority. More...
(NSString *) - layoutZone
 Gets the LayoutZone. More...
(NSString *) - localAudioDirection
 Gets the local audio direction. More...
(bool) - localAudioDisabled
 Gets if local audio is disabled. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - localAudioFormats
 Gets the local audio formats. More...
(bool) - localAudioMuted
 Gets whether the local audio is muted. More...
(NSString *) - localDataDirection
 Gets the local data direction. More...
(bool) - localDataDisabled
 Gets if local data is disabled. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *) - localDescription
 Gets the local description. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate *) - localDtlsCertificate
 Gets the local DTLS certificate. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - localDtlsCertificates
 Gets the local DTLS certificates. More...
(NSString *) - localVideoDirection
 Gets the local video direction. More...
(bool) - localVideoDisabled
 Gets if local video is disabled. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - localVideoFormats
 Gets the local video formats. More...
(bool) - localVideoMuted
 Gets whether the local video is muted. More...
(int) - maxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff
 Gets the maximum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(NSString *) - mediaId
 Gets the media identifier. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMediaProtocol) - mediaProtocol
 Gets the media protocol in use on this connection. More...
(double) - mediaQuality
 Gets the current estimated media quality. More...
(int) - minNoMediaServerRetryBackoff
 Gets the mininum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(FMLiveSwitchMultiplexPolicy) - multiplexPolicy
 Gets the multiplex policy. More...
(double) - networkQuality
 Gets the current estimated network quality. More...
(int) - noMediaServerTimeout
 Gets the timeout, in milliseconds, before failing a request where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< id > *) - open
 Opens the connection. More...
(NSString *) - privateIPAddress
 Gets the private IP address of this device. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - privateIPAddresses
 Gets the private IP address of this device. More...
(void) - processAnswerWithMessage:
 Processes an answer. More...
(void) - processErrorWithMessage:
 Processes an error message. More...
(void) - processIceServersWithMessage:
 Processes an iceServers message. More...
(void) - processLocalError:
 Processes a local failure. More...
(void) - processMediaIntentResponseWithMessage:
 Processes an iceServers message. More...
(void) - processRtcpDataChannelSignallingActivationWithMessage:
 Processes inband signalling activation. More...
(void) - processSimulcastNotificationWithMessage:
 Processes a simulcast notification. More...
(void) - raiseAudioBitrateNotificationWithAudioStream:bitrateNotification:
 Raises an audio bitrate notification. More...
(void) - raiseAudioBitrateRequestWithAudioStream:bitrateRequest:
 Raises an audio bitrate request. More...
(void) - raiseLocalCandidate:
 Raises a local candidate. More...
(void) - raiseNoMediaServersAvailableWithArgs:
 Raises the OnNoMediaServersAvailable event. More...
(void) - raiseNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableWithArgs:
 Raises the OnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable event. More...
(void) - raiseRemoteCandidate:
 Raises a remote candidate. More...
(void) - raiseVideoBitrateNotificationWithVideoStream:bitrateNotification:
 Raises a video bitrate notification. More...
(void) - raiseVideoBitrateRequestWithVideoStream:bitrateRequest:
 Raises a video bitrate request. More...
(FMLiveSwitchRandomizer *) - randomizer
 Gets a randomizer for backoff timers. More...
(bool) - recordingEnabled
 Gets whether this connection is being recorded. More...
(bool) - remoteAudioDisabled
 Gets if remote audio is disabled. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - remoteAudioEncoding
 Gets the remote audio encoding. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - remoteAudioFormats
 Gets the remote audio formats. More...
(bool) - remoteAudioMuted
 Gets whether the remote audio is muted. More...
(bool) - remoteClosed
 Gets a value indicating whether the connection was closed by the remote host. More...
(NSString *) - remoteConnectionId
 Gets the remote connection identifier, if available. More...
(bool) - remoteDataDisabled
 Gets if remote data is disabled. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *) - remoteDescription
 Gets the remote description. More...
(NSString *) - remoteMediaId
 Gets the remote media identifier, if available. More...
(bool) - remoteRejected
 Gets a value indicating whether the connection was rejected by the remote host. More...
(NSString *) - remoteTag
 Gets the remote tag, if applicable. More...
(bool) - remoteVideoDisabled
 Gets if remote video is disabled. More...
(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *) - remoteVideoEncoding
 Gets the remote video encoding. More...
(NSMutableArray *) - remoteVideoFormats
 Gets the remote video formats. More...
(bool) - remoteVideoMuted
 Gets whether the remote video is muted. More...
(void) - removeOnAudioUnmuteDisabled:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is disabled. More...
(void) - removeOnAudioUnmuteEnabled:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is enabled. More...
(void) - removeOnAutomaticIceServers:
 Removes a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received. More...
(void) - removeOnGatheringStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes. More...
(void) - removeOnIceConnectionStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes. More...
(void) - removeOnLocalCandidate:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready. More...
(void) - removeOnLocalDescription:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the local description is ready. More...
(void) - removeOnMediaQuality:
 Removes a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality. More...
(void) - removeOnNetworkQuality:
 Removes a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality. More...
(void) - removeOnNoMediaServersAvailable:
 Removes a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available. More...
(void) - removeOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable:
 Removes a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available. More...
(void) - removeOnRecordingDisabled:
 Removes a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded. More...
(void) - removeOnRecordingEnabled:
 Removes a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded. More...
(void) - removeOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server. More...
(void) - removeOnRemoteCandidate:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready. More...
(void) - removeOnRemoteDescription:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready. More...
(void) - removeOnRemoteUpdate:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated. More...
(void) - removeOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server. More...
(void) - removeOnSignallingStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes. More...
(void) - removeOnStateChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the connection state changes. More...
(void) - removeOnStats:
 Removes a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats. More...
(void) - removeOnVideoEnabledChange:
 Removes a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled. More...
(void) - removeOnVideoUnmuteDisabled:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is disabled. More...
(void) - removeOnVideoUnmuteEnabled:
 Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is enabled. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< FMLiveSwitchMessage * > *) - sendWithMessage:
 Sends a message. More...
(void) - setBundlePolicy:
 Sets the Bundle Policy. More...
(void) - setCreateDatagramSocket:
 Sets a method that creates Datagram sockets. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs *) - setCreateDatagramSocketBlock
 Sets a method that creates Datagram sockets. More...
(void) - setCreateDatagramSocketBlock:
 Sets a method that creates Datagram sockets. More...
(void) - setCreateStreamSocket:
 Sets a method that creates Stream sockets. More...
(FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs *) - setCreateStreamSocketBlock
 Sets a method that creates Stream sockets. More...
(void) - setCreateStreamSocketBlock:
 Sets a method that creates Stream sockets. More...
(void) - setDeadStreamTimeout:
 Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before declaring the connection dead. More...
(void) - setDisableAutomaticIceServers:
 Sets whether to disable automatic ICE servers (embedded TURN). More...
(void) - setDtlsCipherSuites:
 Sets the DTLS cipher suites to use. More...
(void) - setDtlsClientVersion:
 Sets the protocol version to use when in the DTLS client role. More...
(void) - setDtlsServerMaxVersion:
 Sets the maximum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More...
(void) - setDtlsServerMinVersion:
 Sets the minimum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role. More...
(void) - setIceAddressTypes:
 Sets the ICE address types. More...
(void) - setIceGatherPolicy:
 Sets the ICE gather policy. More...
(void) - setIcePolicy:
 Sets policy indicating whether ICE is required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for this connection). More...
(void) - setIcePortRange:
 Sets the ICE port range. More...
(void) - setIceServer:
 Sets the ICE server. More...
(void) - setIceServers:
 Sets the ICE servers. More...
(void) - setKeepAliveInterval:
 Sets a value indicating how many milliseconds must elapse between STUN keep-alive binding requests. More...
(void) - setLayoutPriority:
 Sets the LayoutPriority. More...
(void) - setLayoutZone:
 Sets the LayoutZone. More...
(void) - setLocalAudioFormats:
 Sets the local audio formats. More...
(void) - setLocalDtlsCertificate:
 Sets the local DTLS certificate. More...
(void) - setLocalDtlsCertificates:
 Sets the local DTLS certificates. More...
(void) - setLocalVideoFormats:
 Sets the local video formats. More...
(void) - setMaxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff:
 Sets the maximum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(void) - setMediaId:
 Sets the media identifier. More...
(void) - setMinNoMediaServerRetryBackoff:
 Sets the mininum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(void) - setMultiplexPolicy:
 Sets the multiplex policy. More...
(void) - setNoMediaServerTimeout:
 Sets the timeout, in milliseconds, before failing a request where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(void) - setPrivateIPAddress:
 Sets the private IP address of this device. More...
(void) - setPrivateIPAddresses:
 Sets the private IP address of this device. More...
(void) - setRemoteAudioEncoding:
 Sets the remote audio encoding. More...
(void) - setRemoteAudioFormats:
 Sets the remote audio formats. More...
(void) - setRemoteAudioMuted:
 Sets whether the remote audio is muted. More...
(void) - setRemoteConnectionId:
 Sets the remote connection identifier, if available. More...
(void) - setRemoteMediaId:
 Sets the remote media identifier, if available. More...
(void) - setRemoteTag:
 Sets the remote tag, if applicable. More...
(void) - setRemoteVideoEncoding:
 Sets the remote video encoding. More...
(void) - setRemoteVideoFormats:
 Sets the remote video formats. More...
(void) - setRemoteVideoMuted:
 Sets whether the remote video is muted. More...
(void) - setStatsEventInterval:
 Sets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by addOnStats:. More...
(void) - setStatsInterval:
 Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(void) - setStatsReportInterval:
 Sets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(void) - setStunBindingRequestLimit:
 Sets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More...
(void) - setStunRequestTimeout:
 Sets the timeout for individual Stun (and Turn) request messages in ms. More...
(void) - setTag:
 Sets the tag. More...
(void) - setTcpConnectTimeout:
 Sets connection timeout for stream sockets in ms. More...
(void) - setTestReceivedRtpBuffer:
 Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) - setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock
 Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers. More...
(void) - setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock:
 Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers. More...
(void) - setTestRoundTripTime:
 Sets a fixed round-trip time (in milliseconds) to use in the network transport. More...
(void) - setTestSendingRtpBuffer:
 Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers. More...
(FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *) - setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock
 Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers. More...
(void) - setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock:
 Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers. More...
(void) - setTrickleIcePolicy:
 Sets the trickle-ICE policy. More...
(void) - setTurnAllocateRequestLimit:
 Sets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More...
(void) - setUseWebSocketsForMedia:
 Sets if we should use WebSockets for sending media. More...
(void) - setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy:
 Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
(int) - setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicyBlock
 Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
(void) - setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicyBlock:
 Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
(void) - setVideoRetentionPolicy:
 Sets the Video Retention Policy. More...
(void) - setWmsAddress:
 Sets the WMS endpoint address. More...
(void) - setWmsConnectionToken:
 Sets WMS connection token. More...
(FMLiveSwitchSignallingState) - signallingState
 Gets the state of the signalling. More...
(FMLiveSwitchConnectionState) - state
 Gets the state of the connection. More...
(int) - statsEventInterval
 Gets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by addOnStats:. More...
(int) - statsInterval
 Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(int) - statsReportInterval
 Gets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(int) - stunBindingRequestLimit
 Gets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More...
(int) - stunRequestTimeout
 Gets the timeout for individual Stun (and Turn) request messages in ms. More...
(NSString *) - tag
 Gets the tag. More...
(int) - tcpConnectTimeout
 Gets connection timeout for stream sockets in ms. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *, FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer * > *) - testReceivedRtpBuffer
 Gets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers. More...
(int) - testRoundTripTime
 Gets a fixed round-trip time (in milliseconds) to use in the network transport. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *, FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer * > *) - testSendingRtpBuffer
 Gets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers. More...
(FMLiveSwitchTrickleIcePolicy) - trickleIcePolicy
 Gets the trickle-ICE policy. More...
(bool) - trySendRtcpDataChannelWithMessage:
 Sends bitrate messages. More...
(int) - turnAllocateRequestLimit
 Gets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server. More...
(NSString *) - type
 Gets the connection type. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFuture< id > *) - updateWithConfig:
 Updates this connection. More...
(NSString *) - userId
 Gets the user identifier. More...
(bool) - useWebSocketsForMedia
 Gets if we should use WebSockets for sending media. More...
(NSString *) - videoDirection
 Gets the video direction. More...
(int) - videoEnabledConnectionUpdateAttempts
 Gets the amount of attempts this connection has made to enabled video on a connection. More...
(FMLiveSwitchFunction1< id, id > *) - videoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy
 Gets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video. More...
(FMLiveSwitchVideoRetentionPolicy) - videoRetentionPolicy
 Gets the Video Retention Policy. More...
(FMLiveSwitchVideoStream *) - videoStream
 Gets the video stream. More...
(bool) - videoUnmuteDisabled
 Gets whether the ability to unmute video is disabled. More...
(NSString *) - wmsAddress
 Gets the WMS endpoint address. More...
(NSString *) - wmsConnectionToken
 Gets WMS connection token. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from FMLiveSwitchDynamic
(NSMutableDictionary< NSString *, id > *) - dynamicProperties
 Gets all dynamic properties on this instance. More...
(id- getDynamicValueWithKey:
 Gets a property value from the local cache. More...
(instancetype) - init
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchSerializable class. More...
(void) - setDynamicValueWithKey:value:
 Sets a property value in the local cache. More...
(bool) - unsetDynamicValueWithKey:
 Removes a property value from the local cache. More...

Class Methods

(FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate *) + defaultLocalDtlsCertificate
 Gets the default local DTLS certificate. More...
(NSMutableArray *) + defaultLocalDtlsCertificates
 Gets the default local DTLS certificates. More...
(int) + defaultNoMediaServerTimeout
 Gets the default timeout, in milliseconds, before we fail the connection attempt where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(int) + defaultStatsEventInterval
 Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by addOnStats:. More...
(int) + defaultStatsInterval
 Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(int) + defaultStatsReportInterval
 Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(void) + setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificate:
 Sets the default local DTLS certificate. More...
(void) + setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificates:
 Sets the default local DTLS certificates. More...
(void) + setDefaultNoMediaServerTimeout:
 Sets the default timeout, in milliseconds, before we fail the connection attempt where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing. More...
(void) + setDefaultStatsEventInterval:
 Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by addOnStats:. More...
(void) + setDefaultStatsInterval:
 Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
(void) + setDefaultStatsReportInterval:
 Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway. More...
- Class Methods inherited from FMLiveSwitchDynamic
(FMLiveSwitchDynamic *) + dynamic
- Class Methods inherited from FMLiveSwitchSerializable
(FMLiveSwitchSerializable *) + serializable
 Initializes a new instance of the FMLiveSwitchSerializable class. More...

Detailed Description

A managed connection.

Method Documentation

◆ addOnAudioUnmuteDisabled:

- (void) addOnAudioUnmuteDisabled: (FMLiveSwitchAction0 *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is disabled.

◆ addOnAudioUnmuteEnabled:

- (void) addOnAudioUnmuteEnabled: (FMLiveSwitchAction0 *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is enabled.

◆ addOnAutomaticIceServers:

- (void) addOnAutomaticIceServers: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchIceServerCollection * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received.


  • connection - the connection
  • automaticIceServers - the automatic ICE severs collection

◆ addOnAutomaticIceServersWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection*, FMLiveSwitchIceServerCollection*) addOnAutomaticIceServersWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received.


  • connection - the connection
  • automaticIceServers - the automatic ICE severs collection

◆ addOnAutomaticIceServersWithBlock:

- (void) addOnAutomaticIceServersWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchIceServerCollection *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received.


  • connection - the connection
  • automaticIceServers - the automatic ICE severs collection

◆ addOnGatheringStateChange:

- (void) addOnGatheringStateChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ addOnGatheringStateChangeWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection*) addOnGatheringStateChangeWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ addOnGatheringStateChangeWithBlock:

- (void) addOnGatheringStateChangeWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ addOnIceConnectionStateChange:

- (void) addOnIceConnectionStateChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ addOnIceConnectionStateChangeWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection*) addOnIceConnectionStateChangeWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ addOnIceConnectionStateChangeWithBlock:

- (void) addOnIceConnectionStateChangeWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ addOnLocalCandidate:

- (void) addOnLocalCandidate: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchCandidate * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • candidate - the local candidate

◆ addOnLocalCandidateWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection*, FMLiveSwitchCandidate*) addOnLocalCandidateWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • candidate - the local candidate

◆ addOnLocalCandidateWithBlock:

- (void) addOnLocalCandidateWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchCandidate *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • candidate - the local candidate

◆ addOnLocalDescription:

- (void) addOnLocalDescription: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the local description is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • description - the local description

◆ addOnLocalDescriptionWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection*, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription*) addOnLocalDescriptionWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the local description is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • description - the local description

◆ addOnLocalDescriptionWithBlock:

- (void) addOnLocalDescriptionWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the local description is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • description - the local description

◆ addOnMediaQuality:

- (void) addOnMediaQuality: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< id > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality.

The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.

◆ addOnMediaQualityWithBlock

- (double) addOnMediaQualityWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality.

The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.

◆ addOnMediaQualityWithBlock:

- (void) addOnMediaQualityWithBlock: (void(^)(double))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality.

The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.

◆ addOnNetworkQuality:

- (void) addOnNetworkQuality: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< id > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality.

The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.

◆ addOnNetworkQualityWithBlock

- (double) addOnNetworkQualityWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality.

The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.

◆ addOnNetworkQualityWithBlock:

- (void) addOnNetworkQualityWithBlock: (void(^)(double))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality.

The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.

◆ addOnNoMediaServersAvailable:

- (void) addOnNoMediaServersAvailable: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchNoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available.

◆ addOnNoMediaServersAvailableWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available.

◆ addOnNoMediaServersAvailableWithBlock:

- (void) addOnNoMediaServersAvailableWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchNoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available.

◆ addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable:

- (void) addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available.

◆ addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection*, FMLiveSwitchNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs*) addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available.

◆ addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableWithBlock:

- (void) addOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available.

◆ addOnRecordingDisabled:

- (void) addOnRecordingDisabled: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSString * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded.

◆ addOnRecordingDisabledWithBlock

- (NSString*) addOnRecordingDisabledWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded.

◆ addOnRecordingDisabledWithBlock:

- (void) addOnRecordingDisabledWithBlock: (void(^)(NSString *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded.

◆ addOnRecordingEnabled:

- (void) addOnRecordingEnabled: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSString * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded.

◆ addOnRecordingEnabledWithBlock

- (NSString*) addOnRecordingEnabledWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded.

◆ addOnRecordingEnabledWithBlock:

- (void) addOnRecordingEnabledWithBlock: (void(^)(NSString *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded.

◆ addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch:

- (void) addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *, FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server.

◆ addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitchWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo*, FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo*) addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitchWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server.

◆ addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitchWithBlock:

- (void) addOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitchWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *, FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server.

◆ addOnRemoteCandidate:

- (void) addOnRemoteCandidate: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchCandidate * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • candidate - the remote candidate

◆ addOnRemoteCandidateWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection*, FMLiveSwitchCandidate*) addOnRemoteCandidateWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • candidate - the remote candidate

◆ addOnRemoteCandidateWithBlock:

- (void) addOnRemoteCandidateWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchCandidate *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • candidate - the remote candidate

◆ addOnRemoteDescription:

- (void) addOnRemoteDescription: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • description - the remote description

◆ addOnRemoteDescriptionWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection*, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription*) addOnRemoteDescriptionWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • description - the remote description

◆ addOnRemoteDescriptionWithBlock:

- (void) addOnRemoteDescriptionWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • description - the remote description

◆ addOnRemoteUpdate:

- (void) addOnRemoteUpdate: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo *, FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated.

◆ addOnRemoteUpdateWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo*, FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo*) addOnRemoteUpdateWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated.

◆ addOnRemoteUpdateWithBlock:

- (void) addOnRemoteUpdateWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo *, FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated.

◆ addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch:

- (void) addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *, FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server.

◆ addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitchWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo*, FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo*) addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitchWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server.

◆ addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitchWithBlock:

- (void) addOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitchWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *, FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server.

◆ addOnSignallingStateChange:

- (void) addOnSignallingStateChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ addOnSignallingStateChangeWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection*) addOnSignallingStateChangeWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ addOnSignallingStateChangeWithBlock:

- (void) addOnSignallingStateChangeWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ addOnStateChange:

- (void) addOnStateChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ addOnStateChangeWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection*) addOnStateChangeWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ addOnStateChangeWithBlock:

- (void) addOnStateChangeWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when the connection state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ addOnStats:

- (void) addOnStats: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchConnectionStats * > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats.

◆ addOnStatsWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchConnectionStats*) addOnStatsWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats.

◆ addOnStatsWithBlock:

- (void) addOnStatsWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchConnectionStats *))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats.

◆ addOnVideoEnabledChange:

- (void) addOnVideoEnabledChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, id > *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled.

Due to connection constrainsts. Parameters:

  • connection - the connection
  • videoEnabled - the value indicating true if the video has been enabled or false for disabled.

◆ addOnVideoEnabledChangeWithBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection*, bool) addOnVideoEnabledChangeWithBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled.

Due to connection constrainsts. Parameters:

  • connection - the connection
  • videoEnabled - the value indicating true if the video has been enabled or false for disabled.

◆ addOnVideoEnabledChangeWithBlock:

- (void) addOnVideoEnabledChangeWithBlock: (void(^)(FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, bool))  valueBlock

Adds a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled.

Due to connection constrainsts. Parameters:

  • connection - the connection
  • videoEnabled - the value indicating true if the video has been enabled or false for disabled.

◆ addOnVideoUnmuteDisabled:

- (void) addOnVideoUnmuteDisabled: (FMLiveSwitchAction0 *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is disabled.

◆ addOnVideoUnmuteEnabled:

- (void) addOnVideoUnmuteEnabled: (FMLiveSwitchAction0 *)  value

Adds a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is enabled.

◆ applicationId

- (NSString*) applicationId

Gets the application identifier.

◆ audioDirection

- (NSString*) audioDirection

Gets the audio direction.

Null if disabled.

◆ audioStream

- (FMLiveSwitchAudioStream*) audioStream

Gets the audio stream.

◆ audioUnmuteDisabled

- (bool) audioUnmuteDisabled

Gets whether the ability to unmute audio is disabled.

◆ bundlePolicy

- (FMLiveSwitchBundlePolicy) bundlePolicy

Gets the Bundle Policy.

◆ canonicalName

- (NSString*) canonicalName

Gets the connection's canonical name.

Use MediaStream.LocalCanonicalName instead.

◆ channelId

- (NSString*) channelId

Gets the channel identifier.

◆ clientId

- (NSString*) clientId

Gets the client identifier.

◆ close

- (FMLiveSwitchFuture<id>*) close

Closes the connection.

◆ config

Gets the current configuration.

◆ createDatagramSocket

- (FMLiveSwitchFunction1<FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs*,FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocket*>*) createDatagramSocket

Gets a method that creates Datagram sockets.

Optional. If not set, default OS UDP socket is used.

◆ createStreamSocket

- (FMLiveSwitchFunction1<FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs*,FMLiveSwitchStreamSocket*>*) createStreamSocket

Gets a method that creates Stream sockets.

Optional. If not set, default OS TCP socket is used.

◆ dataDirection

- (NSString*) dataDirection

Gets the data direction.

Null if disabled.

◆ dataStream

- (FMLiveSwitchDataStream*) dataStream

Gets the data stream.

◆ deadStreamTimeout

- (int) deadStreamTimeout

Gets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before declaring the connection dead.

When there are no candidate pairs connected, the timer will start. When a candidate pair becomes connected the timer will be reset and stopped. If no candidate pairs become connected before the timeout is reached, the state of the connection will change to failed. Defaults to 15,000.

◆ defaultLocalDtlsCertificate

+ (FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate*) defaultLocalDtlsCertificate

Gets the default local DTLS certificate.

◆ defaultLocalDtlsCertificates

+ (NSMutableArray*) defaultLocalDtlsCertificates

Gets the default local DTLS certificates.

◆ defaultNoMediaServerTimeout

+ (int) defaultNoMediaServerTimeout

Gets the default timeout, in milliseconds, before we fail the connection attempt where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.

The default value is 120,000 (2 minutes).

◆ defaultStatsEventInterval

+ (int) defaultStatsEventInterval

Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by addOnStats:.

The default value is 1,000 (1 second).

◆ defaultStatsInterval

+ (int) defaultStatsInterval

Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.

The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).

Use DefaultStatsReportInterval instead.

◆ defaultStatsReportInterval

+ (int) defaultStatsReportInterval

Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.

The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).

◆ detachInternalEventHandlers

- (void) detachInternalEventHandlers

Detaches internal event handlers.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchServerConnection, and FMLiveSwitchPeerConnection.

◆ deviceId

- (NSString*) deviceId

Gets the device identifier.

◆ disableAutomaticIceServers

- (bool) disableAutomaticIceServers

Gets whether to disable automatic ICE servers (embedded TURN).

◆ doCreateCandidateMessageWithCandidate:

- (FMLiveSwitchMessage*) doCreateCandidateMessageWithCandidate: (FMLiveSwitchCandidate *)  candidate

Creates a candidate message.

candidateThe candidate.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchServerConnection, and FMLiveSwitchPeerConnection.

◆ doCreateCloseMessage

- (FMLiveSwitchMessage*) doCreateCloseMessage

Creates a close message.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchServerConnection, and FMLiveSwitchPeerConnection.

◆ doCreateUpdateMessageWithConfig:

- (FMLiveSwitchMessage*) doCreateUpdateMessageWithConfig: (FMLiveSwitchConnectionConfig *)  config

Creates an update message.

configThe connection config.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchPeerConnection.

◆ doCreateUseWebSocketServiceMessage

- (FMLiveSwitchMessage*) doCreateUseWebSocketServiceMessage

Create the message to use WebSockets for media.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchSfuUpstreamConnection, and FMLiveSwitchSfuDownstreamConnection.

◆ doOpen

- (void) doOpen

Opens the connection.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchServerConnection, and FMLiveSwitchPeerConnection.

◆ doProcessMessage:

- (void) doProcessMessage: (FMLiveSwitchMessage *)  message

Processes a message.

messageThe message.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchServerConnection, and FMLiveSwitchPeerConnection.

◆ dtlsCipherSuites

- (NSMutableArray*) dtlsCipherSuites

Gets the DTLS cipher suites to use.

Defaults to: DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheEcdsaAes128Sha, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheEcdsaAes128GcmSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheEcdsaAes128CbcSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheRsaAes128Sha, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheRsaAes128GcmSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheRsaAes128CbcSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.RsaAes128Sha, DtlsCipherSuite.RsaAes128GcmSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.RsaAes128CbcSha256,

◆ dtlsClientVersion

- (FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) dtlsClientVersion

Gets the protocol version to use when in the DTLS client role.

Defaults to FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersionDtls10.

◆ dtlsServerMaxVersion

- (FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) dtlsServerMaxVersion

Gets the maximum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role.

Defaults to FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersionDtls12.

◆ dtlsServerMinVersion

- (FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion) dtlsServerMinVersion

Gets the minimum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role.

Defaults to FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersionDtls10.

◆ error

- (FMLiveSwitchError*) error

Gets the error, if an error exists.

◆ externalId

- (NSString*) externalId

Gets the external connection identifier.

◆ gatheringState

- (FMLiveSwitchIceGatheringState) gatheringState

Gets the state of the ice gathering.

◆ getStats

Gets the current connection stats.

◆ hasAudio

- (bool) hasAudio

Gets whether this connection has an audio stream.

◆ hasData

- (bool) hasData

Gets whether this connection has a data stream.

◆ hasVideo

- (bool) hasVideo

Gets whether this connection has a video stream.

◆ iceAddressTypes

- (NSMutableArray*) iceAddressTypes

Gets the ICE address types.

◆ iceConnectionState

- (FMLiveSwitchIceConnectionState) iceConnectionState

Gets the state of the ice connection.

◆ iceGatherPolicy

- (FMLiveSwitchIceGatherPolicy) iceGatherPolicy

Gets the ICE gather policy.

◆ icePolicy

- (FMLiveSwitchIcePolicy) icePolicy

Gets policy indicating whether ICE is required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for this connection).

◆ icePortRange

- (FMLiveSwitchIcePortRange*) icePortRange

Gets the ICE port range.

◆ iceRole

- (FMLiveSwitchIceRole) iceRole

Gets the ICE role.

◆ iceServer

- (FMLiveSwitchIceServer*) iceServer

Gets the ICE server.

◆ iceServers

- (NSMutableArray*) iceServers

Gets the ICE servers.

◆ id

- (NSString*) id

Gets the connection identifier.

◆ info

Gets the connection info.

◆ internalRtcpDataChannel

- (FMLiveSwitchDataChannel*) internalRtcpDataChannel

Gets Data Channel for inband signalling.

◆ isMediaDirectionAllowedWithDirection:

- (bool) isMediaDirectionAllowedWithDirection: (NSString *)  direction

Gets a value indicating whether the given direction is allowed for this connection.

directionThe direction.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchSfuUpstreamConnection, FMLiveSwitchSfuDownstreamConnection, FMLiveSwitchPeerConnection, and FMLiveSwitchMcuConnection.

◆ keepAliveInterval

- (int) keepAliveInterval

Gets a value indicating how many milliseconds must elapse between STUN keep-alive binding requests.

Defaults to 1000.

◆ layoutPriority

- (FMLiveSwitchNullableInt*) layoutPriority

Gets the LayoutPriority.

◆ layoutZone

- (NSString*) layoutZone

Gets the LayoutZone.

◆ localAudioDirection

- (NSString*) localAudioDirection

Gets the local audio direction.

Null if disabled.

◆ localAudioDisabled

- (bool) localAudioDisabled

Gets if local audio is disabled.

◆ localAudioFormats

- (NSMutableArray*) localAudioFormats

Gets the local audio formats.

◆ localAudioMuted

- (bool) localAudioMuted

Gets whether the local audio is muted.

◆ localDataDirection

- (NSString*) localDataDirection

Gets the local data direction.

Null if disabled.

◆ localDataDisabled

- (bool) localDataDisabled

Gets if local data is disabled.

◆ localDescription

- (FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription*) localDescription

Gets the local description.

◆ localDtlsCertificate

- (FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate*) localDtlsCertificate

Gets the local DTLS certificate.

◆ localDtlsCertificates

- (NSMutableArray*) localDtlsCertificates

Gets the local DTLS certificates.

◆ localVideoDirection

- (NSString*) localVideoDirection

Gets the local video direction.

Null if disabled.

◆ localVideoDisabled

- (bool) localVideoDisabled

Gets if local video is disabled.

◆ localVideoFormats

- (NSMutableArray*) localVideoFormats

Gets the local video formats.

◆ localVideoMuted

- (bool) localVideoMuted

Gets whether the local video is muted.

◆ maxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff

- (int) maxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff

Gets the maximum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.

The default value is 1500ms.

◆ mediaId

- (NSString*) mediaId

Gets the media identifier.

◆ mediaProtocol

- (FMLiveSwitchMediaProtocol) mediaProtocol

Gets the media protocol in use on this connection.

◆ mediaQuality

- (double) mediaQuality

Gets the current estimated media quality.

The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.

◆ minNoMediaServerRetryBackoff

- (int) minNoMediaServerRetryBackoff

Gets the mininum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.

The default value is 1000ms.

◆ multiplexPolicy

- (FMLiveSwitchMultiplexPolicy) multiplexPolicy

Gets the multiplex policy.

◆ networkQuality

- (double) networkQuality

Gets the current estimated network quality.

The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.

◆ noMediaServerTimeout

- (int) noMediaServerTimeout

Gets the timeout, in milliseconds, before failing a request where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.

◆ open

- (FMLiveSwitchFuture<id>*) open

Opens the connection.

◆ privateIPAddress

- (NSString*) privateIPAddress

Gets the private IP address of this device.

If set, this will bypass the local network discovery and use this as the sole host candidate.

◆ privateIPAddresses

- (NSMutableArray*) privateIPAddresses

Gets the private IP address of this device.

If set, this will bypass the local network discovery and use this as the sole host candidate.

◆ processAnswerWithMessage:

- (void) processAnswerWithMessage: (FMLiveSwitchMessage *)  message

Processes an answer.

messageThe message.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchServerConnection, and FMLiveSwitchPeerConnection.

◆ processErrorWithMessage:

- (void) processErrorWithMessage: (FMLiveSwitchMessage *)  message

Processes an error message.

messageThe message.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchServerConnection, and FMLiveSwitchPeerConnection.

◆ processIceServersWithMessage:

- (void) processIceServersWithMessage: (FMLiveSwitchMessage *)  message

Processes an iceServers message.

messageThe message.

◆ processLocalError:

- (void) processLocalError: (FMLiveSwitchError *)  error

Processes a local failure.

errorThe error.

◆ processMediaIntentResponseWithMessage:

- (void) processMediaIntentResponseWithMessage: (FMLiveSwitchMessage *)  message

Processes an iceServers message.

messageThe message.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchServerConnection.

◆ processRtcpDataChannelSignallingActivationWithMessage:

- (void) processRtcpDataChannelSignallingActivationWithMessage: (FMLiveSwitchMessage *)  message

Processes inband signalling activation.


Implemented in FMLiveSwitchServerConnection.

◆ processSimulcastNotificationWithMessage:

- (void) processSimulcastNotificationWithMessage: (FMLiveSwitchMessage *)  message

Processes a simulcast notification.

messageThe simulcast notificaiton message.

◆ raiseAudioBitrateNotificationWithAudioStream:bitrateNotification:

- (void) raiseAudioBitrateNotificationWithAudioStream: (FMLiveSwitchAudioStream *)  audioStream
bitrateNotification: (FMLiveSwitchBitrateNotification *)  bitrateNotification 

Raises an audio bitrate notification.

audioStreamThe audio stream.
bitrateNotificationThe bitrate notification.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchServerConnection.

◆ raiseAudioBitrateRequestWithAudioStream:bitrateRequest:

- (void) raiseAudioBitrateRequestWithAudioStream: (FMLiveSwitchAudioStream *)  audioStream
bitrateRequest: (FMLiveSwitchBitrateRequest *)  bitrateRequest 

Raises an audio bitrate request.

audioStreamThe audio stream.
bitrateRequestThe bitrate request.

◆ raiseLocalCandidate:

- (void) raiseLocalCandidate: (FMLiveSwitchCandidate *)  localCandidate

Raises a local candidate.

localCandidateThe local candidate.

◆ raiseNoMediaServersAvailableWithArgs:

- (void) raiseNoMediaServersAvailableWithArgs: (FMLiveSwitchNoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs *)  args

Raises the OnNoMediaServersAvailable event.

◆ raiseNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableWithArgs:

- (void) raiseNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableWithArgs: (FMLiveSwitchNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs *)  args

Raises the OnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable event.

◆ raiseRemoteCandidate:

- (void) raiseRemoteCandidate: (FMLiveSwitchCandidate *)  remoteCandidate

Raises a remote candidate.

remoteCandidateThe remote candidate.

◆ raiseVideoBitrateNotificationWithVideoStream:bitrateNotification:

- (void) raiseVideoBitrateNotificationWithVideoStream: (FMLiveSwitchVideoStream *)  videoStream
bitrateNotification: (FMLiveSwitchBitrateNotification *)  bitrateNotification 

Raises a video bitrate notification.

videoStreamThe video stream.
bitrateNotificationThe bitrate notification.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchServerConnection.

◆ raiseVideoBitrateRequestWithVideoStream:bitrateRequest:

- (void) raiseVideoBitrateRequestWithVideoStream: (FMLiveSwitchVideoStream *)  videoStream
bitrateRequest: (FMLiveSwitchBitrateRequest *)  bitrateRequest 

Raises a video bitrate request.

videoStreamThe video stream.
bitrateRequestThe bitrate request.

◆ randomizer

- (FMLiveSwitchRandomizer*) randomizer

Gets a randomizer for backoff timers.

◆ recordingEnabled

- (bool) recordingEnabled

Gets whether this connection is being recorded.

◆ remoteAudioDisabled

- (bool) remoteAudioDisabled

Gets if remote audio is disabled.

◆ remoteAudioEncoding

- (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo*) remoteAudioEncoding

Gets the remote audio encoding.

◆ remoteAudioFormats

- (NSMutableArray*) remoteAudioFormats

Gets the remote audio formats.

◆ remoteAudioMuted

- (bool) remoteAudioMuted

Gets whether the remote audio is muted.

◆ remoteClosed

- (bool) remoteClosed

Gets a value indicating whether the connection was closed by the remote host.

◆ remoteConnectionId

- (NSString*) remoteConnectionId

Gets the remote connection identifier, if available.

◆ remoteDataDisabled

- (bool) remoteDataDisabled

Gets if remote data is disabled.

◆ remoteDescription

- (FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription*) remoteDescription

Gets the remote description.

◆ remoteMediaId

- (NSString*) remoteMediaId

Gets the remote media identifier, if available.

◆ remoteRejected

- (bool) remoteRejected

Gets a value indicating whether the connection was rejected by the remote host.

◆ remoteTag

- (NSString*) remoteTag

Gets the remote tag, if applicable.

◆ remoteVideoDisabled

- (bool) remoteVideoDisabled

Gets if remote video is disabled.

◆ remoteVideoEncoding

- (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo*) remoteVideoEncoding

Gets the remote video encoding.

◆ remoteVideoFormats

- (NSMutableArray*) remoteVideoFormats

Gets the remote video formats.

◆ remoteVideoMuted

- (bool) remoteVideoMuted

Gets whether the remote video is muted.

◆ removeOnAudioUnmuteDisabled:

- (void) removeOnAudioUnmuteDisabled: (FMLiveSwitchAction0 *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is disabled.

◆ removeOnAudioUnmuteEnabled:

- (void) removeOnAudioUnmuteEnabled: (FMLiveSwitchAction0 *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute audio is enabled.

◆ removeOnAutomaticIceServers:

- (void) removeOnAutomaticIceServers: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchIceServerCollection * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when automatic ICE servers have been received.


  • connection - the connection
  • automaticIceServers - the automatic ICE severs collection

◆ removeOnGatheringStateChange:

- (void) removeOnGatheringStateChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the ICE gathering state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ removeOnIceConnectionStateChange:

- (void) removeOnIceConnectionStateChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the ICE connection state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ removeOnLocalCandidate:

- (void) removeOnLocalCandidate: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchCandidate * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when a local candidate is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • candidate - the local candidate

◆ removeOnLocalDescription:

- (void) removeOnLocalDescription: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the local description is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • description - the local description

◆ removeOnMediaQuality:

- (void) removeOnMediaQuality: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< id > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated media quality.

The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.

◆ removeOnNetworkQuality:

- (void) removeOnNetworkQuality: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< id > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current estimated network quality.

The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the lowest quality and 1.0 is the highest quality.

◆ removeOnNoMediaServersAvailable:

- (void) removeOnNoMediaServersAvailable: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchNoMediaServersAvailableEventArgs * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when there are no Media Servers available.

◆ removeOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable:

- (void) removeOnNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailable: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchNoWebSocketMediaServersAvailableEventArgs * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when there are no WebSocket Media Servers available.

◆ removeOnRecordingDisabled:

- (void) removeOnRecordingDisabled: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSString * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when this connection is no longer being recorded.

◆ removeOnRecordingEnabled:

- (void) removeOnRecordingEnabled: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< NSString * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when this connection is being recorded.

◆ removeOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch:

- (void) removeOnRemoteAudioEncodingSwitch: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *, FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the remote audio encoding is switched by the server.

◆ removeOnRemoteCandidate:

- (void) removeOnRemoteCandidate: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchCandidate * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when a remote candidate is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • candidate - the remote candidate

◆ removeOnRemoteDescription:

- (void) removeOnRemoteDescription: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, FMLiveSwitchSessionDescription * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the remote description is ready.


  • connection - the connection
  • description - the remote description

◆ removeOnRemoteUpdate:

- (void) removeOnRemoteUpdate: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo *, FMLiveSwitchConnectionInfo * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when a remote connection has been updated.

◆ removeOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch:

- (void) removeOnRemoteVideoEncodingSwitch: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *, FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the remote video encoding is switched by the server.

◆ removeOnSignallingStateChange:

- (void) removeOnSignallingStateChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the signalling state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ removeOnStateChange:

- (void) removeOnStateChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the connection state changes.


  • connection - the connection

◆ removeOnStats:

- (void) removeOnStats: (FMLiveSwitchAction1< FMLiveSwitchConnectionStats * > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised every statsEventInterval milliseconds with the current connection stats.

◆ removeOnVideoEnabledChange:

- (void) removeOnVideoEnabledChange: (FMLiveSwitchAction2< FMLiveSwitchManagedConnection *, id > *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when a connection has it's video state changed from disabled or enabled.

Due to connection constrainsts. Parameters:

  • connection - the connection
  • videoEnabled - the value indicating true if the video has been enabled or false for disabled.

◆ removeOnVideoUnmuteDisabled:

- (void) removeOnVideoUnmuteDisabled: (FMLiveSwitchAction0 *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is disabled.

◆ removeOnVideoUnmuteEnabled:

- (void) removeOnVideoUnmuteEnabled: (FMLiveSwitchAction0 *)  value

Removes a handler that is raised when the ability to unmute video is enabled.

◆ sendWithMessage:

- (FMLiveSwitchFuture<FMLiveSwitchMessage*>*) sendWithMessage: (FMLiveSwitchMessage *)  message

Sends a message.

messageThe message.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchServerConnection, and FMLiveSwitchPeerConnection.

◆ setBundlePolicy:

- (void) setBundlePolicy: (FMLiveSwitchBundlePolicy)  value

Sets the Bundle Policy.

◆ setCreateDatagramSocket:

- (void) setCreateDatagramSocket: (FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs *, FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocket * > *)  value

Sets a method that creates Datagram sockets.

Optional. If not set, default OS UDP socket is used.

◆ setCreateDatagramSocketBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs*) setCreateDatagramSocketBlock

Sets a method that creates Datagram sockets.

Optional. If not set, default OS UDP socket is used.

◆ setCreateDatagramSocketBlock:

- (void) setCreateDatagramSocketBlock: (FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocket *(^)(FMLiveSwitchDatagramSocketCreateArgs *))  valueBlock

Sets a method that creates Datagram sockets.

Optional. If not set, default OS UDP socket is used.

◆ setCreateStreamSocket:

- (void) setCreateStreamSocket: (FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs *, FMLiveSwitchStreamSocket * > *)  value

Sets a method that creates Stream sockets.

Optional. If not set, default OS TCP socket is used.

◆ setCreateStreamSocketBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs*) setCreateStreamSocketBlock

Sets a method that creates Stream sockets.

Optional. If not set, default OS TCP socket is used.

◆ setCreateStreamSocketBlock:

- (void) setCreateStreamSocketBlock: (FMLiveSwitchStreamSocket *(^)(FMLiveSwitchStreamSocketCreateArgs *))  valueBlock

Sets a method that creates Stream sockets.

Optional. If not set, default OS TCP socket is used.

◆ setDeadStreamTimeout:

- (void) setDeadStreamTimeout: (int)  value

Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before declaring the connection dead.

When there are no candidate pairs connected, the timer will start. When a candidate pair becomes connected the timer will be reset and stopped. If no candidate pairs become connected before the timeout is reached, the state of the connection will change to failed. Defaults to 15,000.

◆ setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificate:

+ (void) setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificate: (FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate *)  value

Sets the default local DTLS certificate.

◆ setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificates:

+ (void) setDefaultLocalDtlsCertificates: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets the default local DTLS certificates.

◆ setDefaultNoMediaServerTimeout:

+ (void) setDefaultNoMediaServerTimeout: (int)  value

Sets the default timeout, in milliseconds, before we fail the connection attempt where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.

The default value is 120,000 (2 minutes).

◆ setDefaultStatsEventInterval:

+ (void) setDefaultStatsEventInterval: (int)  value

Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by addOnStats:.

The default value is 1,000 (1 second).

◆ setDefaultStatsInterval:

+ (void) setDefaultStatsInterval: (int)  value

Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.

The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).

Use DefaultStatsReportInterval instead.

◆ setDefaultStatsReportInterval:

+ (void) setDefaultStatsReportInterval: (int)  value

Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.

The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).

◆ setDisableAutomaticIceServers:

- (void) setDisableAutomaticIceServers: (bool)  value

Sets whether to disable automatic ICE servers (embedded TURN).

◆ setDtlsCipherSuites:

- (void) setDtlsCipherSuites: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets the DTLS cipher suites to use.

Defaults to: DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheEcdsaAes128Sha, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheEcdsaAes128GcmSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheEcdsaAes128CbcSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheRsaAes128Sha, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheRsaAes128GcmSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.EcdheRsaAes128CbcSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.RsaAes128Sha, DtlsCipherSuite.RsaAes128GcmSha256, DtlsCipherSuite.RsaAes128CbcSha256,

◆ setDtlsClientVersion:

- (void) setDtlsClientVersion: (FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion)  value

Sets the protocol version to use when in the DTLS client role.

Defaults to FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersionDtls10.

◆ setDtlsServerMaxVersion:

- (void) setDtlsServerMaxVersion: (FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion)  value

Sets the maximum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role.

Defaults to FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersionDtls12.

◆ setDtlsServerMinVersion:

- (void) setDtlsServerMinVersion: (FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersion)  value

Sets the minimum protocol version to allow when in the DTLS server role.

Defaults to FMLiveSwitchDtlsProtocolVersionDtls10.

◆ setIceAddressTypes:

- (void) setIceAddressTypes: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets the ICE address types.

◆ setIceGatherPolicy:

- (void) setIceGatherPolicy: (FMLiveSwitchIceGatherPolicy)  value

Sets the ICE gather policy.

◆ setIcePolicy:

- (void) setIcePolicy: (FMLiveSwitchIcePolicy)  value

Sets policy indicating whether ICE is required (and enabled) or disabled (and not required for this connection).

◆ setIcePortRange:

- (void) setIcePortRange: (FMLiveSwitchIcePortRange *)  value

Sets the ICE port range.

◆ setIceServer:

- (void) setIceServer: (FMLiveSwitchIceServer *)  value

Sets the ICE server.

◆ setIceServers:

- (void) setIceServers: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets the ICE servers.

◆ setKeepAliveInterval:

- (void) setKeepAliveInterval: (int)  value

Sets a value indicating how many milliseconds must elapse between STUN keep-alive binding requests.

Defaults to 1000.

◆ setLayoutPriority:

- (void) setLayoutPriority: (FMLiveSwitchNullableInt *)  value

Sets the LayoutPriority.

◆ setLayoutZone:

- (void) setLayoutZone: (NSString *)  value

Sets the LayoutZone.

◆ setLocalAudioFormats:

- (void) setLocalAudioFormats: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets the local audio formats.

◆ setLocalDtlsCertificate:

- (void) setLocalDtlsCertificate: (FMLiveSwitchDtlsCertificate *)  value

Sets the local DTLS certificate.

◆ setLocalDtlsCertificates:

- (void) setLocalDtlsCertificates: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets the local DTLS certificates.

◆ setLocalVideoFormats:

- (void) setLocalVideoFormats: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets the local video formats.

◆ setMaxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff:

- (void) setMaxNoMediaServerRetryBackoff: (int)  value

Sets the maximum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.

The default value is 1500ms.

◆ setMediaId:

- (void) setMediaId: (NSString *)  value

Sets the media identifier.

◆ setMinNoMediaServerRetryBackoff:

- (void) setMinNoMediaServerRetryBackoff: (int)  value

Sets the mininum retry backoff timeout, in milliseconds, before we retry a request after receiving no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.

The default value is 1000ms.

◆ setMultiplexPolicy:

- (void) setMultiplexPolicy: (FMLiveSwitchMultiplexPolicy)  value

Sets the multiplex policy.

◆ setNoMediaServerTimeout:

- (void) setNoMediaServerTimeout: (int)  value

Sets the timeout, in milliseconds, before failing a request where no Media Servers are available for either ICE servers or SFU/MCU offer processing.

◆ setPrivateIPAddress:

- (void) setPrivateIPAddress: (NSString *)  value

Sets the private IP address of this device.

If set, this will bypass the local network discovery and use this as the sole host candidate.

◆ setPrivateIPAddresses:

- (void) setPrivateIPAddresses: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets the private IP address of this device.

If set, this will bypass the local network discovery and use this as the sole host candidate.

◆ setRemoteAudioEncoding:

- (void) setRemoteAudioEncoding: (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *)  value

Sets the remote audio encoding.

◆ setRemoteAudioFormats:

- (void) setRemoteAudioFormats: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets the remote audio formats.

◆ setRemoteAudioMuted:

- (void) setRemoteAudioMuted: (bool)  value

Sets whether the remote audio is muted.

◆ setRemoteConnectionId:

- (void) setRemoteConnectionId: (NSString *)  value

Sets the remote connection identifier, if available.

◆ setRemoteMediaId:

- (void) setRemoteMediaId: (NSString *)  value

Sets the remote media identifier, if available.

◆ setRemoteTag:

- (void) setRemoteTag: (NSString *)  value

Sets the remote tag, if applicable.

◆ setRemoteVideoEncoding:

- (void) setRemoteVideoEncoding: (FMLiveSwitchEncodingInfo *)  value

Sets the remote video encoding.

◆ setRemoteVideoFormats:

- (void) setRemoteVideoFormats: (NSMutableArray *)  value

Sets the remote video formats.

◆ setRemoteVideoMuted:

- (void) setRemoteVideoMuted: (bool)  value

Sets whether the remote video is muted.

◆ setStatsEventInterval:

- (void) setStatsEventInterval: (int)  value

Sets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by addOnStats:.

The default value is 1000 (1 second).

◆ setStatsInterval:

- (void) setStatsInterval: (int)  value

Sets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.

The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).

Use StatsReportInterval instead.

◆ setStatsReportInterval:

- (void) setStatsReportInterval: (int)  value

Sets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.

The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).

◆ setStunBindingRequestLimit:

- (void) setStunBindingRequestLimit: (int)  value

Sets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server.

◆ setStunRequestTimeout:

- (void) setStunRequestTimeout: (int)  value

Sets the timeout for individual Stun (and Turn) request messages in ms.

◆ setTag:

- (void) setTag: (NSString *)  value

Sets the tag.

◆ setTcpConnectTimeout:

- (void) setTcpConnectTimeout: (int)  value

Sets connection timeout for stream sockets in ms.

◆ setTestReceivedRtpBuffer:

- (void) setTestReceivedRtpBuffer: (FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *, FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer * > *)  value

Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers.

FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. Returning null will cause the buffer to be discarded.

◆ setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer*) setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock

Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers.

FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. Returning null will cause the buffer to be discarded.

◆ setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock:

- (void) setTestReceivedRtpBufferBlock: (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *(^)(FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *))  valueBlock

Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers.

FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. Returning null will cause the buffer to be discarded.

◆ setTestRoundTripTime:

- (void) setTestRoundTripTime: (int)  value

Sets a fixed round-trip time (in milliseconds) to use in the network transport.

FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. Defaults to -1, which indicates that normal round-trip time calculations should be used.

◆ setTestSendingRtpBuffer:

- (void) setTestSendingRtpBuffer: (FMLiveSwitchFunction1< FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *, FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer * > *)  value

Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers.

FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. Returning null will cause the buffer to be discarded.

◆ setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock

- (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer*) setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock

Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers.

FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. Returning null will cause the buffer to be discarded.

◆ setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock:

- (void) setTestSendingRtpBufferBlock: (FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *(^)(FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer *))  valueBlock

Sets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers.

FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. Returning null will cause the buffer to be discarded.

◆ setTrickleIcePolicy:

- (void) setTrickleIcePolicy: (FMLiveSwitchTrickleIcePolicy)  value

Sets the trickle-ICE policy.

◆ setTurnAllocateRequestLimit:

- (void) setTurnAllocateRequestLimit: (int)  value

Sets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server.

◆ setUseWebSocketsForMedia:

- (void) setUseWebSocketsForMedia: (bool)  value

Sets if we should use WebSockets for sending media.

◆ setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy:

- (void) setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy: (FMLiveSwitchFunction1< id, id > *)  value

Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video.

Optional. If not set, default policy will be used. Takes in an interger parameter that represents the amount of attempts already tried. Will return an interger value as a time period in seconds for how long to wait for the next attempt or -1 for no more attempts.

◆ setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicyBlock

- (int) setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicyBlock

Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video.

Optional. If not set, default policy will be used. Takes in an interger parameter that represents the amount of attempts already tried. Will return an interger value as a time period in seconds for how long to wait for the next attempt or -1 for no more attempts.

◆ setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicyBlock:

- (void) setVideoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicyBlock: (int(^)(int))  valueBlock

Sets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video.

Optional. If not set, default policy will be used. Takes in an interger parameter that represents the amount of attempts already tried. Will return an interger value as a time period in seconds for how long to wait for the next attempt or -1 for no more attempts.

◆ setVideoRetentionPolicy:

- (void) setVideoRetentionPolicy: (FMLiveSwitchVideoRetentionPolicy)  value

Sets the Video Retention Policy.

This will determine how we will handle video on the connection when the connection is of poor quality.

◆ setWmsAddress:

- (void) setWmsAddress: (NSString *)  value

Sets the WMS endpoint address.

◆ setWmsConnectionToken:

- (void) setWmsConnectionToken: (NSString *)  value

Sets WMS connection token.

◆ signallingState

- (FMLiveSwitchSignallingState) signallingState

Gets the state of the signalling.

◆ state

- (FMLiveSwitchConnectionState) state

Gets the state of the connection.

◆ statsEventInterval

- (int) statsEventInterval

Gets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats events raised locally by addOnStats:.

The default value is 1000 (1 second).

◆ statsInterval

- (int) statsInterval

Gets the default interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.

The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).

Use StatsReportInterval instead.

◆ statsReportInterval

- (int) statsReportInterval

Gets the interval, in milliseconds, between stats reports sent to the Gateway.

The default value is 10,000 (10 seconds).

◆ stunBindingRequestLimit

- (int) stunBindingRequestLimit

Gets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server.

◆ stunRequestTimeout

- (int) stunRequestTimeout

Gets the timeout for individual Stun (and Turn) request messages in ms.

◆ tag

- (NSString*) tag

Gets the tag.

◆ tcpConnectTimeout

- (int) tcpConnectTimeout

Gets connection timeout for stream sockets in ms.

◆ testReceivedRtpBuffer

- (FMLiveSwitchFunction1<FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer*,FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer*>*) testReceivedRtpBuffer

Gets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify inbound RTP buffers.

FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. Returning null will cause the buffer to be discarded.

◆ testRoundTripTime

- (int) testRoundTripTime

Gets a fixed round-trip time (in milliseconds) to use in the network transport.

FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. Defaults to -1, which indicates that normal round-trip time calculations should be used.

◆ testSendingRtpBuffer

- (FMLiveSwitchFunction1<FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer*,FMLiveSwitchDataBuffer*>*) testSendingRtpBuffer

Gets a method that can be used to test and optionally modify outbound RTP buffers.

FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. Returning null will cause the buffer to be discarded.

◆ trickleIcePolicy

- (FMLiveSwitchTrickleIcePolicy) trickleIcePolicy

Gets the trickle-ICE policy.

◆ trySendRtcpDataChannelWithMessage:

- (bool) trySendRtcpDataChannelWithMessage: (FMLiveSwitchMessage *)  message

Sends bitrate messages.

messageThe message to send.

Implemented in FMLiveSwitchServerConnection.

◆ turnAllocateRequestLimit

- (int) turnAllocateRequestLimit

Gets the limit on the the number of Turn Allocate request messages when trying to establish allocation on a Turn server.

◆ type

- (NSString*) type

Gets the connection type.

◆ updateWithConfig:

- (FMLiveSwitchFuture<id>*) updateWithConfig: (FMLiveSwitchConnectionConfig *)  config

Updates this connection.

configThe connection configuration.
A future that resolves when the connection has been updated.

◆ userId

- (NSString*) userId

Gets the user identifier.

◆ useWebSocketsForMedia

- (bool) useWebSocketsForMedia

Gets if we should use WebSockets for sending media.

◆ videoDirection

- (NSString*) videoDirection

Gets the video direction.

Null if disabled.

◆ videoEnabledConnectionUpdateAttempts

- (int) videoEnabledConnectionUpdateAttempts

Gets the amount of attempts this connection has made to enabled video on a connection.

These attempts happen after the connection has been updated to disabled video due to network constraints.

◆ videoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy

- (FMLiveSwitchFunction1<id,id>*) videoEnabledUpdateConnectionPolicy

Gets a method that determines when to enable video again on a connection that dynamically disables video.

Optional. If not set, default policy will be used. Takes in an interger parameter that represents the amount of attempts already tried. Will return an interger value as a time period in seconds for how long to wait for the next attempt or -1 for no more attempts.

◆ videoRetentionPolicy

- (FMLiveSwitchVideoRetentionPolicy) videoRetentionPolicy

Gets the Video Retention Policy.

This will determine how we will handle video on the connection when the connection is of poor quality.

◆ videoStream

- (FMLiveSwitchVideoStream*) videoStream

Gets the video stream.

◆ videoUnmuteDisabled

- (bool) videoUnmuteDisabled

Gets whether the ability to unmute video is disabled.

◆ wmsAddress

- (NSString*) wmsAddress

Gets the WMS endpoint address.

◆ wmsConnectionToken

- (NSString*) wmsConnectionToken

Gets WMS connection token.